General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get better at Doto?!

How to get better at Doto?! in General Discussion

    Hello there,
    I'm a lowbob skrub, calibrated once at level 13 and never looked at mmr again, out of shame. Most of my ranked games are in parties. I wanted to know where I should concentrate myself to improve in dota.
    Esspecially with my 3 favorites Luna, Axe and Enchantress. Some critic to my riki plays wouldn't be bad either.

    thank you

    Mr Mental

      The only thing i know is that if you just keep playing, you will improve. Just look at me, i was a 2k mmr scrub, now i am a 3k mmr scrub. Eventually, i will become a 4k mmr scrub. :)
      You have a nice winrate too :)

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Hatsune Miku

        juz play lc and axe ez 2k mmr trench dont know wha to do with lc and axe


          2ks dont know what to do with any hero not just axe and lc lol


            start playing riki, then climb the ladder with sniper ogre..


              but riki cant really end the game, is mjollnir for pushing good on him? he doesn't really benefit from it, appart the speed maybe.


                Just play easy scrub heroes when you want to grind.

                When you want to become better, try every hero multiple times and understand how it works etc. etc.

                Also: don't use in-game guides. Keep thinking about what is the best way to build this hero in there circumstances.

                And of course, play a lot more.


                  Learn mid and spam it

                  (get good at it first obviously)


                    im using my own knowledge for the 4 heroes i stated, still ends up with the same build over and over again. esspecially with axe i never know what is good right know, so I end up with a heart at 50 minutes and was useless up until then. (if the game starts out bad). the other heroes are pretty straightforward. Only very little variation on special occasions.

                    I hate mid, literally worst position ever. only flames from everywhere, even if you manage to push 2 towers, you only hear: "20 min no ganks". Im rather offlane and destroy the hopes of an anti mage to win the game.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      with axe in that bracket you should be winning most of your games if you actually understand how the hero works.
                      1 tip tho, vanguard is not mandatory, in fact early aghanims will benefit you way more, and also consider getting bademail against heavy nukes or heavy hitters with low hp.


                        i feel like aghs isn't that good for axe, never tried it though. I started playing him after I saw a little [URL=]Guide[/URL] on his ult.

                        Edit: pretty gud, made me better dunker than Nate Robinson

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          you can kill a hero if he has 625 hp, i think that is pretty sick, when i get it real early and i have level advantage i can just hit a support 1 or 2 times and press R
                          and the die, and sometimes that can change theoretically hard fight with enigma blackhole into a fight without enigma ez.
                          and how can you feel it isnt good if you havent tried it.
                          rush dagger into aghanims and see if it works for you.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            First of all , u must take things seriously if u want to learn how to play the dotas
                            the dotas require knowledge if u want to improve... well encha isnt the hero that will help u much..
                            luna is nais , axe is nais , encha is not nais.

                            riki is nais and broken u can use this blue shit to climb up fast but i suggest u to learn how the dotas work mechanics/etc
                            and try better heroes let encha eat grass in the jungel and go pick some better hero

                            then u will climb up if ur good enough

                            gg well played



                              Example on Axe: if they can burst you down easily, go for a blade mail (against enemies like Drow and PA)
                              If you are balling, feel free to rush an agha to enlargen the gap between your team and the enemies'.

                              There are a lot more examples of builds you can go on Axe or any other hero, but you should find them out yourself.


                                You won't improve much with a limited hero pool, the best way to know how to deal with other heroes is to play them.


                                  play the gmae, MOBAS take a really long time to get good at. I played dota 1 since 2004 and I still suck I mean look at these stats
                                  terrible I know.


                                    Here's a list of general tips I made for newer players. Hopefully it's helpful. Try ask more specific questions, and I'm sure people will be able to help you. Post this everywhere. Good luck!

                                    -Always be doing something. No matter what role, you should always be doing something. Farming, ganking, getting runes, warding, pushing, roshing, healing, baiting, stacking. Literally the only time you should be doing nothing is if your trapped in you base or if you're sitting behind your farmer. There may be a couple more situations, but thats all I can think of.

                                    -Watch replays. You can see if your insticts were correct. Could you have prevented a death from an obvious gank? Could you have seen the gank on the minimap? Did you need more ward coverage? It's good to know what the fog/day-night effect has. Watch yourself in a team fight from your perspective. Were you tunnel visioned? Should you have gone after another target? Game sense is hard to learn, but it can be reviewed and improved by rewatching fights at all speeds and angles.

                                    -Watch streams, not of the pros though. When pros play pub it's a very different situation. Maybe someone who's 1k higher than your current mmr. Watch how they play, what they're looking at, their item choices, their game decisions, how they farm, how they use their skills.

                                    -Understand the game. Know when to push. Know when to fight. Know when you have to force the game to end. Know when you can stall out and farm. Know when to rosh. It's hard to know what's right, and it's even harder to force teammates to agree with you, but do what you can to force the game it should be played. This is probably the root of why people are so mad at each other, but try to understand what should be accomplished instead of aimlessly going through the motions without knowing whats coming next.

                                    -Never blame your team. Not really, games have definitely been lost because of your teammates. Don't break into the habit of blaming teammates every time you lose. There are almost always something you could have done better yourself, even if you still would have lost. You'll win your share of games because of bad play on the other side as well. Just focus on yourself and what you could have done better to succeed.


                                      i could give you a few pointers if you're willing to listen but most people don't want to therefore i won't be posting them here.

                                      however the most important thing you should not do in ranked matches is : never under any circumstances play a hero that you "WANT TO PLAY BECAUSE I OWN GAMES WITH AM AND IF I DON'T PLAY HIM NOW I WILL DIE OF A LIMP PENIS" (or some other crappy hero), try from the beginning to get a hero that can counter at least 2 other ones from the oposite team

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        It's clear for me that I never should pick a hero just because I want it. Became clear to me when I failed a game pretty hard as Luna. The good thing about riki is that it isn't directly a hero which counters him, it's an item. If you play smart enough you can get around the bounty hunters and slardars, and dust is purgeable.

                                        and fyyq: how is enchantress not good? chillaxing in the jungle until level 6, then ganking from the bushes and nuking the enemy with each hit. they won't know what came for them. and in the end everybody will love you, not just because you were a pro support and let 40 of your 50 posibble kills to your "carry" but also because you were warding everything alltime. AND she has the fluffiest butt, cannot be denied


                                          shes not good in this meta


                                            hello lowbob


                                              SPAM PA IN NORMAL SKILL BRACKET // LIKE THIS ;; GETTING 9 Kills in 9 minutes and winning solo lane against veno and ogre


                                                No PA plz,

                                                PS. juggs rapier is actually mine, he stole it from me, 2 times.

                                                And how is ench not good in the current meta? is WD good? please tell me he is or I can't support


                                                  cos towers arent as important now


                                                    good enough. is that why there's a zeus every game now? I hate that guy, and i don't know how to counter him, help there too plz?

                                                    Hatsune Miku

                                                      dont get aghs on axe... it only increases the threshold exp.. a better item would be bloodstone


                                                        Just play, watch some replays, practice and repeat. That is how I got better and I have also expanded the heroes that I can play in the game (since I can only play drow and sniper in the In my opinion, you should play almost all of the heroes in the current pool so that you can know what are the strengths and weaknesses of those heroes and use it to your advantage. Also try experimenting item builds on heroes and try to not rely on the recommended items so that you know what items you are going to purchase depending on the heroes you will be going up against. I don't know if I am making sense since I am half asleep atm while typing this.