General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's shitty teammate week!!

It's shitty teammate week!! in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines Ember doesn't go mid and buys vlads instead of battle fury. Bristleback does nothing and just watches the game fail (Oh and he's a russian - I yelled at him via PM for his shitty job). Tusk and Meepo did a number on the feeding. Void is still not balanced. Make his god damn backtrack vulnerable to true strike. Oh and I hated how batrider just afked for 5 minutes.

    Explain what the fuck is wrong with the matchmaking today because none of this is on my end.

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      least played
      random draft
      single draft
      normal games

      i dont think there is anything wrong with matchmaking

      Tiny Airlines

        No no no no no, you don't get it. I've been getting REALLY bad, and I mean HORRIBLE teammates that make me want to find the players and beat the shit out of them for being idiots.


          how long have you been playing, cause I just started and I see that a lot


            ^^Stupid modes get stupid players?

            Not everyone can play all heroes.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            Tiny Airlines

              Well I got muted a week ago for being angry at my teammates for their idiotic play so I have to wait that damn mute out - I swear to god they need to just remove the god damn mute system.


                1 from yesterday and one from today

                1) first pick ES calls mid, feeds FB, flames everyone, proceeds to feed
                2) first pick sniper calls mid, dies 6 times in 10 minutes.

                edit: enjoy :P

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                Tiny Airlines

                  Sad to see that I'm not the only one being teamed with dumbasses.

                  bum farto

           Ember doesn't go mid and buys vlads instead of battle fury. Bristleback does nothing and just watches the game fail (Oh and he's a russian - I yelled at him via PM for his shitty job).

                    ...this is one of the reasons I for the most part stopped posting here as much as I used to.

                    1. Your fucking normal skill trash, yes it's harsh but you're pure garbage in relation to dota2 skill and somehow you think you're better than the rest of them are? This is not meant as an insult to you just as a wake up call to where you actually are in relation to skill.

                    2. Who cares what ember does, you go garbage items as well and I can go through each of your games and pick out something, or some item or thing that I disagree with. If someone wants to do something their way who are you to force your opinion on others, you're in the same god damn shit stain pool.

                    3. "Bristleback does nothing and just watches the game fail" Yes because doing 10K damage in a already failed game with a MKB first BH hunter is just the fucking worse.

                    4. "Oh and he's a russian - I yelled at him via PM for his shitty job" Seriously? How fucking big headed are you that you think you even are close to being skilled enough to tell someone what to do.

                    " Tusk and Meepo did a number on the feeding."

                    Lets not talk about the 13 death ES with a refresher, you really gotta double ult people with ES, I hear it works great in 1K!

           Void is still not balanced. Make his god damn backtrack vulnerable to true strike. Oh and I hated how batrider just afked for 5 minutes. #1K problems, and batrider was probably your best player and did more hero damage in a short time then you did all game. Lets not talk about the PL who farmed for 53 minutes and has 150 LH complaining about a farmed void with more than 300. Like seriously get real.

                    You're not going to get better by people pitying you, you're garbage, trash, lowskill rubbish. Your games are bad cause you're bad, you fucking awful at the game and until that changes neither will your games.

                    Midi Prill

                      It's well known that if you flame and are toxic, you will get matched with similar players, it is based on reports and maybe other factors as well. Valve disclosed this already a long time ago.

                      On my main I get tons of flame/toxic/afk people, because honestly I played in WC3 days and still love to flame in all chat, it jsut sticks with you lol.

                      But on this mini account, i'm nice to everyone, say GGWP, and the match quality is noticably higher, everyone is friendlier on average. It's past speculation at this point, noticed this for 200+ games on my main and another 100+ on this account.


                        ''Normal skill''



                          My team match making stats is so :(...

                          Tiny Airlines

                            Havoc Badger, I was muted.

                            1. I was rushing MKB because of Phantom Assassin
                            2. Ember Spirit again was being a jackass and wouldn't go mid and get B-Fury
                            3. That is not #1K problems. It's a very well known fact that Void is still a broken hero and I wouldn't have died a lot of if my idiot teammates helped me.
                            4. Russians. Shouldn't. Be. On. US East.

                            bum farto

                              1. With your 20AS you were sure to bring him down.
                              2. ...and that is your business because????
                              3. Void is broken how?
                              4. You're right, god damn commies can't remain on their own servers. Russians should stop invading things that aren't theirs #irony

                              Tiny Airlines

                                1. Monkey King Bar was my only hope of stopping PA.
                                2. Because he was on my team
                                3. It's still 52-53%.
                                4. I'm not kidding here.

                                bum farto

                                  1. Not being bad was your only hope of stopping PA, also you were building an item to counter a hero who was clearly not the issue.
                                  2. Does that make you the shot caller? Techies was effective mid, and while you all did bad you were clearly the worst. #MKB
                                  3. ...that doesn't make the hero broken, just effective. Broken is prepatch ES who is still good but not broken.
                                  4. Neither am I.

