General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what point(mmr) would top players stop winning games on their own.

At what point(mmr) would top players stop winning games on their own. in General Discussion

    I'm reading a lot about top players who could win like 90% of the games at 3/4/5k mmr. But can they really, for instance could a 6k mmr player really win if he's playing a support against the other team? At a certain lvl the contribution you make to a team just can't make enough of a difference to win.

    So i was kinda wondering to what point would a top lvl player be able to make a game winning difference playing various roles(not just mid snowball hero's)

    waku waku

      There are otherways a single player can influence the outcome of a match like influencing picks of their and enemy team, giving orders in a way their team would accept them and sapping enemy team's morale, it may not matter that much if they play a support. Of course, i don't know if they actually do that...


        EE does that constantly. Literally the most tryhard pub player.

        He's an A-star student, y...

          Well, a lot of top players play USE or USW and occasionally lose to 4k mmr players. Also, iirc, EE lost a fair amount of games on his smurf when it was 4.5k mmr. And thats in spite of playing carry or mid. Imagine if he were to play support at that skill level. Furthermore, Brax is supposedly 4k and Akke is only 5k.

          If a top player was to play purely supports he would probably never get past 5.5k. Yes, there are other factors than role but role is by far the most important one and the one that influences the impact you can have on the game the most.


            I know a support that reached 7k
            and an other one who was more or less 6k3-6k4 at his highest peak

            He's an A-star student, y...

              who? link? and i doubt he played support ONLY, which is what I implied. im aware u can get past 6k if u also play other roles a lot.


                @drank vodka won dotka how likely would that happen in a 3/4/5k mmr pub.. I really doubt most would listen to well, or listen but not be able to execute it properly or something similar. I get the point though that a proper leader could improve the team quite a bit above just what a single hero can provide. Not sure how much better a 6k leader would be then a 4k one though.

                @matrice reaching 7k on a support should always be possible, but isn't it much harder purely because you don't have as much control over the game, as when your the main carry..

                Though i'm not really interested whether people can reach 7k as a support. But at which point the difference between skill becomes marginal, that you can't force a win regardless of which hero/role you are playing. i assume this is somewhere between 4 and 5k mmr depending on the role you are playing.

                i'm quite interested at what mmr that is.

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