LuckyNumberXI 2015/01/04So you all might have seen it on the news. My PC burned down last week. But now! I have disassembled my complete PC, cleaned it and reassembled it and I'm back in the game baby! Dota is downloading and I'll play within an hour. LuckyNumberXI 2015/01/04 Great start.... ugh.273 2015/01/04X6 is back!LuckyNumberXI 2015/01/0447% BOYZZp2d 2015/01/05108 cs 36 min storm spirit niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeLuckyNumberXI 2015/01/05@Syn I was trying to create space for my multiple 'carries' and let them farm continiously...댓글을 작성하시려면 로그인이 필요합니다.스팀 계정으로 로그인
So you all might have seen it on the news. My PC burned down last week.
But now! I have disassembled my complete PC, cleaned it and reassembled it and I'm back in the game baby!
Dota is downloading and I'll play within an hour.