                                  Tiny Airlines


                                    This time I didn't go MKB on BH, but my teammates were yelling at me to go Battle Fury which is something I would never do. I was trying to get Heart of Tarrasque but they kept flaming me for it. Also CM just fed the entire game and kept yelling at us.

                                    God I wish PA was so unpopular...

                                    bum farto

                                      HAHAHAHAH!!!! This game gives me hard aids.

                                      You needed to go boots, urn, orchid, BKB or linkens, but apparently desolator is a top notch first and only item.

                                      Tree goes refresher over sceptre, lycan with crit (my lord), CM played well but with all your teams bad plays and feeding she was kind of hung out to die. How does a BH with deso do only marginally more dmg that a CM who "fed".

                                      BH is a pretty garbage hero if you team isn't going to secure any late game I just do whatever with him cause the hero is so easy to get kills with and then you just hope your team has it late. Like I seriously just do dagon every game I play him recently as it's just a roaming hero with good killing potential not a static farmer laning for last hits and shitty items.


                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                        (3.3k mmr btw lel)


                                        2.6k mmr Juggernaut oh and shit Pugna who rushed Scepter and delayed my mek and no t3s down lol.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                        bum farto

                                          ^ wow you really think you're hot stuff. Jugger at a lower MMR played the best on your team, sceptre is a good item on pugna and if you were going the mekanism he may as well have rushed it. Oh wait, just realized your another delusional US player whose ego is way bigger than his actual skill. #closetpros

                                          11K damage as phoenix in a 50 minute game is appalling my last 50 minute game that was even a loss so no bias

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            Never seen drow orchid, but I like it.



                                              That's a tough game, you really had no way of dealing with weaver. Unless Pugna/Lina could break linkens, and ursa could blink hex, you are going to lose fight for sure. Weaver too good at kiting ursa/jugger.

                                              To OP: if there are bad teammates on your team, there will be bad teammates on other team. If you have a off lane feeding a spec 0-20, its okay, its 1 game. But you will forget the game where your safe lane got 20 kills from their off lane. It's about winning the games that are relatively even and not trying to critique your teammates, chances are you will make the same mistakes.

                                              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                @Havoc Nevermind just watch the match. Only reason jugg done well because his ult is easy and he got solo kills + I was roaming the whole map because weaver was ratting.


                                                @Grom Weaver was easy kill. But our carry Juggernaut. In my opinion had poor item choice but I'm just a retarded American so idk. Maybe going those items really was the best thing to do.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  @Havoc: How am I supposed to win with shitlords like this Magnus on my team:

                                                  Treads > Blink > Abyssal > Refresher. Does nothing useful all game, despite Sniper making more space than exists in the Milky Way, and never double RP'd because the retard didn't have the mana to support it. Especially against AM; what a fucking game ruiner.


                                                    ^lol 8/10

                                                    Tiny Airlines


                                                      Okay another fucking loss, 6 in a FUCKING row.

                                                      Sand King jungles from start, Earthshaker pretty much refuses to play. Whoever came up with Sand King jungling needs to be beaten to death. Learn to FUCKING PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!!


                                                        Less than 2 lh/min^. Man if you are going to get that, you lose the right to complain about teammates

                                                        bum farto

                                                          Did you ever stop to think that your emotional involvement with your previous games is leaking into each game you go into and effecting it? Sometimes you need to take a break and come back to it.

                                                          @Hardcore You were an idiot but it paid off :P

                                                          Here's my genuine advice, go into the game, and just do your thing. Don't say anything to anyone and just fucking play the damn game. Don't give people advice and don't take it unless the person is of a higher rank and stacking with you. Just fucking place your own game and mute people if you have to. Like seriously let people do their thing, if they do something unconventional it's not your place to question it and if it fails that's their bad and the game is lost anyways so what is the deal about getting worked up about other players in your same bracket.

                                                          Tiny Airlines

                                                            @Grom- No you don't get it. Earthshaker didn't stay in my god damn lane to protect me, Sand King didn't do shit during the laning phase, and they pretty much let them destroy our ancient. This was single draft too, maybe I should just not play that mode. Turns out there's just TOO many idiots.

                                                            I've had much better last hitting games, so don't even.

                                                            @Havoc- Perhaps, but these matches weren't played consecutively. I played one game about 3 hours ago, and just finished that awful match with my teammates. I really hate the muting system, I really do. Even then though, that really isn't much help there. Should I just not play Single Draft at all anyway? It seems like my worst games come from that mode.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            one and half gun

                                                              holy fuck u are garbage, give me tb arcana and i'll get you 300 mmr in 1 day


                                                                ^Dude all ES can do at most in the beginning is throw out a fissure and maybe auto attack once before he gets owned. Yeah maybe at 3, Es+SK can do some work but you have to communicate that if they aren't going to do it!

