General Discussion

General Discussionalchemist

alchemist in General Discussion

    is this hero good?


      answer = no.

      i love u butt

        have stun? yes
        can flash farm? yes
        good ganker? yes
        good pusher? well you cant have everything, but kinda yes


          Gets blown up before BKB = Yes
          Gets kited and blown up When BKB time drops = Yes
          Acid spray falls of badly, its essentially another farming tool. So that leaves him with a stun and lots of gold, once he gets 6 slotted which will be fast granted, other hard carries still shit on him.

          Fun pub hero, free farm 4/5 min midas and then farm like no one in the game, get items, get kills and GG WP. Think he still not strong enough for pro tier. Maybe I'm wrong, time will tell.


            i think hes shit even for pubs lol


              still havent won the hero challenge with alche :D

                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                  fuck i think the only carry that is worse than alche is chaos knight, even fucking buffed he is so shit.
                  good thing i just won my hero challenge with him in high skill unranked game.
                  check out my items and skillbuild guise :
                  i had midas, sold it for heart.


                    Alchemist midas bfury + track

                    Tiny Airlines

                      Reason why Alch has a really low win rate is because players keep buying midas on him. Get phase boots, armlet, mjollnir, and satanic and you're good to go. Consider a vanguard for extra regeneration.

                      Chaos Knight is incredible actually, I almost win every game with him since 6.82.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        ^ if id go for that build on alch i think ill lose 100 games out of 100


                          I think he's an okay support, fits well in minus armor lineups. He's pretty survivable once he gets 6 and only needs a soul ring to be able to roam permanently.

                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                              lol i used to go phace boots , mael , ac , bkb and finish mjolnir.. this hero kinda rapes but dont make midas like most of tardos out there

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                I go eblade by 8 min mark and dagon by 12 and win all alch games.


                                  revert the ultimate change and he is reliable again.

                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                    Great ( scratch that excellent ) support now, not so great carry


                                      I saw Arteezy few days back on Alchemist with 1100 GPM, so... I guess it's not that bad, although i hate it :)

                                      whiskey waters

                                        nah hes still not good tbh


                                          ^^ i saw the game too and he said the hero is good and u cant lose with it but i get it now he was just sarcastic
                                          hes good when u have complete free farm but thats for every single carry in the game.
                                          hes fucking garbage his stun is supoer shit low armor sqishy early etc hes shti


                                            Its ok for safe lane. Farms like a fucking madman.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              The stun nerf was just insanely stupid. You can't even throw it with full power anymore and that's what you need to do if you want to get kills with him.


                                                just spam it mate.


                                                  LUL allison's main LUL

                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                    can you stop reviving 2 year old threads? thx