General Discussion

General DiscussionNecrophos Ultimate

Necrophos Ultimate in General Discussion

    The reason I only have a 10% win rate against necrophos. Im in the 4k range and for some reason I lose every time Necrophos is picked on opposing team


      Pick sniper late, his range never allows necro to get close. I've beaten all the necro's I've played against and I have a good necro myself- sniper's a bitch to play against. try it!


        I have made so many cups of tea waiting to respawn from a necro ult


          blink necro rocks sniper :))
          necro imbalanced pub hero no counters


            shrapnel stops blink, and if necro has blink his gold situation has to be fucked and if its not then you were losing that game anyway

            idk i havent lost to a necro in a while and I have a 70% winrate nec in very high, its an easy hero to beat imo but a lot of people have trouble

            Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

              "idk i havent lost to a necro in a while"

              You lost to it 4 days ago, one of your most recent losses.



                someone else took sniper so my hands were tied

                i also had the flu

                look at my sniper games

                and dont people make threads daily about how you suck smaug? stone thrower in a glass house over here, keep picking your favorite hero for a sub 50% winrate lol

                i lost to a nec 16 days ago in EU west during the great lag of '14, so i lost a 250 ping game where i had second most hero damage. sucks

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  U SUCK I PUNCH YOUR SACK!


                    Meepo rapes necro no joke first he will die before he can kill u and if he killed u with his ulti u have 30% decreased respawn :))))

                    U can try huskar too

                    But if u want a real counter to him they r shadow demon , od , omni , dazzel

                    If he ulti use sd q or omni repel or od w or dazzel grave

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      oracle is really good against him as well, he has 2 spells that save from nec ult


                        ^since he is new i forgot to add him
                        wp gg

                        Dire Wolf

                          Ancient apparition. His ult prevents necro's healing so he will actually die before he can whittle you down with death pulses and aura.


                            its because necro is OP and the reason why he has second most winrate out of all the heroes in dota 2 i believe


                              To be fair, Earth Spirit is your most played hero by far.

                              Karma in action.