General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst hero this patch?

Worst hero this patch? in General Discussion

    Without a doubt in my opinion Crystal Maiden.






          CM > kotl imo


            YNIT, I'm pretty sure he means of those allowed in real games. (Captains Mode, Officials)

            THICC BABY SHUM


              Midi Prill

                ^Yea, he meant real games u dirty noobs, not the game that 10 million people play

                My vote is QOP


                  It's a hard question.

                  CM, Enchantress, I don't know.

                  I feel kotl can be strong if executed well with right lineup.


                  You ask the best questions bogi


                    ^ how dare you put huskar on your list


                      lone druid is pretty much a bad hero imo, late game pretty much a lot of carries will melt bear


                        It's Alchemist. He's easily nukable by many of the top supports this patch(especially AA) and if you carry with him he gives on average 100-200 more gold than any other carry every time you kill him because of his bonus gold mechanic.

                        The hero literally needs a complete rework from the ground up.


                          how could I forget about Lone Druid

                          YEs, that hero is the worst.


                          Huskar... Old huskar.... Ghost Scepter Huskar....

                          Imagine if people abused ghost scepter on huskar when he was OPGETDAMAGEWHENLOWHP...
                          Probably people did, but I was normal bracket shitter that didn't know waht Ghost Scepter was back then.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Crystal Maiden is a complete baller if you jungle her in pubs, she is balanced to be jungled. Any better stat gain/movespeed increase and she'd a broken jungler. When their stuns are limited, late pick CM and jungle with her. Get tranqs at 5 minutes and bring death to the other team IMMEDIATELY.


                     Be usefull jungler like this guy in my game? Jungling 15 min. 19 cs 1-7-12 no thank you, Cm worst useless shit ever. How can people pick Crystal Maiden vs Undying its like you can have 5 crystal maidens and Undying will still 1v5 them

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Haha tell me about it. A roaming Singsing Gyro destroyed me as a start-jungling CM. He had boots so he had 85 MS on me from the start.



                                  You said he jungled for 15 mins, I said to jungle for 5 minutes. That's a pretty big difference there bogi. Also as CM jungle you can buy flying cour and all wards, which is a huge boon to your team. You had a game with 1 shit CM and you want the whole hero reworked. Ayy lmao

                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                      RiKi BoNG HiTTA not cus of that hero is SHIT anyway pure shit. Even Arteezy and EE said than its not only my opinion pros think the same.


                                        Main reason is she is slow as fuck and very easy to kill so she can`t stand in lanes vs 60-70% heroes cus this patch is all about tanky heroes and late game strong carrys and Cm is just food in any scenario.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                            I think the reason why CM is so bad is because if she can't stomp in the early game, she has practically no way of recovering in the mid to late game where she is guaranteed to be a feeding hero.


                                              spirit breaker.



                                                kotl of the light because why not


                                                  No alchemist love (love I guess?) literally anything he CAN do is done better by another carry and his one signature ability (greed) is hard countered by the patch if he farms too quickly.


                                                    ^He got buffed major bro, get ready to see max greevil @ 7, 15 min midas alchs just like in Ti3 times

                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                      I don't think buffing greed is enough. Even if he farms faster than most carries, his other abilities are very mediocore after all the nerfs. And unlike other flashfarmers like AM and naga, he is not a strong split-pusher.


                                                        uhhh his abilities are probably stronger put together than any other heros

                                                        i would actually take offlane alch in a lot of situations just bc of how strong acid spray is. he can 1v1 really well if left alone and does gr8 counterpush with spray and concoct

                                                        problem is mainly his stat growth, he has too many things to cover as a carry now that he doesnt get free hp but as a support/offlane hes good


                                                          I agree cm can be just food, especially in this more agressive patch (less junglers, stronger offlanes). But it all depends of how u play it and depends of the game and picks. I strongly believe Alchemist is the worst hero in Dota atm.


                                                            ogre man, the nerf is real.


                                                              CM is fine. You pick Drow when you have 4 ranged heroes in your team, and you pick CM when your teammates have spammable spells that can make big impact during laning phase.

                                                              Hero who was most nerfed in 6.82 patch was Meepo.


                                                                Huskar has always been shit.
                                                                How can you pick Crystal Maiden? She has always been one of the strongest supports ever, if you know how to tag allong and your limits with her, her passive is fucking usefull and her ultimate is pretty strong if used correctly.

                                                                Huskar is always the worst hero, because yes.