General Discussion

General Discussion"Mid or feed" QQ

"Mid or feed" QQ in General Discussion


    Just what's the point? I guess it is no different to any other internet trolling but I still don't get the point - isn't there something better to do with 30mins of your life than to ruin 9 other people's game?

    I guess pity is the right response?

    Any "mid or feed"ers care to explain themselves?

    NextStep ®

      Only 11-13yo kids will do that.
      Otherwise, brain damaged.


        should implement an auto-kick button if someone says mid or feed and then dies 5 times in 5mins...


          Its like taking "ez game" seriously - yea, sometimes it will apply but most of the time people just say it without really meaning it was ez, fuck, I said "ez game" when it was balanced/hard so many times


            except it isn't when that AM does go mid and feed cos invoker won't let him have it...


              I usually say mid and feed, is that better? Or even worse.. Who nos


                I always say it when a team mate instant locks a mid hero. I don't actual take mid but it's fun all the same

                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                  We had one of these in a death match not so long ago so said he wanted mid regardless of his hero and if he didn't get it he would just feed and ruin it for everybody else, he did actually ruin it for everybody else, it got so annoying the enemy team started playing around him and ignoring him haha just ruins it for everybody else

                  puni puni butt UWU

                    in lower brackets, people who are better, or think theyre better, will call mid to "1v9 dota" and attempt to win the game.

                    [DFG] Whale King

                      I never do say mid or feed, but it frustrates me to no end when someone calls mid and proceeds do go 1 kill 1 death basically suicide constantly to get any kill. If you're going mid you should be able to carry your team through the midgame, that is to say, most times your stats should be high on kills and assists, and most importantly, low on deaths. So although I don't say mid or feed, I do wish people would let me take it more instead of sticking me to support roles because I feel like a stronger mid player than most others in my bracket. That's not to say I'm a better player, just stronger mid. I will almost NEVER safelane hard carry, because I know others are better at it, and if someone calls offlane, they're usually pretty good too, just mid is always filled with egotistical invoker pickers that only know how to cast sunstrike.


                        "mid and/or feed"

                        this way you're not liable for whatever happens

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!