General Discussion

General DiscussionHalp my mmr is 2700

Halp my mmr is 2700 in General Discussion

    I have played dota 2 for almost a year now, but my mmr is just total garbage and i can barely get it higher, because i play with Russian retards every game. Are there any tips how i can raise my mmr quickly. (I know that if i pick void or slark every game i can win almost very game, but those heroes disgust me)


      "..because i play with Russian retards every game."



        Play more.

        I have been playing this game also for a year now and currently I am sitting at 4.8K MMR. However I have spent 3x more time on Dota 2 than you...

        Miku Plays

          why are u mad?? <3k mmr is the best mmr

          road to 4kmmr


            how is it the best?
            too many trashtalks, feeds and throws on that bracket.


              @Benao look at my match history i don't lose games, because i feed a lot.


                tip for noobs like yourself.

                look at you match history, you don't win games because you "outfarm them completely"/"outplay them"

                this is your farm progress in a game you won! playing with 2 supports on safelane

                your game

                this is a 5k game filled with 4,5k players which i lost, playing safelane with a meepo support leeching xp

                my game

                hope you can see the difference and learn from it instead of complaining and wondering why you're stuck where you are.


                  i don't really see what point you are trying to make every game is different. You can't compare games.


                    i also can't see you farm progress in that game because i don't have dotabuff plus.



                      U r shit at farming.


                        From what do you conclude that? From this game where i am have pretty shit farm? Every game is different. In this game our jungle was taken over by the other team and my team could not go out of the base so i could not get farm. Don't just say things with minimal evidence. You can only say i am shit at farming if you see all the repolayes of my games. not from 1 game.

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          I can see y u not getting better. U have to stop making excuses and deal with that you are bad, and after every game think what made you lose or win game. Playing at potato bracket or tomato bracket is same thing, everything matters. Getting gank off early or even getting one more last hit can change loss to win. As bueno said ur bad at farming is true and there is a mile between u and him and there is a mile after him, you can always improve its not cod.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            I see lots of games in ur library where your farm is too slow and you don't get half of Cs from Lanning phase.


                              > i don't really see what point you are trying to make every game is different. You can't compare games.

                              in a game where benao had a harder lane matchup and is put against better players than the people you are against, who are therefore better at prevent him farming, he still ended up with more farm than you.

                              your 10 minute cs is 30 compared to his 56, out of a maximum 82 lane creeps (60 melees, 20 ranged and 2 catapults), although it is possible to get higher by farming the jungle in between lane creeps - anyways, 3 cs per minute is pretty crap for a free farm lane. under free farm you should be getting at least 60 creeps at the 10 minute mark as a base line.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                How can you win every game with slark if you have never played him

                                There are 2 general things that EVERY player has to work on to increase their MMR:

                                a) Mechanical Skills (ex. Last hitting, or being very good at using a hero)
                                b) Game Sense/Decision Making (ex. Knowing when to push/what to do at certain points in the game)

                                Find ways at which you can improve on these if you really want to become a better player. I only started playing dota 2 around 2 years ago I think (With a 4 month hiatus somewhere in between). This was my first MOBA game. One of the things that I felt helped me in improving as a player was playing with people who are already good at the game. Maybe you should do the same.


                                  i was not free farming that lane. It was me and rubick against riki and disruptor. It was a pretty hard lane.


                                    @ynit the dagger In my mmr bracket there are no wards. There is no way to farm jungle safely.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      What I used to do when I was below 3k to win games, I picked heros that don't need farm to win games or heroes that have control of lane.

                                      Or just simply go mid and get farm with a strong carry like tiny, pa, razor, etd

                                      and if you watch very high skill games, those guys find ways to get farm no matter who they are vs.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        Looking at ur profile you have high wr with troll and jugg, this heroes win lanes and can be aggressive early. Keep playing them, morphling could fit your play style too I think.


                                          ty for your tips Ynit the dagger


                                            buy your own wards then, what's stopping you from doing it. if wards let you farm the lane and jungle for 7 minutes straight that you'd be too scared to because you lack map awareness then you are trading 150g for 7 minutes of free farm. even if you're shit at farming and manage 400 gpm that's still 2800g plus lots of XP.


                                              Don't pick supports, if you want to win. You rely on your carries to get farm and most people down that bracket can't, I'm not saying I farm awesome, but a lil better than people I play with (2.8k), most of time I get same farm as them as offlaner or so. Play only cores if you aim to win. You have 60% wr tho, no need to shit on people for that.

                                              Like this game Just played it, Jakiro offlane, a Doom jungle with refresher (no mana for second doom) and shadow blade on doom and drow against a zeus, CK no farm no hero damage same as doom. Sometimes is impossible not to lose games, there are just retards.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                Ty for your advice bruce but sometimes my whole team picks carrys and then i am forced to pick support.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  Np, you can add me if you want. There is also Havoc on this forums who helps out ppl.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    The cool think about 2 good carrys u play ( jugg and troll is that they can be played as supports and transfer into carrys. Troll phase mek. And jugg ward op. Its been done in pros.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      pick only carries, huh…



                                                        well that's not every game, just try to highlight a hero and show the lane.
                                                        i try to play mid,carry or offlane, because i think im just not great at supporting in solo queue.
                                                        even if you are forced to support, play some support with high impact, witch doctor is a great example, you can also try to learn phoenix or earth spirit, because those heroes are extremely strong.
                                                        you have 60% winrate ranked and this proves that you are somewhat better than your mmr right now.
                                                        play more games and you will reach 3.5k+ really fast.


