General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I call climbing from 3.4k to 3.7-3.8k improvment?

Should I call climbing from 3.4k to 3.7-3.8k improvment? in General Discussion

    Well, simple question.

    My avarage MMR 3-4 months ago was 3.4k mmr. Now it's about 3.65k-3.7k.

    Highest I managed to reach was 4,000.

    I also got smurf, where I got calibrated at 4.2k, however, I don't play much on that acc, since this is my main.

    After calibration, I played 50-60 games more to see if I'm gonna drop to my "real" raiting, however, I'm sitting at 4290 at this moment -on that ACC, and that's actually imrovment overall,since it got calibrated at 4190...

    I'm not planing to switch acc's, actually, I'll give that ACC to my close friend, since he's 3.2-3.3k mmr and he claims he can handle 4k mmr just fine.

    I want to see if he's wrong or not, and I don't really care about that ACC.

    Bigest question is:

    What can I do to improve from 3.7k to at least, starting MMR for my smurf?

    I don't need advices on gameplay, since I can find that on the Internet/replays and so on.

    I need some general advices about attidude, picks, and so on. I hope you understand me?

    I feel happy, since I managed to get into vh skill, however, I'm playin' Dota for almost 3 year, half of that I do take it seriously, and I belive I'm not improving as much as I expected.

    My bigest problem is my tember and desicion making.

    It would be good if you guys can give me some advices, how can you still be calm/cool when you got destroyed on every lane.

    How do you "gather" your patiance, etc, and comeback.

    I don't know what to say more. Try to answer on my questions, but please, don't be mad at me.

    Try to be friandly, since I don't want to take any fights with you guys.

    I just need help, some things to work on, since I struggle a bit on that..


      Also, feel free to analise my account if you have time/patiance, or my last few games.

      Feel free to say what you want, I'm rdy to take it.


        I can't read your posts, sorry. Why you start every sentence like a new paragraph?


          lol pick sniper
          buy ward and chichen
          buy fly courier
          roam and gank
          stay alive
          enjoy the game

          from someone played dota for 8 years lol


            lol ...


              Coco, ward and chicken leaves you with 325 starting gold. What is your starting itembuild on Sniper? And how you manage to kill creeps with it?


                325 is enough for a set of tangos, a clarity and 3 branches. Not saying that this is optimal, but its hardly a bad set up given that you have just bought courier + wards for the team.


                  pick ta or earth spirit easy preacy lemon squeezy


                    Soultrap, I'm sorry. I used to do that, can't shake it from bad habbits. Nevermind, I guess someone will read it.

                    NextStep ®

                      IMO, support role is slightly difficult to play than carry position.
                      Perhaps you can try to play more support roles. It will definitely improve your overall game understanding.

                      How to keep calm and stuff? That's your personality and maturity.
                      And having only 1.2k games in 3 years doesn't help. You probably need more games experience to know how to deal with it.


                        Not really, I got over 2000 games since this is not my first account.

                        I don't like supps. I cant play what i dont like. :x


                          I have weird habit too. I press really hard on pen when write something, that way I print all text on ten more pages below. Thanks to computers age I don't have to write anything manually now...


                            lol just buy 3 branches, sniper don't need tango
                            if they hit you, you are gonna die anyway lol

                            well if you solo mid or on a safe lane with some protection you can buy some tango, otherwise total waste of money lol

                            NextStep ®

                              Not really, I got over 2000 games since this is not my first account.

                              I don't like supps. I cant play what i dont like. :x

                              Well, too bad then. You're missing out. :P


                                I started recently Slark games, and it goes well for now.

                                I actually started to play SF less because of Slark, its quite nice change.

                                Nah, I can support but not at good level bro. :/