General Discussion

General Discussiongg noob team part 5

gg noob team part 5 in General Discussion
No giggities?

    What's the point of this thread?

    No giggities?

      You even edited the post by adding an another game. You might have not played and worst than your teammates in the two games but you sure didnt play any better either.

      You litteraly have 96 cs in 80 minutes of gameplay. You didnt do much hero damage in both games either.

      I am clearly an average player but i'm 100 % sure there are many mistakes you made i could find in both games.

      My point is : Before fucking blaming the whole universe for your losses, take a look at yourself and try to figure out what YOU could have done better to carry your goddamn team and actually improve.

      I dont post much here but i read a lot of posts and i'm so fed up with these dumb threads about how good you are and how bad the rest of the dota community is compared you.

      Jesus christ you're just a 2k mmr player that belongs in that shit bracket.


      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        tide picker going ghost scepter

        doesnt do ancients

        doesnt get cs

        wonders why hes losing games

        literally u can get 20-25 minute blink refresher arcanes every game since pubs pay no attention