                                                          Bruce's advice is...far from being effective and not something he seems to be following himself.

                                                          You can pick supports to carry yourself out of 2k, but don't pick feedster supports which are both squishy and only OP if you have people with brains in your team (like Shadow Shaman, Shadow Demon, Crystal Maiden, etc).

                                                          Instead, if you NEED to pick a support, pick something that is OP in teamfights (most games in that range are pure teamfights) and/or tanky and extremely strong in lane, like Lich, Warlock, Ogre Magi and Undying, to give you some examples. Those heroes can carry below 3k range games while giving the illusion of supporting those pricks who pick only cores but can never get above 3k despite that.

                                                          Aside from that, spamming your most successful heroes is also a pretty good way to increase your MMR. To be honest, I'm not sure how you can still be in normal skill with a 60% winrate. I guess you started very low and you probably take very little risks. But still, if you keep up that winrate, you shouldn't really have too many problems to carry yourself out of that range if you improve with every game. Good luck.


                                                            Ynit the dager do you mean with add me that i can add you on steam?


                                                              Stop blaming others. The only time someone can complain about others is when you hit the tippy top of the mmr ladder.

                                                              Note Pilot's post to improve yourself. Very good advice and not situational at all.


                                                                I think it's effective, but I don't follow my advice xD I really like playing some support heroes so it's fine for me to not win every game out there. But Zano is really on the spot where you can play supports, but not squishy ones and only ops.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  Yah, can once a while spectate and tell tips. Like not long ago fyyq watched my game and I didn't see enemy carry get eagle song, so I went for ac as wk and not for mkb which cost me a lose. I didn't look at enemy items. I missed 4 hits on him and 2 of the hits were crits((


                                                                    LMAO delusion level off the charts


                                                                      Since you're too stupid or too high?, I made this for you.

                                                                      Individual success refers to killing and shit, wrecking havoc, the aggressive part of the game, taking chances.

                                                                      Prevention of feed is playing gay ish dota just waiting for opportunities, etc! Waiting for the ideal moment according to the mentality of where you are, being unnecessary afraid and not farming, too much respect. You might think and it even might be possible that you can feed BUT its worth it even if you end up dying, etc that advantage won't be effectively utilized, etc.

                                                                      These 2 might sound alike but they are totally different! 1 is for active gaming while the other one is for passive playing. Having fun vs strategizing, etc mby someone else can explain better :)


                                                                        that's a nice graph benao but I can do better than that

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          I love u moku, visit me next year))


                                                                            As a an expert in MMR I am happy to present my newest findings
                                                                            Fig. 1

                                                                            As you can see there are 3 points of interest in Fig. 1:
                                                                            a) the subject is gaining MMR his ego is rapidly inflating, he is moving from concious imcompetence to concious competence
                                                                            b) concious competence, the subject has gained MMR and he no longer feels the need to improve, considers himself good
                                                                            and if we examine the curve closely incedentally appears like Dickhead
                                                                            c) the subject is enlighted and appears to realise that he only has control over his actions, he is moving away from being a Dickhead


                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              op you're a fucking dickhead

                                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                                LOL DAT FUCKING GRAPH. AHJAahHAH.

                                                                                Benao's graph is fucking solid too. Saved for future use in the endless war vs american arrogance.

                                                                                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                    noO0b ^ why you deleting posts? balls to post a dick/graph and now this? i'm dissapointed


                                                                                      well I deleled because it looks like I'm bragging
                                                                                      and I'm not


                                                                                        Only you and melody commented my graph... :'(

                                                                                        edit..i worked hard...

                                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                          Well, that graph makes sense (not the dick one). Hey, I was eating.

                                                                                          But yeah, I'm not sure I can explain it well either, we should wait for Havoc for that :3


                                                                                            its like individual performance vs team performance ish but yeah havoc might explain it better


                                                                                              benao, where are you on your graph when you play Shadow Fiend?

                                                                                              and merry christmas, hope your day is/was at least decent.

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                Nice graph man! Can see a lot of dedication in it :D


                                                                                                  SOMEONE HELP ME OUT ASWELL IM STUCK AT 2.Xmmr and recently improving. Any tips?

                                                                                                  No giggities?

                                                                                                    I have a friend who's also stuck at 2.7k mmr. The main reason? He is dillusional. I even fucking took the time to watch an hour long game of his to point out the small mistakes he made yet he always had a fucking reason as to why he did it.

                                                                                                    First step to improve : Realise you are utter shit. I'm 4.2k mmr and i believe my level is total garbage sometimes. I just dont have the ability to carry everybody on my own so thats why im stuck at that level.

                                                                                                    2.7k mmr is a fucking joke.

                                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                      u need 70 inch screen for nothing but minimap


                                                                                                        Why wats wrong with my map awareness? I'm a good sunstrider