General Discussion

General DiscussionLow MMR WR player that streams looking to improve.

Low MMR WR player that streams looking to improve. in General Discussion
[K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

    So I started dota a few months ago and when I was level 13 i tried out ranked matches too see what they where like without really getting to know the game. So now I am in MMR hell. What I mean by that is. My playing doesn't seem too matter when my team is too busy infighting and bickering over everything. We lost games to some dumb stuff. Now not all games are like this. But it's making life hard to raise that mmr.

    But I have not given up. I really like playing WR. Very flexible hero, I find that in most 'wins' I am doing the support role. Trying to get people not too fight or quit and give up when something goes wrong. But this seems like a slow painful process. Now I am not saying I am the best player out there. There is lots I can improve on. Like getting better at last hitting etc... But looking for advice on getting the mmr up and out of the basement.

    It was below 1K now I managed to work it back up a bit. I also stream all my games. (I don't always play WR 100% but most games I do)

    Feel free to watch some games or follow and give me tips on getting better. Good links for stuff too read about getting better with WR and Dota in general will also be welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

    Dr. Dread

    p.s. Also if anyone knows how to improve the quality of the stream with xplit I would love that kind of help as well.


      the good thing is that u didnt gave up!!
      and forget about the ( how to be better WR)
      you need to get used to many heroes and see how they work im sure u have the knowledge since you have 1k games but if you want to increace ur mmr in this bracket its way too easy... just learn to play good pubstomp heroes that can solo kill easy and maintain a good game performance.. then if ur dedicated to your goal and u really practice u will go up in no time!
      good luck


        Btw i watched a bit cause i must go now... i noticed some mistakes you should checkout
        1) FIRST OF ALL USE HOTKEYS to cast spells not your mouse pointer..
        2) Dont stay still for so long time
        3) dont autoattack because you push the lane
        4) denie your creeps with every chance
        5) be more awake and move the hero and camera so you have a better vision on surroundings

        cant say more i can watch tommorow or you can add me if u wish so i can directly spec or coach you

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

          I did play a ton of other heroes too try them out and know what they do. But I really like WR. Using another hero too get my mmr up is not the way i want to go. So no steamroll hero.

          i do a mix of hotkeys and mouse pointers. Partly the reason is the way my desk is too small for my keyboard and it's on my lap. Also with schackle shot... i don't shoot it right away, i want to line it up for a good tie down. You will see me hotkey windrun all the time as that finger is on that button ready to go.

          i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. If I wait the carry going to take it all and I have no money for wards. But you are correct I need to do this more often and wait.
          I do kill my own creeps but I am more focused on getting some last hits in as I want to get that upgraded courier and more wards asap.

          i do keep my eye glued too that mini map sometimes. Which could be the cause of me seeming standing around. Or I could be typing away about something. I didn't think that aspect was a problem but I will see what I can do.

          Thanks for your imput! I had a string of wins with WR today. So things looking up.

          Dr. Dread

          one and half gun

            i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now. i try not too auto attack. But you might see me do it a few times as I really want some gold now.

            one and half gun

              tl;dr dont auto attack

              me, government hooker

                tl;dr dont auto attack

                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                  [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                    Thanks for the link. I don't think I want to pay someone to raise my mmr.


                      i was like you trying out mmr at level 13. I got 2k but since then i've been climbing and i've got better. Just keep playing and learn from the pros

                      one and half gun

                        how the fuck can u be 2k with almost 2k matches played


                          some of the coaches are free.


                            i mean even some free coaching from egotistical 3ks could be useful for u


                              I'd suggest not playing Windranger. Source: Look at my top heroes.

                              Midi Prill

                                WR prob one of the worst heroes in the game right now, sure it's an amazing offlaner during the laning phase, and that's about it


                                  ya hes 1k mmr cos he plays wr :>


                                    You should try lich. Should be auto-win hero in your bracket.


                                      Winning =/= improving. He should focus on playing various heroes to improve, not playing some easy heroes just to win

                                      [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                        What's with all the WR hate? I like the hero as she can do more than just support. Late game with some weapons she can take out some carries. Her shackle shot can tie down 2 heros in a team fight. VERY useful. WR is the hero I plan on using to climb the ladder. So changing too an easy mode hero is not in the cards.

                                        I have played other hero's. So I do have a basic understanding on what they do. So that area is covered. In the stream you might see me play some others but mostly it's WR.

                                        One guy in a match blamed the loss on me picking WR. Even tho he fed and died like 14 times...

                                        Does anyone have useful links of some pro WR matches that they think are good? Something cool too watch?

                                        [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                          To :月まで届け、不死の煙

                                          Why did you get a heart for WR? I have no seen that build before....

