General Discussion

General DiscussionI thought I did well with spec, but I got added to tell me how shit i...

I thought I did well with spec, but I got added to tell me how shit i was in General Discussion

    I decided to go treads vanguard radi..

    My radi was 27 minutes coz i wasn't farming too well. after that i afk farmed until i was big but i was in every teamfight due to r.

    I still got hated upon. Isn't spec a super late game carry?

    what should my build be like?


      17 minutes what you've said would have been decent
      no fucking wonder you got called a trashcan


        Huh? What are you saying?


          Items Phase boots/Vanguard/Radiance/yasha/heart/finish manta/diffusal/refresher or butterfly after and thats it


            Never skip vanguard or drums ( vanguard better ) and alway finish boots fast phase or treads. Usually noobs Spectre players rushing Radiance without even boots or with just boots and thats hilariously bad cus you gonna die with that build no matter what you do. Just get vangaurd and radiance before 22-23 min. if you can`t buy relic before 21-22 min. don`t even buy it go diffusal


              Usually noobs Spectre players

              Yeah you.

              Bad Intentions

                Lemmy, told u man dont get rad!

                Just go with my items, threads, vg and diffusal 2.

                After that it gets situtational.

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  I sold my vanguard


                    itt: 3k theorycraft about spectre


                      vanguards dumb, you shouldn't need it

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY


                        How about this game? I got ROH and Brown boots, and got radiance in 19 minutes and farmed

                        Bad Intentions

                          Nice. But why are u still in normal lemmy? Its been a while already man

                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                            I've been trying. I'm stagnating at 2.9k 1 win +25, next game loss -25

                            Trying to play some very late game carries like spec, coz games like the first game are common, where people throw.

                            Bad Intentions

                              Try to find that hero that will get u over the hump. Spec is one since shes a high game impact hero.

                              Midi Prill

                                Spec is hard lol. Pick a easier hero 8)


                                  Here bro. I just played a spectre game hope this helps. If my farms gets uncontested i go phaseboots>urn>rad if my farm is contested i go phaseboots>urn>drums>diffu/yasha


                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                    I saw your stream. I was impressed at communication and teamwork, one that will be lacking in my game.

                                    The diffusal's strength was seen in that game.


                                      Thank you for watching bro I appreciated it. :) Yeap i was impressed too, luckily i queued with guys who plays to win aswell. Once in a blue moon teammates.


                                        omg dis perfectjar, no flam pls

                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                          Bad game comeback :

                                          1/5/6 to start. No radiance until a last joke buy

                                          I went treads drums diffusal, and we turtled

                                          Gertouille la fripouille


                                            Linda | DotaExchange


                                              You played on dlg? Same name?

                                              ham strokers ejacula

                                                Never go vanguard if you can help it, it slows down farm way to much and if the argument is "Vanguard allows you to farm or fight" then spending 2100+ gold on an item to help you farm then why not go maelstrom or midas and just jungle or do some other worthless jungle.

                                                Phase, (Drums or Urn), (Diffusal or Radiance), Yasha, Vitality Booster, Finish Manta, Finish Heart, Buy Luxury item.

                                                Luxury Items - Butterfly, Refresher, Skadi (sell diffusal) etc.

                                                @Bogi btw look at your vanguard on spec winrate :/


                                                  ^Well. You usuaully don't have Vanguard in your inventory in those games you win in though, so these you bought Vanguard, and later sold it and yet won, won't show up in the winrate ~ right?

                                                  Vanguard is getting old, whereas Urns will in often cases work wonders for a much lower cost, much like Havoc said.


                                                    bytheways, when you get phase it gets real hard to miss last-hits. If you find yourself getting bad lasthit, it might just aswell be your build that limits you.

                                                    1. Stout, Tango
                                                    2. 2x Blades of Damage (?, whatever its called) into phaseboots.
                                                    ^Applying you're uncontested, this build will always let you lasthit easier. Remember: Quelling blade is always an option.

                                                    Urns alone doesn't really solve your mana problems. However if you go Phase Aquila Urns you can dish out a lot of damage, and mana won't be a problem. (Take care though, you, sniped, pool.)

                                                    Your enemy will never zone you out in Normal Skill bracket, but as you climb, keep in mind if you're getting a hard lane against you, solo, just go ham and buy regen to get exp. Passive gold is a thing: IF YOU DON'T DIE.

                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                      Been in a bad rut. Played a few anonymous games, got wrecked in all.. Finals and also playing 4 games frustrated in a row.

                                                      taking a small break for a day

                                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                        Just 1 question though.

                                                        No one talks about treads on spec. Why isnt the atk speed boost and stat manipulation with treads not counted and instead why is phase the go to every time?

                                                        ham strokers ejacula

                                                          DD it still picks up the vanguards, even if you've sold it.

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            Yo lemmy just watched ur last game with spec, youre fine man, but there are scenarios you could have been more brave and proactive with haunt.

                                                            also, your team really needs good coordination to win that game, that last clash killed you guys.


                                                              Okay, thanks Havoc. Wasn't aware of this, my bad.

                                                              Treads are fine if you take advantage of thread switching, but Phase synergies well with his Q to actually catch up with heroes.

                                                              If you have threads, you probably use Q and get of two > three hits. With Phase, you can get more hits, each hit hits harder and you'll probably get some desolate hits in aswell.

                                                              Also Spectres base damage sucks, so with phase you can easily get last hits in lane.


                                                                Spectre can make a 35-minute radiance work. You should probably never skip radiance.

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  EmptyJar is having a day off it seems.

                                                                  OT: Why do you care about what other people say? If I say "You should k*ll yourself." will you actually think about doing that?

                                                                  Edit: Wow, now k[]ll is banned here.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                      The words weren't the issue, I was just wondering if my build or style was suboptimal


                                                                        Hey Lemmy , I'm stuck in that trench too, add me if you wanna try to go ranked and do some shit between us two to see if we can get outta there, I know what you mean. I like playing position 4, but always end up in 5 cause none likes to play another support, it's 4 cores (who farm like shiet) and me with wards and stuff. I'm decidiing to just play carry or mid until I'm above 3k

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                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          @Allison I don't know what kind of trick you are using but I will find it and I will use it.





                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                huehue hax are workign lels




                                                                                    i think we just got trolled by sam


                                                                                      kill yourself


                                                                                        ahhaha, sam its kill yourself, you just gotta put spaces between kill and yourself

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          Edit: Wtf this is freaking stupid.

                                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                                                                                              if your maxing dagger b4 desolate then it is probably OK to go power treads over phase, if not then you really need the move speed from phase. you shouldn't just press R during team fights and then keep farming. you should haunt in, look for at least second or two before you do though.

                                                                                              27 min radiance isn't good, but if you are making other items before it and actually having an impact early/mid game then its not THAT bad eather. I don't think 17 min is realistic unless you are going straight for it after boots+urn and even then you are reliant on your team keeping you alive &/or creating space for you to farm, specter cant farm like naga with out items.

                                                                                              don't be afraid to use ult + haunt early game to gank/counter gank if you TP back to lane its no time wasted for you. its not like there are going to be many real team fights to save it for at 6 minutes (in 2 or 3k any way I cant speak for higher levels of play) so you might as well use it for something

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                its "k!ll yourself" that you cant post

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  ^Yeah slim already said that. I hate my life.


                                                                                                    kill yоurself


                                                                                                      then go kill yourself
