TA can't 1v5 that lineup without a significant early advantage. You can't and won't win every game, sometimes it's because of the players, sometimes it's the hero match ups, mostly it's a combination of the two
imo you would've tanked the call if Dazzle ulited your team before pushing and if you went for some diff items
maybe sold MoM for Satanic
or even MKB for Skadi since you didn't really need true strike
edit: or maybe you could afford Satanic + Rapier since you were farming well idk
BKB on TA is a waste of money.
You didn't need MKB also, AC, EoS, Abyssal or 2nd Butterfly/Buriza are all better choices.
Thx for help guys. I was planning for a satanic next. I often go for just mom yasha and then EoS, I just didn't feel like buying it cause we had a good early game advantage. Why do you think BkB is a waste @gg?
Dagger , still better than spamming Slark or earth spirit ;)
Well not a total waste, but I only get it when I absolutely need it. It's way too defensive. Proper positioning and joining fights at correct times will give you same effect as BKB. 4k gold is a lot for TA...
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I was playing safelane and was getting pretty good farm (mom, treads aquila sange yasha bkb 24 mins) my problem late was that I couldn't do anything in teamfights. I couldn't prevent calls from axe if I went in first and if I stayed back axe would call my team and we lost the fight already. I appreciate any help u give thx in advance