                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            月まで届け、不死の煙about 11 hours ago
                                            I'd suggest not playing Windranger. Source: Look at my top heroes.

                                            High Skill


                                              wr is not the best hero to climb, and btw you have 250 games with her 49% winrate and below 2 kda.
                                              low kda means you are not contributing that much to teamfights.
                                              but if you really like the hero, whatever play until you get sick of her :D
                                              !Attacker played kunkka from 4kmmr to like 7k and now he is just randoming heroes.
                                              gl on climbing

                                              [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                                my kda dropped like a rock when I was playing more of a hard support role. Lots of wards camp pulling etc. I blame the low Win rate by playing with some friends that used too play dota and they where very very bad. But still friends so you still team up with them even tho' u know ur gonna lose. If you look at my last few games lots of wins in a row. So that 49% is going to start moving up. I will see what I can do with the kda. Keep in mind. When you hit someone with a schackle and ur teammate kills them you don't get an assist....

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  BUY BOOTS UR LIKE 20MINS INTO GAME WITH NO BOOTS....

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    from what I watched though you really have no idea what do do in the lanes(you spend way too much time in lane and you take lane farm......)

                                                    I dont really recommend purge but search him on Youtube and learn the basics.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      literally u MUST use keybinds just watching how slow you react is painful, it is like trying to play dota without a mouse.....


                                                        went to the stream
                                                        saw League of Legends layout
                                                        left the stream



                                                          yes please man use binds, don't press shackle with mouse use Q, use keys dude, just using keys will help u climb like 1k mmr lol.


                                                            stop thinking that u are at least a bit good
                                                            from what i see ur 1k perfectly fits u
                                                            and listen to sampson

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              You also really need to stop giving "advice" to your teammates. You are giving such poor advice AND it slows down your own gameplay

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                You buy ring of basi every game and never turn it off and end up pushing the lane

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  buy a magic stick

                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                    watching this makes me think relentless' right about mmr averages ... the problem is this is too depressing to watch and no one has any idea where to begin with advice :/

                                                                    maybe read purge's guide before watching his videos:; this isn't me trolling you but even those videos might be too advanced at your current level ... might also be good for a basic idea of dota


                                                                      Stop using spells and items with your MOUSE, whats wrong with you. Learn to play with keyboard and its instant 500 mmr + I guess in few days.


                                                                        1000 games and still using spells with MOUSE CLICS what the fuck is wrong with you I can`t believe what I m watching at your stream right now. Please stop play dota for 1 month and just watch watch watch watch watch others how they play dota and read read read read read about dota this is paintfull.

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                                                                        Proud Boi

                                                                          Well, in his defense one might say that after 1000 games of clicking spells, the clicking will be so ingrained into his style of play, that it may be difficult to actually change it.. xD

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                          [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                                                            Sampson u said some stuff let me see if i can answer them.

                                                                            "BUY BOOTS UR LIKE 20MINS INTO GAME WITH NO BOOTS.... from what I watched though you really have no idea what do do in the lanes(you spend way too much time in lane and you take lane farm......)"

                                                                            If i don't take any farm that's why boots are 20 mins. Also it depends if it's a heavy ward game. The farm I do take is what the carry can't take. OR.... it's cause we already have a support doing the support role so then I am working on a carry build. (WR can semi carry)

                                                                            "buy a magic stick"

                                                                            This is something i might try again. I do get a magic stick on other hero's but I didn't think it was as useful as some other items... like boots! lol

                                                                            "You buy ring of basi every game and never turn it off and end up pushing the lane"

                                                                            I was thinking the extra mana for my lane mate might be better off. As it seems the lane phase is more like the gank phase at his mmr with my teamates. I do know it pushes it some but time I get one we thinking about getting the tower down. But I will think on this. Extra mana for teamates is always nice tho....

                                                                            "literally u MUST use keybinds just watching how slow you react is painful, it is like trying to play dota without a mouse....."

                                                                            I do use some keybinds.... I thought i explained the shackle one before... but.... having said this... I will try to use them more often and see if I can get that down.

                                                                            Thanks for the tips and watching. Hopefully I will get better and it will be less painful for you.

                                                                            Dr. Dread

                                                                            You also really need to stop giving "advice" to your teammates. You are giving such poor advice AND it slows down your own gameplay
                                                                            Sampson ✔
                                                                            Sampson ✔
                                                                            about 3 hours ago


                                                                            You buy ring of basi every game and never turn it off and end up pushing the lane

                                                                            [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                                                              BABY'S ON FIRE

                                                                              i tried the links they didn't work... I think I did read the first one a while ago...

