General Discussion

General DiscussionYou can't win against hard carries anymore.

You can't win against hard carries anymore. in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    Back in 6.80/6.81 you had to get lots of farm in order to win as a hard carry. Now it's like you don't even need to do shit anymore, and just prolong the game. A win against hard carries now is incredibly unlikely.

    Either I have a curse on me today or the game is even less balanced than 6.81. I mean yes, at least now I don't have to deal with Skywrath/Prophet/Shaman every game, but the quality isn't much better.

    And by the way, I'd like to see Mirana's head chopped off with a guillotine or something. I am so FUCKING tired of that hero popping up EVERY single fucking game I play now. Same with Earthshaker.

    Dire Wolf

      I don't understand your linked games at all. In each your own team had hard carrys, in some you would consider your team to have the hardest one in the game. Also saying you can't beat hard carries if they just prolong the game makes it sound like you had a huge lead, game went over an hour and you lost at the very end cus gg hard carry. None of the games you linked show that, you were only ahead in one, and only one approached and hour. 45 mins is a very normal game time. They had mirana, ck, storm and luna, but you were playing slark and had np and tinker so you should've been able to rat just fine. You were never ahead, only ahead in xp cus np jungled probably. They have slardar, dp, drow (and not one over 450 gpm, surprised you lost this but your team's farm even worse), but you've got tiny, TA and silencer. Hardly out carried here. You never led. They have slardar and mirana but you have freakin void. FREAKIN VOID. With a battlefury who only managed 3.5 cs/min rofl. You ain't winning if your hard carry can't farm for shit. This kinda obliterates your theory doesn't it? That farm doesn't matter, eventually hard carries are strong enough to win the game by themselves? Kunkka is no slouch either, puck and enchantress semi carry. This is the only game you were ahead according to xp graph most of the game but you didn't convert those kills to tower dmg, you deserved to lose. You have kunkka for late game, you feasted on their supports early, but you had to push more and end sooner. And carries don't need farm to win? Mirana has almost 600 gpm, wk almost 500. Your best player has 500. They out farmed you and you let them take it late.

      This is nothing new. If you were picking all push teams vs hard carry teams and losing that would make sense cus push strats got nerfed. But that's not what's going on, your teams are just playing poorly.


        Normal skill unranked games.

        Tiny Airlines


          946719831: Tinker got Boots of Travel about 25-28 minutes in the game, focusing on dagon first.
          946240426: Windranger did a fine job doing nothing for no reason during the laning phase. You can see that in the game.
          946132737: Kunkka didn't even bother getting a damn daedalus or shadow blade, just went straight for linken sphere.
          944955291: Kunkka in this game was stalling the entire fucking game, resulting in our loss

          None of those reasons are on my end.

          Few days ago 942627793: Kunkka here was just feeding all game, resulting in our loss here too.

          I swear, I think that I'm being cursed today or something. This has got to stop or I'll just start reporting my idiot teammates.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            just because your teammates played shit doesn't mean you didn't either.

            you may have perfomed better than your teammates, but since you're saying your teammates are awful, doing better than a person who is shit at dota is hardly difficult.

            just stop focusing on your team and focus on improving yourself, because that's the only way you're going to improve.

            Low Expectations

              Honestly all you who respond have a point but I cant help to agree with OP on the fact that knowing that your team has harder carries feels waay safer than knowing that your heros come online quicker. There is a lot more pressure in this patch to finish the game and do it very convincingly vs hardcarries (by that I mean 2/3 heros for set of rax sometimes not worth at 30 min). Heros like Spectra dont need to farm even if they are 1-10 they still have a chance to win because they most likely died earlygame and their deaths are worth 1/5 of what they get back when they get 1 kill 20 minutes later.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Why not pick a hard carry yourself? This patch does favor hard carries.

                go kill urself

                  people need to learn that when you are up 20-5 buy mek/pipe/urn no matter what hero u are (provided ur team doesnt have it) and then walk on high ground and take rax

                  Tiny Airlines


                    Another game where I got annihilated because people can't seem to play Dota 2 without Ursa and Crystal Maiden.

                    FOUR games today, all losses. I am SO fucking sick of seeing centaur, mirana, and earthshaker each game now (Or at least one of them)!

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Are you serious?

                      Dota needs to patch the entire game because you can't win? That's your logic.

                      Assuming this is a troll topic.


                        Just another person who projects his losses as a result of others' mistakes instead of his own. Like any other thread.


                        Hatsune Miku


                          This game, I played really shit in early stages of the game, but after i got some assist kills we managed to come back. While, we four are trying to win PA farms divine for dire... but anyhow they couldnt win a 4v5 against us.

                          Game is hard!

                            Waga noob blames his team whenever he can Kappa

                            but srsly, the only reason why hardcarries win in your bracket is because you suck at farming and making decisions. Low skilled games tend to take a long time since there is little to no coordination and teamplay, making it very easy to pick people off or simply play the farm game.

                            Oh Shit Waddup

                              @Waga pls dont come here and flame who do you think you are ;D

                              me, government hooker

                                HOREY SHIT UR KDA IS SO BAD LULZ


                                  hard carries are really stupid this patch it's such a joke

                                  NO MAP (TEST)

                                    id much rather have mirana and earthshaker every game than doom dp void


                                      well too late to complain now... volvo heard the prayers and acted accordingly and now we're fucked... we're almost playing APEM now (we were until 6.82b came out), now its only semi apem

                                      go kill urself

                                        ^considering how many times u die on ur carry picks id think ud appreciate it at least

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          "Just another person who projects his losses as a result of others' mistakes instead of his own. Like any other thread. "

                                          But he's not even doing it right. His thread title premise is - Hard carrys always win implying he is losing games just cus of other team picking more hard carries.

                                          But what he really means is his team played poorly. The picks don't have much to do with it.

                                          "FOUR games today, all losses. I am SO fucking sick of seeing centaur, mirana, and earthshaker each game now (Or at least one of them)"

                                          THOSE AREN'T HARD CARRIES! What the fuck is your point?!?

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다