General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports in Solo Ranked: What to Play

Supports in Solo Ranked: What to Play in General Discussion

    Hey all. I used to post here sometime back, but I went on a dota hiatus for a few months so that I can concentrate with my requirements in school. I am back now, and as the title suggests, I am looking for more support heroes for my solo ranked adventures (I barely have any solo ranked games played. I always play with my friends because I like playing with them. I probably have less than 20, but I guess now is as good as any other time to start.)

    I find that without proper communication in a team, some supports tend to fall off faster than others (for example, I can’t pick Rubick because even if I am able to make the plays happen, I am too reliant on my team to capitalize on it), which is why I am looking to you guys for suggestions.

    I want supports that:
    - Have decent early game impact (e.g. ability to harass offlaner out of lane or can hold early game in a defensive manner)
    - Have decent farming capabilities (for when my team needs to catch up)
    - Have decent damage output
    - Have decent late game impact

    The supports I want to play may not necessarily have all of these qualities, but it should at least cover most.
    Currently these are the supports that I plan to use for my ranked queues

    - Lich (Because sacrifice would help in games with low amount of action. I can get levels etc. And I can also have early game impact)
    - Visage (Impact in all aspects of the game. And amazing damage output)
    - Ogre (because ogre)
    - Phoenix (damage output? Ganking capabilities?)
    - Dazzle (Decent impact throughout the game)
    - Omniknight (Games tend to be dragged later where I am so omni would have decent impact)
    - Earth Spirit (for the great early-mid game impact)
    - Earthshaker (great at roaming in the early levels. I think. And gotta get them dunks.)

    I’m honestly not sure about Jakiro and ET. They seem too reliant on team coordination. I can go Chen/Ench/Enigma as well but I'm not sure how impactful the first two are anymore. Also I kind of like playing unorthodox supports at times like WK, so it would be cool if there were more suggestions regarding this.

    Also, despite not having played for 4 months, I was not completely off dota. I have been following tournaments and looking at guides (like the replays analyzed by Aui_2000, Art of Support guide, etc). So I still kind of know the meta.

    I just really want to learn, so it would be nice for people to give suggestions on what a support’s mindset should be and how a support should move in the game. (Ganking/farming patterns etc)

    And if it matters, here's a little background on me: I started playing dota 2 about 2 years ago. I play support more than 90% of the time. My MMR is around 3.4k

    NextStep ®

      You might wanna try Undying.
      I grinded from 3.8k to 5k within 140 games.

      Pom Pom 🍕

        Witch Doctor sounds perfect for those points. He's not the most reliable ganker though (random cask bounces), but his voodoo restoration is amazing early on to keep your team alive, and his early right-click is good for zoning out. Ultimate makes him a sort of semi-carry late game. Cask can be used to farm since it does more damage to creeps (also stuns them longer).


          When supporting i usually pick earthshakira, sky or wd, bane, venge.. Them good fo stun and disable. Them so op in my potatos tier. Them unbeaten. But, dont listen to me, me only scrubs


            Jakiro can 1v1 almost anyone at lvl 1, so it's easy to zone the enemy offlaner. In 2v1 lanes he is auto-win. In 2v2 lanes is a bit harder because you might eat a pounce or mirana arrow and then die if your carry doesn't have stun or nuke.

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            Midi Prill

              My personal favourite is Leshrac

              -He can flash farm super easy past about 15 mins
              -Won't be nerfed like the broken supports of this patch (So getting good on him pays off long term)
              -Edict damages through BKB, hits invis enemies, and pushes super hard
              -Can kill almost any hero 1v1 level 2-10 if you catch them alone
              -Fast MS (315)
              -Long attack range, like at first rune, you can shoot-deny the bot rune from radiant medium camp
              -Easy animation to last hit with


                @NextStep: I actually read your guide on it. Looking forward to trying to out actually, just forgot to mention it here.

                @Pomi: Yep, forgot to place him here as well. I never really got to play him (I think I have like one game on him?), but he seems like a good hero to try out. His vodoo restoration also seems like a bonus when trying to zone out the offlaner. He seems to be everything I want (on paper) haha

                @A-lif: I forgot about sky. Early game is so good with him. And I like the other heroes you mentioned as well. I use venge a lot and bane's disables are no joke. I usually instapick either one when an enigma appears.

                @6_din_49: Hmm alright. I'll think about picking him again. My problem with him is that I feel the need to be mobile, then again, I haven't built tranquils on him so I guess I'll go test him out again.

