General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Warlord items

Troll Warlord items in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Well I pretty much always go phase boots, aquila, dominator if I can stack creeps, vlads if I can't or we have a lot of melee carries, bkb if needed, s&y, daedulus, satanic/butterfly/mkb. Butterfly isn't the greatest since the attack speed is almost always wasted at that point but sometimes you need the dodge. Sometimes I throw a quelling blade in there. I used to always get medallion too because the mana regen is great, the armor debuff is great for killing ancients/hard camps/rosh but I've found that your item slots get full too quickly with all those cheap items and it's not really needed. For example, roa, phase, tp, s&y, dominator, medallion. Now you're full and only spent < 10k gold. Fill up way too fast and end up selling medallion or roa back to build daedulus, not sure I get enough use out of them.

    So why s&y? I feel like troll needs hp. The movement speed is also awesome, he gets really close to max when phasing and rank 4 berserker. Attack speed is good, although you will hit cap at high levels with fully stacked fervor and ult, I usually max fervor last and building those stacks takes time so a little IAS early helps. But mainly I really like maim debuff, move speed and hp. With a bkb and s&y troll has a good hp pool. Without I feel super squishy.

    So I don't know if that's the best way to go and am wondering if I should dump roa for a medallion. Also wondering if daedulus is the best +dmg item to go. Seems to be but mkb is pretty nice too. I wonder how a desolator + vlads combo would work out. Halberd also seems like a decent pickup if you want dodge but want to avoid butterfly, I mean it has +dmg, hp I need and the dodge.




        lol I have same amount of games as you with exactly same winrate, but KDA 3.20 :P

        s&y is meh.. u don't need slow. hp ? imo dominator to satanic is must
        phase, yasha, bkb (linken), dominator, later manta,
        mkb over crit only if true strike is needed

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          This guy is always pissing me off when i play TB, what a fucking jackass really
          Trying to push with 3 illusions -> he blink/SB in -> wiggle wiggle axe, know which one is the real TB -> (100% stun rate) -> R.I.P

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Jorges Sanz

            Necrobook over SnY
            Basi/Vlads Over RoA
            Daedelus for dmg

            Qb is optional, depending on how many available slots you have if you get other stuff like early wand/drums. I personally dont use it since i'd just focus on shoving the creep equilibrium down my opponent's throats in an empty lane.

            Quick maffs

              Drums > S&Y > whatever

              It works for me, kind of

              one and half gun

                andro can u examine my replays and tell me how to improve


                  just make mek ^

                  Quick maffs

                    Doesnt mek take off 3/4 of troll mana ?

                    seriously people is buying mek on heroes cause its cool, the hero has no mana at all, i know that he only has 2 spells but even without mek you are going to be out of mana pretty fast.

                    Mek: 150 mana

                    Doesnt troll have a mana pool of 300 or some shit ?

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      no i cant

                      Dire Wolf

                        I think he was trolling. Mek would be shitty on troll for that exact reason.

                        Necro book might not be that bad, same str as s&y, more rat power.

                        My kda sucks with troll cus I ended up in a lot of early matches with shit lane support, died a few times, then just farmed and ratted.

                        Quick maffs

                          No fata got mek on troll and some other players too, i am not saying that is shitty i am saying that i would never buy it cause i like to have mana


                            Troll has been my first ever hero in Dota 1. I love this guy almost as much as Razor.

                            Some pro players like to play him as a support/pusher especially when they already have a better carry(His ulti synergises well late game with all carries.)

                            Best to pick troll against PA and Void(most of them have the illusion that they can solo kill any one and get trolled in the process). At my level satanic, butter, bkb, mkb/daed works best. U reach permabash by level 15.

                            One insane item for skilled people would be armlet. This item is highly underrated and the hp boost will usually end up turning most losing battles the otherway. (Goes perfectly with his ult.)


