General Discussion

General Discussionhi guys look at this how can i get 4 k mmr ?

hi guys look at this how can i get 4 k mmr ? in General Discussion

    i am level 7 and this is my dotabuff =>
    did i played well in this account or i must stop playing with this account i need +4000 mmr
    sorry for bad english D:
    help me pls

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      you're going to come out at ~3.7-3.8k i think. keep it up and you'll be ~4.2


        ty for replay

        how can i get 4k + ? need more win ? or need more k/d/a or gpm xpm ?

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          it checks k/d/a, xpm/gpm, hero damage and tower damage, and wins. your wins are your best thing going for you, just dont lose games


            if i lose games but gain a good k/d/a xpm/gpm and others / i lose mmr ?




                if i win games and gain a good k/d/a xpm/gpm and others ! , its better than a normal win ? and how ?


                  get a fucking brain and figure it out yourself stop fucking spamming


                    wtf? dont respond to the thread benao if you don't have any help to give. dudes got a bad language barrier and just wants to know how he can get into the highest skill pool. get a fucking brain and stop replying.

                    wins are most important. they are the most important metric in determining MMR, followed by hero damage.

                    sorry about benao :/


                      pick sniper and you will get there, easy lol


                        that has nothing to do with my response, get a fucking brain too


                          stop fucking spamming benao, get a fucking brain nerd


                            @The Dinosaur in the Room yeah i just a noob player but i trying hard to get a better mmr :D tnx for ur help .
                            @coco i played sniper with my other account and i raised my 3100 mmr to 3800 so fast but i got tired of that hero and i didnt pick it anymore . in this account im a good nature s Prophet player :D


                              think fucking trash just THINK!


                                you're welcome. sorry trashtards like benao feel the need to weigh in


                                  Im not sure about this but we tested this we made 5 smurfs me (i was 4.6k when i made it with good wr about 65% and 80% wr in calibrating 8/10) i got 4.58x good kda good gpm xpm hd td in normal games while at calibrating good wr but decent at the rest (i didnt want to ruin games for ppl and fight for mid so didnt go always mid) i got nice rank but the same as my main while my friends a 2.8k player got 3.5k had a decent 55% wr and 70% wr with me so im not sure but i think i carried his mmr higher then he should and now he is 3k
                                  another 1 stole mid played for kda hd got 4.5k while his main is 3.2k he is now 4k lost 500 mmr in few days and blaming his team saying players at 4k r shit and he is better (lol)
                                  another 1 who is 3.3k main got 3.5k decent wr a bit below decent hd td xpm gpm
                                  another 1 who had 3.8k had gr8 wr hd td xpm gpm just like me a bit better kda i think cuz he ks alot while i had better wr cuz i play to win he won 20% in calibrating 2/10 he got 4.6k

                                  After seeing these i can say no losing wont get u down before u get ur mmr but if u get mmr higher then urs u will lose and u will blame ur teams just like my friends and for further testing i gave my friend the 4.58x acc he is a 3.2k who think he is 5k he went down only winning when getting carried and still he blame ppl ...
                                  smurfing will get u disappointed get better and raise ur mmr if ur better u can do it

                                  I calibrated at 3.8 or 3.7 went down to 3.6 and im 5.2k max was 5.3k so yeah improve and u will reach what u want


                                    @f!re i know what are you talking about . i know i must raise my mmr with my orginal account my orginal account started at 3500 with 8/10 win and i lost too many games and got 3100 and then i raised 3800 then lost again beacuse i play with + 200 ms very bad internet connection and i play with old asus labtop with intel 3000 hp main grafic :D and in some fights my screen just stop moving :D or when my labtop work fine i cant last hit with 200 ms its hard bro :D and yeah im poor :D i dont blame any one for losing and i dont say im a high skill dota player but i know i dont deserv 3.5 , just want to get +4.5 k and play support with better players :D


                                      win games = u get mmr


                                        just came to this thread to call benao a shitter


                                          yes u will get 4k with this i think... keep playing and after callibration come back and tell us how disapointing is to go back to 3k again

                                          i will be there senpai


                                            senpai pls be here when i get 5k, and own dendi mid with pudge


                                              i will stalk you litel dodge :)

                                              Violett Sky pls come back :(


                                                sky is not violet anymore, sky is grey, heart = ded :'(


                                                  why fucking bitsh !? where is ur real name that i met u and this is crazy ???


                                                    girl = bish, now i died, and reborn to play dota all my life :(
                                                    and listen to nigga rap :((


                                                      u will still be ma nigga no matter what


                                                        ty my nigga :D