General Discussion

General Discussioncoudl you help me to improve the CS, looking for advices

coudl you help me to improve the CS, looking for advices in General Discussion

    by the reading of some topics and comparing to my games cs, i get to the conclusión that im a bit good but can improve that, coud you give some advices pls

    thank you !!!!!

    one and half gun

      i dont coach for free but if u can get me any random rare ember set and that sword for kunkka that got the odd sound effect, i'll couch you everything you need about last hitting, when to buy qb and stuff like that

      if you want MMR confirmation i got 6k+ and 5.5k on another acc


        wave is charging you really cheap btw

        and you're talking about kunkka's inverse bayonet

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          If you are mid try to get those +3 items for better last hit than the gg branches. Try picking a fast attack hero like sniper or invoker. If you can't get last hit or the enemy is faster denier than you, you should use that last hit to harass him when he's throwing that deny. Also play mind games like cancelling the 2nd last hit so he will miss the last hit and you will get it. Draw creep aggo but dont' get hit from creep by clicking attack on him, thus pulling the wave close to you or the weaken units. Use 'A', 'S' or 'H' commands on top of our right clicks to maximize your last hitting and cancelling abilities. Spam spells on top of right clicks to get the creeps, like with heroes like QoP or DP if 1v1, zone enemy hero out etc for easier lane etc...

          Pass 20 mintues you should be focusing on towers and 5 man pushes more. Even with 20-40 creep advantage in safe lane or mid, you can still lose game.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Dire Wolf

            Practice the same hero a few times in bot matches to learn his animation.


              keep quelling blade for as long as possible
              or if you didn't get one in the first place, always get qb after getting BF on anti mage because your cleave damage also increases.
              dont get basher after BF, always go manta first. you can't fight with only a basher because you have like 1k HP, manta helps you farm faster with better damage, movement and attack speed anyway.

              try to not spend your time wandering around the map doing nothing. if you are not fighting, then you should be farming and vice versa.

              don't tp into fights that are already lost, just push the lane you are in and keep farming

              don't tp into fights too early because then you miss last hits and farming time for a fight that might not even happen e.g. when everyone tps to the tier 1 mid and does fuck all for 5 minutes.

              take the shortest path when going from A to B so that you start attacking sooner and therefore clear the creep wave / neutral camp sooner, giving you more time to farm.

              when you have aoe damage e.g. battle fury, maelstrom, sven cleave, use the lowest amount of attacks possible needed to kill a creep wave / neutral camp by spreading out the damage evenly instead of focusing one unit.

              e.g. when killing ancients as an AM, do not attack the small dragons or golems because you can kill them with cleave. if you focus the dragon / big golem you will kill all the creeps at the same time with the least amount of attacks needed, meaning you can farm other parts of the map sooner. for the dinosaurs attack the blue ones once and then focus the orange one afterwards


                memorize all the trees u should cut in the jungle with qb


                  andro isnt the blue one the smaller creep why focus them first do you mind explaning

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    i didnt say focus them first. i said attack them once each, then when you focus the dinosaur you'll kill them all at the same time with the least amount of attacks used.


                      then when you focus the orange* dinosaur

                      same applies with the medium camp alpha wolves, the biggest one doesn't have enough HP that killing it does not kill the smaller units with cleave.


                        thanks i learnt something.


                          UNLESS YOURE SVEN

                          PONG PONG PONG CAMP CLEAR NEXT CAMP

                          only the stupid potato/tomato combo survives his cleavage

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                            1. create lobby at the server that you usually play
                            2. put 1 unfair bot into another team
                            3. game mode : mid only
                            4. pick the hero that you want to practice with
                            5. don't put any skill if you level up or buy any item (masochist mode)
                            6. count your last hit for 10 min
                            7. continue practicing until you got 8 last hit / min
                            8. go to ranked
                            9. get + 3k MMR
                            10. get matched with dragonfist
                            11. lost 1000 MMR
                            12. profit!

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              try making a lobby and last hit alone (try to get close-to-perfect cs ~74+ cs @ 10 minutes)

                              then make another lobby and add a unfair bot and try last hitting against it

                              practice practice practice and don't buy hats for wave

                              some heroes are easier to last hit than others (for example: Void has a really high base damage, Sniper has a bad base damage, Drow has a bad attack animation...)

                              F.Mr. FOX

                                thank you all, ill be trying all the advices as soon as possible, it's been really helpfull

                                Thanks !!!!!!!!!!


                                  learn some farming patterns with heroes with flashfarming capability, like tinker, SF, meepo, etc. if you're on radiant side and playing tinker, use 1 march of the machines to push out the lane and go to the jungles to stack. if you do this correctly you won't miss any LHs in lane while doing that. with SF you use razes to clear the creepwave and with meepo you poof with atleast 2 meepos.

                                  if you're playing meepo, you can stack 3 camps at the same time, theres a devilish video on youtube teaching how to do that

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!