                @NSX-RR: I usually don't pick him because I feel like it's easy to be out of position. (His spells are short ranged and he is super squishy). How do you usually play him? Is the stun always worth maxing first because of the increased radius? Or does his 3rd skill get more of a priority? I haven't actually played him after his previous buff so I'm not quite sure. That's a nice tip btw (re: the rune deny).

                Midi Prill

                  Lol I know I will get flamed hard but...I just never get lightning period! Stats is definitely worth more on this hero early game
                  I usually max the Edict first since it just does incredible damage
                  At level 8 I am 4-4-0-0, then you can get the ult

                  I just find the lightning to be kind of a redundant skill, 5 stat points is pretty much an ultimate orb, I'd rather have that than the shitty lightning spell

                  Bloodstone is your dream item but don't try to make it if you're not stomping

                  You can get by just fine with an Urn and Euls

                  Ghost scepter is usually a must-have if you have no bloodstone

                  Remember the Q can break trees too, it can come in handy sometimes

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    Hmm yeah that's true, but doesn't lightning help with farming though? Or help set up your stun just in case there's no one that can?

                    So your item progression would usually be Normal Boots -> Urn -> Arcanes -> Euls? Also, atos seems like a good item to have on him.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Midi Prill

                      I don't know, I play pretty aggressive on Leshrac, I don't really farm a lot.
                      You're pretty much guaranteed to last-hit every tower too, with your edict, so that helps with gold.

                      Yeah Atos sounds perfect on him, I never get it though, it's kind of expensive, usually I'm either welfare-mode or balling out of control, nothing in between

                      And yeah that item build sounds fine, I sometimes grab the sobi mask and kind of hold out hope that I can snowball it into soulring->bloodstone. :P If it doesn't work just Urn it

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        Ogre, Witch Doctor, Omniknight, Jakiro and Earth Spirit if you can play him.


                          Earthshaker, Omniknight, Vengeful Spirit, Sven, Mirana


                            @NSX: Haha alright, maybe I can give him a go once I start playing again. Welfare mode sounds like me in almost all of my games, so I'll probably stick with the urn haha. If you have any tips of playing aggressively, just shoot!

                            @Jussi and Dr. Barber: Alright, thanks for the heroes. I'll be sure to work on them. Any additional tips would be great!

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                              Jay Ashborne

                                Add WD, jak, and maybe raptor: he nearly always ensure your feeding team gets a return kill.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Mekarazium Abaddon is one of my favourite heroes but I don't think you should play him in solo queue. He can become quite the liability because of him being quite level dependent while he can't really farm at all. He works in certain lineups like if you have an easily ganked mid laner then you can protect him, but still you could probably do it better as ES. He works very well in 5 man lineups with Necro and stuff though.

                                  Epic Sax Guy

                                    Some very good suggestions in this thread.
                                    Ogre right now is a tad OP from being overbuffed in the last patch, will likely receive a slight nerf in the next meta, either to his multicast proc or hp regen. Abuse him while you can.


                                      @Jussi and Mekarazium: Thanks for that discussion. I kind of have the same line of thinking for abaddon. I have only really imagined him to be effective in deathball line ups where abaddon isn't punished for his lack of mobility.

                                      @Bye: Thanks for that. Oh and by the way, for your disruptor, is there any reason why you always skip his nuke for level one? I mean I don't max it, but his nuke is pretty good at level 1 (160 damage)

                                      @Vald: Yup, I actually plan to use him haha (boots + oov build op haha)


                                        enigma is my main hero due it has great supportive abilities and amazing teamfight.i just rush mekanism and use blackhole whenever available.

                                        Midi Prill

                                          Yea enigma owns

                                          Hafla Enjoyer

                                            I am usually mad when I play enigma just because of the really long CD on black hole when I realize every time that chrono, a bullshit 5 second bkb-penetrating non-channeled ult, has half the cooldown.



                                              shits broken


                                                cm (ez gank on early game especially mid gank)
                                                silencer (1 game = at least 15 global silence casted = ez 15 win clash lol)
                                                lion (dat burst dameg)
                                                venge ( dominator,get alpha wolf ez 66% dmg aura)

                                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                    Lina. <3


                                                      Mekarazium well you did have a 5 man lineup there as I said. Also cherry picking matches doesn't prove or disprove anything.

