General Discussion

General DiscussionTrench DOES exist to some extent

Trench DOES exist to some extent in General Discussion

    For all of you guys who do not believe trench exist and you should just "git gud" i want to just write a quick topic about the subject which may or may not change your opinion. And i accept that i will be called a trench player cause my current mmr is ~3.2k and i should learn to dota. G37 R3k7 n00b

    First of all, i was initially calibrated at 2.5 k mmr. So i started playing and got like 10 games which were really easy and i had like 100 % winrate. So after that i climb up like 200 or maybe 300 mmr after some more time and i hit 2.8-2.9k. At that point ALL the games i played were terrible. Shitty picks all the time, feeding all over the place and nobody gives a fuck about it. I was doing my best but you just can't play like that if you stomp one game and next one you get feeder team and game is over in 20 min. Even winning games didn't feel good, like i was disgusted by the noobiness of BOTH the teams and i didn't really enjoy it. I had to play a lot of games like more than 150 to get to 3k and i was on the verge if quitting ranked for good.

    Guess what? As soon as i hit 3k i get fucking winning streaks all the time and i STOMP the other teams. And you know why is that? It's not because my team is good or anything, they are just not THAT bad. And I can stomp most of the time the other teams if mine is not TOO bad. My point is that i am not (yet) a 6k player who can really destroy the other team no matter what, i still make mistakes more often and i depend more on my team to not feed so i can shine. I actually expect to continue with winning streaks until i hit another plateau which will probably be my actual skill level and not that disgusting trench i was in.

    So all of you people who take the experiment made by that pro player who had like 90% winrate on a 3k account as the bible of dota mmr, i can definetly tell you that trenches exist and that people might actually belong to a different tier of mmr but sometimes they just can't jump over the fucking fence on their own like that guy did.


      Ok, good to know. We'll call you back. We'll go over your information and you'll get your 4k credential in the mail if we believe you truly belong there.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        well, 3.2k is ur bracket, welcome to 50% winrate

        charged up

          so you stopped picking pudge meepo morphling and now pick necro, furion, death prophet



            Don't think that's my bracket, time will tell but games are really more enjoyable and i can see that people are really closer to the way i play dota. STOMPS INC BOYZ

            And no, i still pick more or less the same heroes i did before, dunno how did u get to that conclusion.


              my friend was 2.9k mmr for like 1 month, and after he hit 3k, he got to 3.3k in like 2-3 days.
              i had same shit when i had around 3980 mmr, and i just couldn't get 4k for some time, but after i got 4k it seemed like it got easier.
              but i really think it's more of a mental barrier, rather than "trench", you shouldn't care that much to reach the "plateau", you should care more about your performance. it's what i do, i like to outplay the lesser skilled enemy, i like to have a good game, or a fun stomp.
              chances are when a game is good(no flame, you feeling like you are dendi/rtz/etc), you are most likely to win it.
              it doesn't matter if it is 3980 mmr or 4300 or 2995, you should play good and don't get too emotional, after all this is only gaem :)


                btw i got like 62%+ winrate ranked this month, 5k mmr - here i come!!


                  I agree it's up to the player to have a good performance and win the game. I bet that a pro can carry a game even as a io support or something. My point is that when trying to climb the mmr, there are some really difficult periods and mmr "margins" or " trenches" where your teammates just keep getting worse and you can't win the game even tho your skill level hasn't increased or decreased significantly and you play the same way.

                  Btw how do you know your monthly winrate? Do you need the + upgrade?


                    nah just go to profile, scenarios, then filter the games for this month instead of all time


                      trench does exist imo

                      you get these retards who think they're gods when they're afk farming 3v1 safelane as sven and have a 35 minute mkb and keep saying i need more items then flame everyone for feeding in that span


                        IDK just sounds like luck/bad luck to me, odds are that some one keeps getting matched with throwers for a long time, but that doesn't mean that most people will get more throwers on their team then on the other team at any given rank. you probably just had bad luck for a long time, or are having good luck now.

                        its also possible that you just got a lot better all at once, if you are destroying the other your team, your team mates start to seem a lot better.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          no, those players (acc buyers, people like op, lucky win streak, 1main hero, boosted acc, playing op heroes, last pickers, etc) eventually lose their mmr and end up feeding @1k mmr below where you found them. Trench doesn't exist


                            Lol ok this guy Benao is the exact type of guy which i expected to comment. Are you trolling bro or is that your real opinion cause it just sounds like a huge pile of bullshit to me.

                            @The Number 12 i don't know man, i mean that must be really a lot of fcking bad luck to get different people doing the same dumb shit in one specific range of mmr. On the other hand, once i passed 3k i really start to notice people playing correctly and executing some nice strategies, builds and simple shit like stun stacking.


                              well yes 3k players are going to play better then 2k players. but if the trench was real then the 2k players on your team would have to be worse then the 2k players on the other team, so much so that you (assuming you should be 3k) cant win more then half your games.


                                i guess you're just that retarded op...

                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                    ^what this guy said.

