General Discussion

General DiscussionAM critique/tips

AM critique/tips in General Discussion

    Hey, 3.4k scrub here. Just played a long, close, harder-than-it-needed-to-be-magnus, game as AM, and was wondering if any AM experts could give me some HARSH criticism? I felt like I did literally everything I could this game, and barely lost.

    I could easily pin it on my Magnus being brain dead, but I made mistakes too, mistakes that may have won the game if I didnt make them.

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      how did u even lose this what the hell


        I'm not the best AM in the world, but it's important to remember AM does not actually "outcarry" that many heroes when they both 6-slot. Many heroes fill that "6 slotted carry" role better. AM's strength is in his farmspeed, and it's very visible in the graph of that game. You guys peaked at 40 and 45 minutes and that is precisely when you should have ended that game.

        Whenever it became apparent that mag wasn't going to get refresher and actually empower you then you should have abandoned the team and hoped to win it on a split push.

        Yea, that mag was fucking retarded tho. Seems like he wanted the glory for the win or nothing at all.


          Both teams down two rax. They come knocking on our door step, I dont have the damage and disable to take care of a Tiny AND an aghs WD in the middle of their team fight spells.

          Like I said, it was harder than it needed to be, you know what I mean. That doesn't excuse my mistakes though, and I would greatly appreciate what I could have done to prevent this throw

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            I just woke up and was looking at it the only mistake i can see till now , and really why the fuck did it take u to lvl 20 to max blink?

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


              I would have done so two levels sooner, but I got a triple kill bot lane in a team fight and was about to die from WD Maledict, so I dumped two skill points in to stats and barely survived. #MLG

              harvard graduate

                why would you not max blink in the first place?


                  there was a calculation that zenoth did that basically showed that there is no point into putting more than 1 point into spell shield unless you are going to take 1xxx magic damage. but yea you gotta max blink when you have battlefury for fast farming


                    Your ult will interupt WD ult, he didn't have BKB

                    Create Manta Illusions (Top or Bottom Lane) and attack move them to push the lane, travels to the opposite lane and push that lane.

                    Your farm was very good until 20 minutes, but fell off, your 30 minute total is low, be selfish, split push and farm, watch Kuroky or Black play, they ignore fights they do not have to be in, by taking objectives while the team is fighting.

                    Just my 2 cents... :)


                      ^ A little detail. Am's ulti will interrupt WD's regardless of whether he has bkb or not. The ministun has always pierced magic immunity, it just won't deal damage.


                        something like 1300 magic damage is required for an extra point in spell shield to be equal in survivability to 2 points of strength, although if that's the case you may as well get the extra stats which help in other areas, not just magic damage survivability

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          First time I've seen a cent maxing return first. Must really not like to be right-clicked.


                            your skill build is really bad, if you're not sure about it just go for the standard one

                            i love u butt

                              what a clown match

                              carry magus
                              slow blink am
                              return first cw
                              no healing wd


                                Skill build is horrible. Blink is always more important than mana break, and as Andro said spell shield is a worthless spell past one level.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Max blink ASAP, got it. I didn't FEEL like it hindered me much during the game, and I didn't ever die because of it, but the observation that my farm fell off after 20 minutes makes me realize that I could have farmed WAY faster with more blink. Thanks guys!


                           plays am currently to get to 7k


                                      Go for the Burning skill build to max farm, what you did doesn't seem efficient at all.