                                                                And even if you are solo laning, assuming you went against Drow+BH (I didn't watch game), just pull creeps and still you can probably get 2 creeps every wave. Or if you are getting nothing from lane, just stack small camp and pull it to get some exp/gold. Make it so creeps are under your tower so you can farm safely.

                                                                Tiny Airlines

                                                                  My mute ends in 9 hours. They should just remove the mute system since it just creates more losses.


                                                                    @Havoc: Dude we lost that game. Mega throws and shit decision making all around. But whenever I think about flaming my teammates, I come back to this:



                                                                      please just accept that you're shit at the game. the only way you're going to improve is if you admit that you're bad and that you have room to improve. if you're always just blaming your teammates then you're never going to play better, you're not going to rectify your mistakes.

                                                                      the reason you are losing is because you are also shit. your normal skill games are basically 5 retards vs 5 retards

                                                                      when you queue with friends who are much worse than you on top of having a really low party mmr, you should be stomping your opponents, even if you have 4 bad players on your team.
                                                                      for example:
                                                                      this is what happens when you are miles better than your opponents even if your 4 other teammates are shit at the game i.e. 1 good player + 4 retards vs 5 retards. im only a low 4k player but im against players who are 3000 mmr at best. you don't need your teammates to win the game, and you can't say it was because i played mid or safe lane, i was 1v2 in the offlane

                                                                      > Whoever came up with Sand King jungling needs to be beaten to death

                                                                      yeah im sure VG.fy is a fucking garbage tier player who should be beaten to death for consistently getting 8 min blink daggers by jungling sand king


                                                                        > My mute ends in 9 hours. They should just remove the mute system since it just creates more losses.

                                                                        no, the mute system is to remind people that they're being assholes and that maybe they should stop being assholes. and the biggest assholes are the ones that don't realise that they're being assholes. i.e. you; you don't realise how big of a douchebag you're being to your teammates, or why you're being muted.

                                                                        instead of trying to see how much of a dickhead you can be without being muted, try not being a dickhead entirely

                                                                        Midi Prill

                                                                          To the muted guy, dude i flame MAJOR and haven't been muted in months...Just don't flame on Sunday/Monday when everyone has fresh reports. Boom there you go, never muted again. Oh yeah, I report pretty much every toxic nerd I encounter, and they get refunded over half the time. Feels good handing out mutes when I know I'm saying 10x worse stuff

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            I never been muted, how do you know when you get muted? does dota tell you or is entire map becomes read with devils flying around?

                                                                            Tiny Airlines

                                                                              It says "No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked."

                                                                              You can't get permanently muted in this game though at least.


                                                                                are you honestly still complaining. people are giving you advice on how to fix your play and you're shrugging it off and you assume you are the best player in all of these games you've been playing in.

                                                                                obviously everything has gotten into your head. if there are all of these op heroes out there why don't you just play it yourself and win if it's so easy and overpowered.

                                                                                learn that you need to improve on your skills and you aren't the best or you'll never change.


                                                                                  what's your mmr now?

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                  Tiny Airlines

                                                                                    1191 MMR

                                                                                    I decided not to bother with ranked matchmaking as I tilt even more there and get really irritated.


                                                                                      Why would you rage at that MMR?

                                                                                      Game is hard!

                                                                                        i love this new raging havoc

                                                                                        We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                                          I think Dotabuff has finally gotten to Havoc lol. I like the raging Havoc as well.

                                                                                          go kill urself

                                                                                            is it even legal for 1k players to be the ones flaming? cant imagine what one has to do to achieve less than 1k...

                                                                                            Game is hard!

                                                                                              giff items and i giff u mmr


                                                                                                WoW...I am surprised that this thread exists...


                                                                                                  OP: The truth to this game is that you shouldn't blame your teammates for these games cause you make mistakes as well...the fact is if you are too concerned with the other teammates and their "mistakes" then you will never notice your own..and soon enough you will be like the shitty teammates you're complainin about

                                                                                                  poopkid 420


                                                                                                    snipers a fucking trash can-


                                                                                                    乂 ¥๏ℓ๏ 乂

                                                                                                      [I was playing KUNKA but Batrider wasn't yet satisfied with his feed
                                                                                                      and was blaming his carries, and Nature Prophet appeared at very
                                                                                                      last minutes when game was finishing and stopped his jungle farm
                                                                                                      and still he feeded.]

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                      乂 ¥๏ℓ๏ 乂

                                                                                                        @Havoc Badger | DotaExchange
                                                                                                        I respect your mature opinion i think we shouldn't judge everyone
                                                                                                        and yelled at people who are slightly building something different
                                                                                                        according to the game situation. Please guys grow up Dota is not
                                                                                                        LOL your Items and Skills shouldn't be same everytime in every