General Discussion

General DiscussionSkillbuild and Itemization for Slark

Skillbuild and Itemization for Slark in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    So this hero is the best hero for crushing in solo que. And I know many of you play this hero, and play him with great sucess. I have won countless games completly on my own because my hidden MM is quite low and this hero punishes potatos the most(mostly I play him from offlane) I want to use this hero to climb RMM.
    The biggest problems I find with him is
    1)Skillbuild: This is probably the heros I find most complex when it comes to skillbuild. I have been reviewing matrice slark games and his skillbuilds vary ENOURMOUSLY. What skills maxed when snowballing?behind?normal game? I usually go for max pounce but Ive see how maxing dark pact is amazing (after lvl6) to clean the jungle very fast. Also in what situations do you max ur passive? :crazy:
    2)Itemization: Again the hero seems very flexible when what? Also I tend to have huge mana problems at 10-20 min into the game even with stick any tips? (for example when AC instead of butterfly/basher?, Is medallion ever an option?)

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      Usually when playing slark you wanna snowball so a pickup like medallion is almost never an option, also to avoid your mana problems just run to your teams mana boot carrier, get ac if your having a lot of teamfights otherwise i see a pickup like skadi/s&y on a hero like this most of the time

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      Low Expectations

        What about getting S&Y into Mjolner? Does that give you more kill potential than S&Y->Skadi? Also what about the skillbuild?


          I like to go offlane and get Aquila > Treads > Shadow Blade > Orchid, ultimate solo kill ability and allows for massive snowballl. I then either pick up a Mjolnir or a Skadi depending.


            Not sure about mjolner not something im comfortable giving advice on, but skill build i usually go 23212 before 6 unless i really feel that i dont need the pounce as an escape until later, if your playing typical slark though i recommend getting your pounce maxed followed by dark pact. When behind id still look to nax pounce because youl need it as an escape and that cooldown is great maxed.

            Low Expectations

              ^That build just seems really bad. You are super squishy at level 10 and will have 800 hp and can get bursted by a support with sentries. Also the buildup to SB is quite bad so before you actually get the item but get 2 shot by a support.


                The guy maxed his passive probably cause he laned vs a melee in mid. Anyways, I played slark recently, and I didnt run into HUGE mana problems. Switch pt, get a blink instead of shadowblade (its more fun like that as well). Skadi is a good choice because slark doesnt need items that make a big impact mid game anyways, most of the time, because of the survivability and the mobility that he has, he also gains dmg during a teamfight. And an orb is good for everything, skadi is perfect on the hero. Gives so needed hp (but not heart, whichs regen you dont need), some dmg and AS, solves mana issues perfectly, and the active is pretty good as well. SnY is a similar kind of thing, but without all the advantages of skadi.


                  The thing is, you aren't meant to get caught out. You're the most elusive bastard in the game! I tend not to teamfight at all as offlane Slark until I'm pretty farmed, instead I focus on solo kills non-stop to create space and snowball until I can tank up... Orchid solves all mana issues and is the best solokill item in the game and SB is amazing because Shadow Dance.

                  Flat is Justice!

                    i suck at slark but the good slarks seem to go
                    stat items -> blink/sb -> eos


                      Really depends on the situation, I know you really want one answer but it really depends. Orchid solves mana problems for slark and turns him into a killing machine 1v1. Matrice is a pro, so it varies his skill build alot. Usually you want max pounce first and get 1 level of essence shift, dark pact.

                      Whoever says avoid teamfights and farm up first with slark is not playing him properly. Slark's first priority is to farm on heroes, he can easily pick off heroes and escape. It's hard to kill slark really, unless you pick blood seeker.

                      Flat is Justice!

                        "It's hard to kill slark really, unless you pick blood seeker."

                        Not anymore. New bloodseeker is more of a support now. Double edge buff + unreliable silence + shitty single target lockdown


                          i never go dagger, always lothar against noob teams, cuz u need dmg to crush the supports, then orchyd if needed, or go straight with bkb/abyssal


                            @Messiah I didn't mean farmed up on creeps, I meant farmed up as in got a few items from the solokills. I try and avoid 5v5s most of the time in the same way a Bounty Hunter does - pick off one hero to initiate a fight and then run away, dancing around and cleaning up afterwards.



                              How would you play slark against these heroes?

                              side note: sky was mid against me

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!