                                                                              [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                                                                Everyone else about the mouse clicks..... I will try very hard to work on my keybinds. Now if I can just place my keyboard on something solid it should help. This will be a work in progress...

                                                                                Also I want to thank anyone that took the time too go too the stream and have a look. there are some highlighted games as well when i am off line if u want too have a look.

                                                                                Dr. Dread

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  turning off basi aura only removes +2 armor aura given to creeps

                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                    copy paste the link instead of clicking


                                                                                      >If i don't take any farm that's why boots are 20 mins. Also it depends if it's a heavy ward game

                                                                                      wards = 150g every 7 mins
                                                                                      passive gold gain = 1 gold every 0.6s so 100g every minute, 700g every 7 minutes

                                                                                      windrunner can farm stacks because she has aoe damage. when you're going back from base just powershot a neutral camp on the way for a little extra gold, or at the very least it will weaken the camp and you or a teammate can finish it off later.

                                                                                      in all of your most recent games you have 0 utility like blink, force, euls or hex. seeing as you have linkens I'm assuming you're just rushing linkens which makes an early game hero useless because you either have perseverance or an ultimate orb which does nothing when compared to a blink or force which will set up and save you from many kills / deaths.

                                                                                      if you are trying to play a core windrunner that doesn't mean you just farm for ages until you get linkens. just because you're given farm priority doesn't mean you have to take the game late. if you're given farm priority on a windrunner you should plan on crushing the early fights

                                                                                      a maelstrom gives you insane damage early on because the chain lightning is not reduced by focus fire. every 4 attacks you get 120 bonus damage, so 30 extra damage on average, that is not reduced by focus fire.

                                                                                      by being completely useless during the time where you have only an ultimate orb and a perseverance you lose games because you don't win the early / midgame fights where even if you do get a linkens, the game is already over at that point, whereas if you had a blink or force instead of an ultimate orb, you'd be able set up so many easy kills with shackle shot, which is one of the longest non ultimate stuns in the game.

                                                                                      also stop wasting money upgrading basi to aquila, it's shit on windrunner. her agility gain is bad, but that's not a reason to get aquila on her because
                                                                                      1. buying armour items is cheaper than buying agility to get armour and
                                                                                      2. focus fire already grants max attack speed so she does not benefit from the attack speed, so the main bonus of the aquila, the agility, is completely wasted
                                                                                      3. you should be disassembling basi on windrunner once laning is over because sage's mask provides more mana regen than the basi aura on heroes with 33 int or more, the reason it's good in the laning stage is because you're basically paying 175g for +6 damage and +3 armour when you upgrade sage's mask to basi, as well as giving mana regen to your lane partner.

                                                                                      you're better off getting boots, upgrading boots, getting magic stick/wand or if you have already them, saving for a bigger item.


                                                                                        stop levelling up skills before the game starts, there is no point levelling up an active ability that you wont use. by keeping skill points you basically have all 3 abilities at your disposal as opposed to only having 1.

                                                                                        ring of protection as a starting item was bad when you only have 1 set of tangos, regen is way more important than armour. instead you should have got a salve + clarity.

                                                                                        you're complaining about your lane sucking against an OD. stop wasting time typing and try your best to salvage what you can from the lane, your teammates are 1k trash so idk why you're expecting them to be smart and make rotations.

                                                                                        stop auto attacking and maybe you wont miss so many last hits. you're against an OD but 50 damage is definitely still usable to last hit with

                                                                                        use windrun as soon as you leave the fountain so you get to your destination faster without using any mana

                                                                                        to level up an ability hold ctrl and press the ability, you are wasting time missing last hits by clicking up the level up button and then clicking the ability icon

                                                                                        boots > blades of attack. you spent so much time wandering around the map without boots, and also not getting last hits, wasting the damage of the blades of attack and also meaning you farm less efficiently due to not being in certain places soon enough.

                                                                                        you don't need to channel powershot for the full duration to get the full damage off

                                                                                        when stacking ancients don't attack the yellow/orange dinosaur, it will use it's roar ability which stops it moving temporarily which can fuck up your stack

                                                                                        "x3 ancients for you" (for doom) LOL DOOM CAN TOTALLY FARM ANCIENTS AT LV 6

                                                                                        when you're doing fuck all wandering the map, go into empty lanes or just stack the regular jungle and farm the camps with powershot

                                                                                        stop missing last hits with powershot, this is why you don't even have boots at 15 minutes.

