play support, make them happy, make them win the game, end the loss streak. It's all about making enemies uncomfortable and your teammates in heaven. Being already ~200 mmr lower should make this even easier to accomplish. Change your attitude and play for their satisfaction rather than yours and collect those mmr points.
I was at fault for most of the games i lost since i'm pulling an all nighter but the intentional feeding is ridiculous..
lol ive played with u b4 op
u were muted and u kept spamming chat wheel
ur annoying as fuck why not worry about urself
@Hael: I am legitimately impressed by that NP's ability to acquire gold while feeding that hard.
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I swear to god, Dota needs to implement an intentional feed system, holy fuck, like i'm on a 8 streak as it is and this guy comes along and makes it the 9th So much for playing my LD