General Discussion

General Discussionfirst game in vh. so smart

first game in vh. so smart in General Discussion
Abang Rey

    first picks, am+sniper vs riki+bh

    down syndome gets stronger the higher i climb




        And they still carried. What right do you have to bitch?

        Abang Rey

          would you trust a 3 maelstrom sniper to carry? 3. He was a walking bank with 800 hp.
          bitch pls, i bought a gem straight after boots and went roaming for wards and keeping the carries safe

          Jay Ashborne

            ± I †HINK †HIS G∆ME IS H∆RÐ ±


              what were u expecting at 4k mmr?


                Shadowblade slardar though

                Abang Rey

                  checked out the new post
                  decent sb slardar build, so thought it was the perfect game to try it


                    Not a fan of it, but I guess it's viable. It is highly dependent on how you position though. To me, it seems like you need a good start and you need good map awareness so you won't be countered by 200 gold.