                                                                                        set a hotkey for quickbuying items before you die, as well as the stickied item (default is the teleport scroll)


                                                                                          windrun gives 100% evasion, even though farming ancients is ridiculously fucking stupid that early on, using windrun to tank the neutrals could have made it less inefficient

                                                                                          powershot gives vision. the centaur was stuck on a cliff and you wasted your sentry dewarding when he 1 hit it with a dd rune.

                                                                                          carry a tp scroll at all times.

                                                                                          get magic stick, it is one of the most cost efficient items you can get in the early game. it -will- save your life multiple times

                                                                                          again stop building shitty expensive items when your team is getting crushed early, because all you have when you end the game is half completed components instead of full items with useful active abilities e.g. mek or force.


                                                                                            "doom is almost farmed up"
                                                                                            26 mins, treads, midas and a relic

                                                                                            no words

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              I really dont want to spend a ton of time explaining why you should be doing what I said. There is no way to sugar coat it, you are doing everything wrong. Toss everything you think you know about dota 2 out the window and you will increase your MM alot. I will use one example, how you thought ring of basi work EXTREMELY messes up your lane because the creep equilibrium goes into the favor of the other team (this is huge, someone else can explain it to you)

                                                                                              on another note, I highly suggest you stop playing ranked until you have all your keybinds set up because you are hindering your teammates alot even at that MM range...(just play a couple bot games til you have it down)


                                                                                              use that site and read the notes section of each hero and item to get a firm understanding of how they function, just reading the tooltip only gives you like 10% of what they do

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                ill explain

                                                                                                when basi is turned on, all your creeps have +2 armour

                                                                                                so your melee creeps have 2 more armour than the enemy melee creeps. guess which creeps die first even if no heroes are attacking. the enemy creeps. so after the creeps fight, 1 or 2 ally creeps survive, and walk forward to fight the next wave of enemy creeps.

                                                                                                your next wave then meets the enemy creep which is closer to the enemy tower, because of that 1 creep that survived earlier continued walking forward, and those 1 or 2 creep that survived earlier, they tank a bit of damage as well as dealing some damage to the enemy creeps.

                                                                                                so right off the bat, your next creep wave has the advantage. you have 3 melee creeps full at 550 hp, and 1 ranged creep with 300 hp, and they all have +2 extra armour. the enemy creep wave maybe has 2 melee creeps at full HP, and 1 melee creep with 50 HP less because it took damage from the creep that survived earlier, and 1 ranged creep.

                                                                                                this knock-on effect results in your creeps surviving and then slowly moving further and further towards the enemy tower, meaning you have to be farther away from the safety of your own tower to get XP and gold. so if the enemy weren't 1k mmr, they'd pick 2 supports with stuns, and use the cover of trees to sneak behind you and fuck up your day with at least 3 seconds of stun.

                                                                                                test it in a private game, just get a basi and turn it on while being near creeps, and dont do anything but stand near them, restart, then see what happens when you don't have basi, they meet in the same spot.

                                                                                                also, because you're really low mmr this results in the enemy also not knowing how basi works. this makes the enemy push towards your tower. early game this is good because you are at the safety of your tower, the enemy can't attempt to kill you, so you're basically guaranteed some XP if there's enemy creeps by your tower.

                                                                                                also if you want any general advice feel free to add me although my time zone is GMT, so i might not be on when you are

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                  andro he thought turning off basi aura turns off the mana aura for his allies too thrs no nid for that wall of text lol.

                                                                                                  [K.A.P.] Dr. Dread

                                                                                                    Thank you Androgynous that's is quite a bit of info. I will try to make some changes in my game play while I don't agree with everything you said I will give some of it a try. Also I wish you watched one of my better games. That one with OD was one of my worse games. Sorry it took so long to get back too you. My Dad is in the hospital and I just haven't had time to get back too you.


                                                                                                      Okay, mechanically you seem terrible. Somebody give me a better (less insulting) word to use here. But as that has been covered extensively above, I won't go into it.

                                                                                                      What I will say is OMG PLAY MORE HEROES! You're only hurting your own progress by spamming Windrunner every game at 1k MMR. Learn the heroes. Learn all of their abilities. Not all of these are "ezmode heroes" as you seem to believe. You can pick so many heroes that aren't the Zeus/Bloodseeker/Drow Ranger/Sniper/Riki that stomp all of your games if you want. Do you realize that that is less than 5% of the hero pool? That leaves you over 100 heroes that you can play but you just refuse to.

                                                                                                      Learn heroes.

                                                                                                      Learn items.

                                                                                                      Play different heroes with varying item builds.

                                                                                                      *Sorry I just have to say it*

                                                                                                      USE KEYBINDS. IT'S SO PAINFUL WATCHING PEOPLE CLICK ABILITIES.

                                                                                                      I wish your father well.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!