General Discussion

General DiscussionThose 5 Heroes You Really F****N HATE.

Those 5 Heroes You Really F****N HATE. in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    I'm just curious if anybody actually has 5 heroes they can't stand and genuinely hate for no or any specific reason. Those 5 that you just never warmed to and never pick because you hate them haha. I'm just curious if anybody else's are the same as mine haha :)

    1. SLARK
    2. RIKI
    4. MEEPO

    Gonna have to add one more.



      5. Sniper
      4. Slark
      3. Brewmaster
      2. Void
      1. Piece of shit Drow



        Miku Plays

          1. Necro -> dagon is bullshit
          2. Pugna -> another dagon
          3. Slark -> runs away and comes back to you
          4. Brewmaster -> in good hands, comes with great annoyance
          5. Meepo -> how do you deal with a snowballing meepo

          me, government hooker

            1. TINK-TARD [fucking annoying]
            2. MEEPO [the fuck is this cannot move and die gangbang]

            :) Baby Bushkin :)

              @Tiesto "TINK-TARD" thats brilliant mate hahaha made me laugh. Slark also makes me want to throw my laptop out of the window haha. Meepo can't stand. Miriana and Invoker hardly get picked in my region but slark is defo becoming public enemy number 1.

              @HatsuneMiku aww no i like Necrophos and Pugna is great once you get going with him, i love how all the hard carry heroes go for Pugna until he cracks his ultimate and then they run like a littlle B***h. Meepo, Brewmaster and Slark though i couldn't agree with you more.

              @Grom i get ya, i used to hate Viper because i use to play limited heroes quite a lot but now he doesn't bother me as much

              @SoulEater676 Drow and Sniper are in the top 10 haha i should have done 10. But Faceless Void is old news to me, most guys have seen the pro's play with him and then have a crack themselves and it usually goes wrong. Faceless Void's i play with or against always try and be clever and then usually get caught out and destroyed.


                1. Skywrath
                I recently got rekt by a Skywrath which incrased my rage on this particular heroe, I find his abilities pretty shallow and utterly ridiculous, if I wanted to play against a beam-beam nuke dumb heroe I would be playing League of Legends.
                2. Phantom Lancer
                He would fit perfectly in League of Legends and his capacity of creating illusions is too retardedly high in the late game
                3. Silencer or Shadow Shaman (it depends)
                We all know why
                4. Riki
                Invisible-Nuker-Silence-If fed the only place you're not a free farm is behind of a tower or a sentry
                5. Techies
                Because nobody knows how to play with him and insist on picking him and its always on my team, becoming pretty much a 4x5

                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                  @CaffekonPlay4Fun Skywrath Mage annoys the f**k out of me haha so i can't disagree there. Phantom Lancer is in my top 5 so agree again haha and the same with Riki. Techies i never include because i don't consider him a hero, i find him pointless. I wish though that i could play with Silencer and Shadow Shaman has kick ass abilities and to be fair i kinda like him haha but i do see your point.

                  Pom Pom 🍕

                    5. Faceless Void
                    4. Meepo
                    3. Tinker
                    2. Omniknight
                    1. Ancient Apparation - bullshit hero, wish he was removed.

                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                      @Pomikyan Faceless, Meepo and Tinker i get quite a lot haha they are truly hated. Omniknight is a tricky one for me because i think he's good but just really underplayed. Ancient Apparition i like as a concept hero but yeah in practice he is pretty poor compared to most other supports, i think they shouldn't remove him but make him better and bunk up his abilities a bit.


                        vengeful whor.e

                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                          @LFT.Allison Void getting a bit more hate haha and Axe has gotta have a little hate the annoying T**T haha Vengeful Whor* haha that made me laugh. I won't lie to you.. i fuc**n hate spirit breaker the big blue c**t hahaha. And that's a good one, forgot about Templar assassin haha


                            1. Faceless Void
                            2. Slark
                            3. Brewmaster
                            4. Necrolyte
                            5. Viper

                            All of these heros are tanky in their way and they either got an aura or passives that annoys me or a team fight controling ability


                              voker void tards

                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                @K1menu everybody hates void hahaha and Slark and Brewmaster need hating, Slark players are so arrogant and cocky. Brewmaster just gets on my nerves in general. Viper and Necrophos don't bother me as much though, i actually like being Necrophos but not viper so much.