                                    skill is almost non-existant below 4k. Any increase in mechanical skill or game knowledge should be reflected in an increase in MMR. If you can't win a high percentage of 2k games by yourself, then you are not good enough for 3k. MMR does not need to be exact, it is perfectly fine to be a few hundred off because you will still be in games with roughly the same players.

                                    anyone complaining about a trench in <4k is just fucking kidding themselves, instead of complaining about your allies focus on your own damn game, because I bet there is a whole lot more that you could be doing without too much effort.

                                    as you move towards higher and higher MMR, it becomes increasingly difficult to "1v5" because your enemies are more and more competent

                                    also yeah, if you are playing furion and an axe has more tower damage and OD isn't far behind, then you are probably doing something wrong

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      trench never ends. how many times has this been proven already? there is no beginning and end to it and starting from 0 to 10k mmr it's still trench. get over it
                                      but there's a point where enemies start realising that when they have 20k gold advantage and there's only one guy on the enemy team doing shit they should 5man and actually win the game. and that's nowhere close to your imaginary sub4k trenches

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      Sup m8

                                        I'm in 3k. I can confirm it is trench. For example:
                                        Two heroes have 3k hero damage in 44 minutes haha. My noob friends.

                                        waku waku

                                          ^^ actually that happens to me too often and i dunno what to do then


                                            I'm the guy that says "There is no such thing as a trench, you're just bad, get gud"


                                              During the first 10 games of calculation, it's so important to try your hardest. I didn't, and now I'm like, 2.6 K mmr, and I just don't bother, because I feel like I should be 3.5 K(Most likely lower, but still). The trench does exist, it's not not impossible to escape, in fact, it's fairly easy, just time consuming, and usually the games aren't even fun, which is why I have 34 ranked games and ~1.5K regular games.


                                                the 10 games don't mean anything. you play then then you get your an mmr = to your hidden mm from unranked before you played them.


                                                  I calibrated at 1650 and am currently around 3.1k and i cant recall any trench around 2.8k ^^ You get idiots at all different mmrs and you get people who just have a bad day/game, I know ive played terrible in some matches and really bad over 5-6 games, Then ofc you have some people who random and play a hero for the first time and get rekt or build odd like first item battlefury on spec and then doesn't farm <3


                                                    There is no such thing as a trench. Place any 4k player in your 3.2k game, and they will win 7 or 8 games out of 10.

                                                    Get back to us when you hit 4.5k to prove otherwise.

                                                    Edit: even were talking about 2.9k lol

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      trench does exist.. <-- living proof. 600 mmr and I should be 6k damnit!


                                                        ^you feed harder than me.
                                                        >dont deserve 1K


                                                          Moreless 2 months ago i was 2.5k mmr

                                                          Abusing Omniknight now i'm 3.5k mmr

                                                          How to improve ? Fuck the improvment, abuse op fucking ez heroes which n00bs can't counter.

                                                          No realy, it's too funny see people rightclicking healed dudes. 100% would commend.


                                                            It takes true skill to feed and still win.

                                                            आप गे क्यों

                                                              trench? what? Its skill cap brah.

                                                              I am running 4.7k mmr but when i locked myself out (was watching a movie and missing queues) for a day, i asked my bro to loan me his account which is 3.2k

                                                              The skill cap is clear as day. I didn't win every game but its above 80% of the games

                                                              what changed?
                                                              the heroes were pretty much randomed and i played all roles. even techies
                                                              my bro has 2 hands so do i, we both are relative similar reaction time but i fixed alot of his options (eg. tp cancellation, death moving cam, console settings) etc and made life easier for me to win

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                The reason you take this "gaps":

                                                                You get better. You skip a certain point and you stop doing some mistakes you did in the past. Pro players do not excell this much with crazy mechanical "plays", they simply make less mistakes. Its called learning; you practice something, you get better at it. And you reach sometimes plateaus, where you have to bring many things to gether, to make a next big step. After this you will never make the same dumb mistakes. You master certain heros and roles and develop habits during the game, that increase your chance to win.

                                                                Just keep playing and try to improve. In 1 year you will be at 4k, if you are gifted 5 k.

                                                                Work on your basics:Spam Heros, pick wise, do not rage, Learn how to farm, do not feed, be there for your teammates, when you are needed aka watch the minimap and take objectives. You can accomplish this by playing dota and you can fasten this process, if you try activly to get better. Watch pros playing (replay or good streams "waga"), watch your own replays now and then. Keep calm and always try to do your best to win. Sometimes you won't. Thats dota, deal with it. Not everyone can be a 5 k player in 1 Year. I play dota for 5 years now and sit at 4.4k.

                                                                I play often with a friend of mine, who is sitting at 3.3k. My party rating is lower than my solorating. Im at 3.9k party. Everytime I play with him, I destroy the enemy team. So I play partygames arround 3.6k. In arround 70-80% of the games, I compleltly destroy the enemy team. With heros like antimage, spectre, who heavily rely on their mates.

                                                                You are now at 3.3k. Play on an a 2k account. You will wipe the floor with the enemy team. Same goes for high 5k players, wiping the floor with 4k's.


                                                                  I appreciate the advice guys. I am always trying to improve and git gud. Thanks for commenting y'all