General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help with meepo

Need help with meepo in General Discussion
    i carried that shit 3.5k mmr game solo but i wonder if u would itemize different
    i feel like i lacked dps but wd ult was killing me, he had bkb too so i couldnt cancel it
    maybe swap skadi for eth?


      fyyQ eblade... go heart ;D


        i cant kill anything with it
        i could kill spec if he was alone in 10 secs, teamfight was impossible


          Items r good imo when playing meepo blink kill ur the enemy who is the most powerful against u with hex(in this case wd) then target the next 1
          I love skadi on meepo gives nice stats which meepo loves , u could swap skadi for manta or eth ,hot wouldnt be a good pick here , id say skadi was good so ur items were good if u wanted something else here manta wouldve been a good choice only go 2 eth when there dps r to low to kill u


            agreed jump the witch doctor. If he gets maledict on you its over. spec ult + maledict is almost enough to kill u

            I like the eblade choice for the deeps and utility they had a lot of single target physical dps with the weaver being so fat.

            personally i would swapped out the blink later on. I hate having blink against a radiance spec makes it a waste of a slot if he ults first in a teamfight. necro 3 is great for vision on weaver and pushing/aura to all your meeps.


              Soon as WD cast ult silencer ult? Problem solved?!


                that would be asking to much from his team ;)


                  ^every fight started with silencer getting picked off so thats not possible


                    i played another game where i was utter shit but i think stacking skadis was the right choice this game or would u have taken another approach?
                    i survived many teamfights with 2-3 meepos on 200-300 hp