                              Never tried SnY on Troll, but been meaning to. Personally it comes down to who I'm fighting. Had one game against Lina, Sniper, and Luna and they all gave me hell when I went the standard build. What I should of done was instead gone a more mid-game build, and got Blink to close the distance.

                              I've heard mjollnir is a decent item on him, wouldn't get it on a close game but for fun it could be useful. MKB I'm not really a fan on the item at all, but sometimes I'll get it if I'm dealing with elusive heroes.

                              Timber I know the feeling, now I only pick TW if I have someone fun to lane with that can do work. Ogre Magi is my favorite lane partner! Also as TW I have hell getting last hits when killing a hero, always someone steals it from me when I activate my ult. >:(


                                TW does so much work on PL and Lycan. Oh boy, and when you go up against an all melee 1v1 type team like the havoc begin!

                                EDIT: Also who the hell do I have to talk to for a damn Troll Warlord set already!?! I actually have a cool idea for one that is based off Native American Iroquois war gear, but alas I have no skill with the pen or computer. :(

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  fata gets mek on every hero, lol

                                  if you keep a stick/wand with several charges on it you should be fine for every fight. a full wand gives you mana for battle trance + mek, and fata plays mid so i assume he goes bottle on troll, which also gives him mana for mek. i dont play troll so what do i know


                                    Troll has lowest startin int + lowest int growth in game along with PA(13 + 1/lvl). Though mek might be sustainable with wand + aquila + drums.


                                      Also don't underestimate his bash just because it's 10% chance, he can easily be the best basher out there.


                                        yasha is great, and manta isn't really that awesome, better keep yasha, and improve it in sy latter in the game.

                                        Don't underestimate butterfly on him though, it's sure when you are in ultimate + full fervor stack, some as is wasted, However, you will reach that full stack of fervor faster.
                                        A troll that just rely on his ultimate to get his stack of fervor is doing something wrong (at least in #1 position), cause even with just ultimate, it will take way too long to fully stack, and without it, you'll just take 3 hour to do so.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Troll at lvl 16:

                                          IAS from innate agi = 62
                                          level 4 fervor is 34 a stack
                                          level 2 ult is 120

                                          ult + 4 stacks + butter = 378
                                          with s&y you go over cap but barely.

                                          You don't hit cap until you have maxed ult or another item. So rushing butterfly might be pretty good. I still want to go s&y first though cus I need hp and move speed = awesomesauce. But I could see butterfly over a daedulus.

                                          Even though troll can be quite beastly he still needs lane support. I guess he's great 1v1 and a good mid though I haven't ran him as such but yea, my matches often go the way of my lane support. He can't all out carry a team like a void can, he needs some disablers or at least space to farm. Here's a few examples.
                                 me and tide vs sniper and rubs. We crushed em cus tide is awesome in lane.
                                 me and kotl vs offlane drow. We killed her a couple times but she has sick range and hung back mostly, couldn't dive her cus her slow is too good. As soon as pudge and centaur started rotating we're screwed. My team has zero disables = not good.
                                 jakiro zoned out our lane for us. Amazing. Easy free farm, easy win.
                                 I end up solo vs bane and mirana lol


                                            starting agi = 21
                                            agi gain per lv = 2.75
                                            agi gain from 16 lvs = 16 x 2.75 = 44
                                            44 + 21 = 62
                                            assuming lv 16 troll mislevels stats and does not get rank 3 ult
                                            not accounting for the 4 extra agi from getting 2 into stats at 15 and 16


                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Shit I misread wiki and read the exceptions to ultimate leveling for meeps and voker (who level up ult again at 17 not 16). Just forgot the stats.

                                              So 16 troll is like 64 innate agi with the 1 stat level, rank 3 ult is 180.

                                              4 fervors + ult + butter = 440. That's well over cap, especially if you have a drums or yasha. But the ult is giving you a ton of attack speed. When that's down, say you have s&y as well, you're at 292. That's pretty sick. Idk, I'll have to just try it I guess.

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