General Discussion

General DiscussionHave you ever played angry?

Have you ever played angry? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Genuine anger, what happened, why?


      I like that I can't remember being angry. Trying to forget the bad works!

      Basically my already thin patience becomes thinner, leading to bad decisions.


        yeah i dont get mad when i play anymore, just try to win, if it doesn't happen, oh well i play next. ez


          Lately I try to focus on my shit, not paying too much attention to other's mistakes and I get angry way less, if I do it's because of my fault.

          Wouldnt start a game while I had a bad mood too, usually I play a game, few mins break then start again. Being pissed made me do a lot of mistakes before


            I almost never get mad playing with randoms - I don't know them so their opinion doesn't really have any weight to me. Mute and move on.

            I have been moved to genuine rage by friends multiple times. Friends you play with repeatedly. Any frustrations with them just build up from game to game to game, which can culminate in bad things. Also have more expectations of them, and you're less likely to mute them, so if shit goes south you can't just turn up the music and shrug it off.

            I remember muting Melody and removing him from friends/contacts on every service I had for about 6 months because he wouldn't shut up about ward placement and I was sick of it.

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              Yeah, today i was so freaking angry.
              First game: 4 carrys we lost (not angry)
              Second game: 5 carrys we lost (so angry)
              Third game: 4 carrys and a pudge jungle (so fucking @!#*a%!¿)

              Edit: third game lost

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                No, why the fuck would you be angry at a game, i only get upset when i lose for stupid reasons because i felt that i wasted time on a stupid game, but thats all.

                Dire Wolf

                  I had like an 8 game losing streak recently. One game was looking like a win but we had dc. Was pretty pissed off. I'm not usually mad about losing though, just mad that I kept playing instead of doing something else.


                    yeah when we lost the first game of a semifinals.... people didnt listen to me and it turned into a feeding train and complete rape... imagine having people that lose a trilane composed of 3 ranges to a dual consisting of a storm+smth, a lanaya feeding the offlaner with a haste at level 2 behind tier 2 tower and deciding to turn back at tier 3 highground, a lion not able to stun a clock caught by the walls of cog... etc omfg never been so fucking angry

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