General Discussion

General Discussionhow does it work?

how does it work? in General Discussion
Slim, shady.

    i just finished this game and got -12 points in TA ranking
    how the hell
    i got +2 every game when i win and this game is -12?
    i cant get it




        check your division, it mightvegone down
        im playing 5k games but DB brings me to division 4 from division5 :D now im not top 100 drow anymore... i should be division 9/10 but idk.... DB hates me :D a few days ago all my divisions were diamond 2 and days before that i got even dragged to premium8/9 (the one under diamond).... so yeah, when they fix that division shit, ranking will start working and reflecting real top 100 more accurately

        Slim, shady.

          atm i am 4800
          i had 5700 times ago but it doesnt matter in this situation
          all last games i played were on the same mmr
          and it always was +2
          and this game on same rating is -12


            mbe its cuz of what time u play. not many ppl ur rank playing at that time.