General Discussion

General DiscussionRecently, It seems Im matched with throwers and GGers.

Recently, It seems Im matched with throwers and GGers. in General Discussion

    I was 3800 last patch. Im not the kind of guy who picks flaver of the months either. I do believe Im not worth 3800 but since the new patch, i believe its 6.82 now and i keep getting throwers and QQers that calls gg when this patch is called the comeback. I am now 3400. I dont really mind, i just dont like the fact that I lose most games because my teammates seems lower mmr than me while my opponent seems to be doing everything right, just like i do most of the time! Im most of the time the one that tries to carry the team of 2k retards that pick CM and tries to ward every single game the no vision jungle where theres a fat slark running around with shadow blade. I give them advice and they dont listen. And theres always the argument "oh i guess u belong in this bracket then" well how can i get matched with the other team then? I play solo ranked btw.

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    Game is hard!

      looking at your stats, you belong there.


        You did not read, the MMR is not important. What Im trying to explain is that I got a feeling Im matched with players that are lower skilled than me while my ennemy are the same or most of the time better.


          Go mid and rape. if you can't carry your team by midding, then you belong there. Right now i'm stuck at 3950 -3979 (went up to 3979 thrice the past two days ) and i blame myself. My last legion game was really bad. I fed as the offlaner against a trilane and my rotations didn't work out. My last storm game my farm is really low, if i had better farm that game i would've won and finally become a 4k scrub. lol. Anyway just keep playing if u want to improve. If you don't and just want to play casually go unranked. No problem there.


            You're playing solo ranked all pick, which means valve matches you based on solo ranked mmr only.
            How can valve always team you with shitty teammates while putting all the good players on the other team all the time, when the only thing they matched you with is just the numerical of your solo ranked mmr?
            Surely your luck can't be that bad that there are always no jokers on the other team? Maybe it's just that the other team's players are throwing as well just that you didn't notice it, since you can't see them arguing with each other in their allies chat.

            At least you have a CM support who is willing to ward for you, and doing her job by warding the map. You said that she has been feeding the fat slark by running off to ward, so why is it that the team is not doing their job by following her to the warding spots to protect her while she supports them? Or would you prefer to play in a map of darkness?

            Best thing for you is to find a stack of 5 players to play, so that you will never come across the problem of "having to carry 4 x 2k mmr retards" on your team again. You asked how to be matched with the "proper" players, well this is the only way to control your fate assuming it's true you're always matched with retards on your team and proper players on the other side.
            Quit solo matchmaking, form a stack and play team matchmaking.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              I flame major since that was part of the fun in dota1 days lol and I guess it just stuck with me. if you flame a lot and get reported a lot, it will match you with similar people. I don't mean low priority either.

              I mute people to dodge them if they afk or intentionally feed, and one of these guys got matched on my team so much that he ended up on my dotabuff Friend list last month, and that's WITH me dodging him most of the time.

              On my 2nd account (same MMR) people are generally friendlier, much faster queue times, less toxic players in general. I always say GGWP and stuff and never flame anyone or BM pause or whatever.

              Maybe try to cool it with the flaming/toxic if you don't want those kind of people on your team.

              As for me I don't really mind it, I would rather play on this account than stick on my new one and act friendly, since I like to look over my records and stuff sometimes.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                I just got this game where 2 teammates go afk 12 mins in, freaking slark maxing essence first and people dying to a pudge who can only hit people who arent moving.

                me, government hooker

                  Same i keep losing with noob alies

                  PINGU NIDEPIGU

                    Don't worry buddy. its just part of dota.
                    you'll be back at 3800 once games start rolling your way

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!