General Discussion

General DiscussionDB+ SUGGESTION

DB+ SUGGESTION in General Discussion

    you know how you have the 'played with me' info when you're browsing a profile, right?

    It would be cool if there was a new DB+ separate tab called 'Played with me' (so far there are - Dashboard, Rankings, Matchups and Trends). It would list the players that you played with (who aren't your 'friends') according to how many games they played with you (2 games or more sounds fair).
    Just have a basic frequency chart with a few options, e.g:

    Settings: [Time period - this month] [ Mode - Ranked Matchmaking]

    Games played---- Results ---------------- Profile
    6 ------------------- 5-1 -------------------- Ferrari_420
    4 ------------------- 0-4 -------------------- Boris_xAxa_n0f1d3r1n0
    3 ------------------- 3-0 -------------------- Na'Vi.Kukory
    2 ------------------- 0-2--------------------- Mad Panda

    What do you guys think?

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

      I think that feature is already implemented under the "Matchups" tab (unfitting name).


        @Smaug, does your's work?
        I selected: all time, all lobies & all modes and i git nuffin


          it doesnt work for me i get this




              you need a minimum number of games against or with another player to show up there. If you constantly stack with friends it should show up. But the opponent one probably won't show up for most people unless they are extremely high MMR and their player pool is very small.


                i have 3 games played against this guy, hes like 4,8k and i played against him when i was 4,9k and it doesnt show up
                what is the minimum number of games, i thought it was 3

                [DFG] Whale King

                  5 in all time
                  3 in month
                  2 in week


                    @Lice source? I'd like to hear more from Lolipoop


                      works for me


                        What everyone doesn't notice is the fact he MEANT PRO PLAYERS NOT just anyone who you happen to play with/against