                                @ProtectYourNuts hahaha true say man :)


                                  1.Necro fgt
                                  2.Fgt breaker
                                  3.Brood fgt
                                  4.Bristle fgt
                                  5.Ogre fgt


                                    Necro, Ogre, Broodmother, TA, TB

                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                      @Synox jeez necrophos is getting some hate haha and of course Spirit Breaker is a t**t. Bristleback i kinda like but ogre magi and Broodmother are real d**kheads.

                                      @JCX Yet again more hate for Necrophos haha i actually like him as a support hero but that's because i mainly play support. TA i can understand... The Hero is annoying and i don't really think i get her purpose


                                        earth spirit

                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                          @Frostychee oh no man not cool, why you be hatin on Timbersaw? the others i can understand especially earth spirit, most pointless hero on the game


                                            Legion Commander
                                            Ember spirit



                                              glimpse is the most annoying shit when you're playing a really mobile hero.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Is it heroes you hate playing or heroes you hate to play against?


                                                  Skyfag Mage


                                                    1.Silencer (99% comes as counterpick)
                                                    2.TA (dragonfist wannabes)
                                                    4.quas wex voker (mad skillz = 2spells all game + phase boots,and even goes for aghs rush!!! ends up being utterly useless)
                                                    5.Necro radiance/dagon

                                                    off topic @9PLASM why do u keep hahahah after every 2 words u type, looks wierd as f*ck.


                                                      I don't like Mappo because whenever there is one picked against you, you are like "fuck this, he must be good, lets pick something to counter him" but you ran out of picks because he last picked or you decide to pick some cheesy dual lane with Lich or something to rape meepo's lane but your team picks Tinker, some shitty AM and a jungling Doom instead...



                                                        1. Mirana
                                                        2. Phantom Assassin
                                                        3. Sniper
                                                        4. Faceless Void
                                                        5. Skywrath Mage

                                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                          Skywrath mage getting some hate and it's general hatred for heroes man haha if you hate that hero then shout it out ;) and i must agree that Phantom Assassin is another one i hate.


                                                            Only void . I don't mind him being the late game monster that he is but he gets a little too good to soon. I would drastically reduce the radius of his chrono at the skills lvl 1 & 2 to the point that you would be lucky to get two people in there

                                                            g w s

                                                              silencer x5

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                viper, slark, silencer, bristalback, phantom lancer

                                                                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                  Juggernaut, Sniper, Razor, Invoker, Pugna


                                                                    i generally hate seeing slardar since whenever hes on my team he rushes vanguard and goes 0-10, and whenever he is on enemy team he gets 7 min blink and rapes everything.

                                                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                      @Smaug i'm curious why you don't like Juggernaut its just that he doesn't get a mention a lot :) and NO! don't hate on Razor he's probably one of the best heroes on the game haha

                                                                      @LG3Nthefarmer I actually like slardar but i think he is underpicked, seriously people never pick him in my region


                                                                        I hate Mirana. Every Mirana I play with is some useless shitbag with no farm, no arrows, and always forgets to ult. Enemy Mirana is always fucking Hawkeye with arrows and has a special version of the ult that turns her entire team into Riki forever.

                                                                        Other heroes I hate: DP (fuck you), Chen (useless), Nyx Assassin (same as Mirana), and Razor.

                                                                        I don't even hate Razor becausw I lose to it. I hate the hero because it's a useless piece of do-nothing shit, but I see it in every fucking professional game. I'm sure they know something I don't, but the last 6 pro Razor games I've seen have had Zyori going, "This Razor just isn't doing anything. "THATS BECAUSE RAZOR NEVER DOES ANYTHING.

                                                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                          @HardcoreHeathen hahaha i just played as Miriana in death match and youre right i was fairly useless haha so i can't argue at all with that one. Death Prophet i actually like to be honest i think she's really good in most roles you play her in. Chen doesn't really count to me because he's just a space filler haha so you're right. I like Nyx Assassin but i kinda feel i'd rather pick a Sand King over him. Sorry though but please don't look at my stats considering i've played 60 games with Razor and won 40 of them haha he's my main hero and i love him haha please don't hate me ;)


                                                                            Doom (owned by 1 button)

                                                                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                              @Grimorum Silencer i agree with because he's good apart from when i play as him haha Slark annoys me anyway but DOOM is a new one on this page i think, i like him as a hero and a concept and i think he's super underplayed and underrated considering what he brings to the late game. Can see why you hate the big red C**T though hahaha

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!