General Discussion

General Discussionwondering how some of u don't quit this game yet

wondering how some of u don't quit this game yet in General Discussion

    Just played with my friend in a stack, our 3k tinker goes mid and doesn't get blink on the hero, and ends up with the same hero damage as a support lich (who was also 3k but 10x more useful). thankfully since we're both 5k we ended up carrying his worthless ass

    how do u people not quit dota, is it autism or something? do u enjoy looking like buffoons while carrying all that pretense of being a "decent" player as opposed to not being complete trash?

    i mean at least have the humility to play support or some shit

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      I'm going to try my best to imitate wave while he's gone, since his services are necessary for the proper functioning of dotabuff forums.


        ^You are halfway there, you need to use more wavewords

        inflated euro trash
        autistic kids
        getting carried


          Sometimes wave succeeds in combining these words into something meaningful



            Hex Sigma

              @when was wave relevant anyways.

              @op nice story but frankly nobody cares. Afaik you're not making money from this game, and then again lots of people are playing it for fun. But who needs fun when you have a huge epeen which whispers you every night that you are the best. It's a goddamned video game, grow up and get over it.


                yes I enjoy that

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!