General Discussion

General DiscussionShould mid/carry player buy wards?

Should mid/carry player buy wards? in General Discussion
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    Sometimes I get retarded supports who don't buy any vision. Should I buy it ? Is it more beneficial to slow item progression, but have vision ? What do you think about it ?

    EDIT : Bracket 3.5k

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      yes, If u need it,
      what is one ward, two last hits ?

      Primordial Soup

        Loading Screen Tip: Anyone can buy wards...

        waku waku

          yes, i'm around that bracket myself and some people actually do look at the minimap so it's worth it


            Wards = 150g
            Death = 30 x level and lost farming time

            If your wards save you from even 1 gank you will be better off

            Bot Tyrone

              In addition to what these guys have said, for mid, not having cliff vision can make some opponents a lot more difficult to deal with, and some heroes become a lot more dangerous with cliff vision.


                The way I see it is this way: a) You should buy wards mid if you want to stay alive, or b) You have a hero whose "effective range" crosses the river and the range on abilities is greater than his own vision.

                The first case applies universally, the second applies to heroes like pudge and sniper. Knowing where your mid is on the high ground is useful to get those extra hits off, land that hook, or get the assassinate off. One should note that Sniper has shrapnel, which kind of amounts to the same thing, but he cannot keep spending mana to keep it up continuously.


                  If you want, go for it.


                    2 wards is 150 gold, If you die because of no wards, you will lose more then 150gold. If someone else on your team dies, the enemy gets fed gold. If no one buys wards, you should get them. Your Item progression will be slower if you die

                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                      buying wards doesn't really slow your item progression. Placing them does (as it prevents you from farming).

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        its not the support that needs wards its the team.

                        Dire Wolf

                          buy em if you need em, don't if you don't. Rune wards are somewhat overrated though. With double runes now you're getting one anyway, are you really going to wait for them to pop to decide which to go for or are you getting in position early and just taking whatever is there? I do the later. And then unless the enemy is constantly roaming and never in lane, you can tell a gank is coming with good missing calls or by watching the lanes.

                          I really like a ward if the enemy mid is some douchebag like pudge or mirana and I want to see where they are to avoid arrows/hooks, or if the enemy lanes are also contesting runes so I don't run headlong into them without knowing.


                            Even more important than farmers carrying wards is dust when needed. I mostly play support and one of the bigger things that bother me is when people complain about reveal. Most of the time it's hard for the support to be in a good position to dust, where as your mid/offlane player is more likely to be in the middle of things.

                            Also, one of the most looked over thing is item space. Mid game, pretty much every game you have an item slot dedicated to boots, stick, tp, and your first/second item or progression towards it. Sometimes 1 slot is just as important on supports as farmers. Farmers are more likely to buy items as a whole than supports.

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