                                                      waku waku

                                                        O R A C L E
                                                        R A
                                                        A C
                                                        C L
                                                        L E


                                                          Ahh yes, I won't forget about enigma!

                                                          @Wassup: Those are great supports but I'm not so sure about them supporting solo (especially CM, the others can maybe do fine except maybe silencer unless you place him in a certain lineup). CM, I feel, gets too useless late game. I can work with CM if I have another dual support, but as a solo support, it seems like you're guaranteed to feed. (And people in my bracket are not really able to capitalize on early game advantages).

                                                          Feel free to disagree btw

                                                          @Lina: Lina requires going too close to disable the opponent though, so unless there's someone to set it up for you, I'm not sure if it's such a great idea.

                                                          @Drank: Ahh yes, I've been hearing about this. I have watched quite a few videos on it re: skill combos etc. I may be ready to use him :p


                                                            don't play earth spirit as support, please


                                                              If you see that your team lineup both have the advantage in teamfights and will allow you to get some experience and farm, then you could consider picking Warlock. Great lane sustenance for your lane partner (or Dot nuke if needed), decent harass with Bonds and awesome teamfighting with golem and Upheavel. An early enough Aghanim's + Refresh is no joke. Early levels in Upheavel will make sure you are not "just an ulti support" as well and is great if your opponent's don't have strong escape mechanisms or extremely long range disables.


                                                                Jakiro is probably the best support, he's tanky and has a huge mana pool. Jakiro's passive makes him op as it is, you can pretty much trade hits with any hero when you're supporting. IF you're good enough, you don't necessarily need "team" coordination with him. his ice blast should only be at level one while you max your e, q and ult. Trust me, he's good. Another good hero is Lion since once he hits 6, he can easily solo any other supports unless you're ogre or something.


                                                                  jakiro, witch doctor, omniknight, ogre, warlock

                                                                  you can stomp with earthshaker in 9/10 games if you can fissure block and gank properly. even in 5k games people dont know how to deal with getting fissure blocked on mid lane and shit like that

                                                                  earthspirit isnt too hard of a hero to learn and can be abused but doesnt scale super well so you have to have heros that can push around him so you can transition your kills into towers

                                                                  ogres just super easy you just run around and blow shit up. make sure to get your slow first though


                                                                    @Zano: Yeah Warlock! I've seen a few of slasher's and Aui's videos about Warlock so I guess I can use what they said about him and apply it.

                                                                    @dRyAd and Juan: Thanks for the tips guys. Yeah, I'll probably change my mind with Jakiro and try him for a bit. Honestly, I have no idea why I never got Tranquils Euls on him (which practically solves my issues with the hero regarding mobility). Also re: ogre, yeah, I plan to get the slow first. Not sure why others don't do this as the slow provides way more utility and damage.

                                                                    Epic Sax Guy

                                                                      While Jakiro is shining in this meta he has a serious drawback in his MS and especially his turnrate which is atrocious. This is what makes his ice path such a trick shot. If Rubick steals it the spell is suddenly one of the best non-ultis in the game.

                                                                      Regarding Ogre, Orb of venom on him makes him a serious pain to lane against. You dish out a couple of random licks on the enemy and watch the virtual veins in their heads pop. Gives your carry lots of room.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        Yeah, that's why I was questioning picking him in solo ranked (but as mentioned in the previous post, I haven't built tranquils AND euls on him yet, so we'll see). And yeah, I have picked rubick a lot whenever I would play versus a jakiro. Ez icepaths :p

                                                                        Oh yeah, that oov pick up. Very op. Looking forward to try it in pubs


                                                                          Instead of asking WHO to play, just work on learning HOW to play better. Sounds like you have an expanded hero pool already and can pretty much pick up everyone already.

                                                                          आप गे क्यों

                                                                            why people get the stun first on ogre - first blood potential


                                                                              oracle ogre earthshaker earth spirit lich skywrath


                                                                                @frosty: Yup I did in my original post as well! (But it might have drowned in a semi-wall of text.) I have no recent games as of now though. (Looking to start playing tomorrow) So people who might look to my replays might not find anything haha.

                                                                                @MicroJ: There are people who pick it up every game though (they never consider the slow as an alternative), so I guess that's what bothers me. Ignite has very good first blood potential as well though. A 5 second 20%MS slow (which could stack with an orb of venom if you build it). It seems pretty potent with the right lane partner.

                                                                                @Allison: Thanks for the heroes! I'll be sure to give those a try haha