General Discussion

General DiscussionLeshrac vs. Death Prophet

Leshrac vs. Death Prophet in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Why do people assign Death Prophet as a core but Leshrac as a support when they have very similar abilities (swap a silence for an unreliable stun)?


      Leshrac can be played core aswell dude, it really depends on the situation tho,

      Dire Wolf

        DP just scales a little better with items due to exorcism hp return and witchcraft but Lesh can definitely be core though, he's a pretty good mid on a team with two other supports.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        Dune, the Desert Planet
          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

            I know that Lesh can be played as a core, I'm just wondering why these heroes have been assigned different roles in pubs.


              I think it's because of her insane speed, teamfight breaking silence and an ulti that is harder to counter. Also, she doesn't need to drain herself of mana to sustain it, like Lesh does.


                better laning phase, lesh is more squishy, if shut dwn early he's just a support the rest of the game, no items, no durability and no mana to last long being useful. I hate lesh core cause its bad but people still picked him in competitive a few years ago. Luckily they learned and we don't see him as core anymore.


                  The difference is that DP can only be played as a core, while Leshrac can also be played as a support. IMO Leshrac takes too long to really start having the impact that a core should have, and even then, he is mostly countered by BKB.

                  Another benefit that DP has is that she can pretty much just go straight for bulky items after euls (which is basically a bulk item for her anyway), without the need for any additional mobility or mana. Leshrac needs to get something for his mana, bulk + BKB and probably an aghs at some point, again at which point he is not so great against BKB himself.

                  I would still much rather see Leshrac played as a greedy support that with the help of another support, picks up easy kills and gains a big gold advantage by taking towers around the map.


                    He is also a stupid looking hero. Its like playing as the father of Tinkerbell's pet goat.

                    whiskey waters

                      mb cuz lesh needs to be melee to use full potential dmg, and to do that he have to be able to tank shit, which he's not.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Because DP has no disables while Lesh has a stun, a semi-slow from the lightning and very early pushing (from level 1 infact).


                          Lesh is arguably the most mana hungry hero in the game, but he is really squish with no escapes so he has to also itemize some tankiness.

                          As much as I like leshrac, I think he is a badly designed hero that can become extremely powerful with a lot of farm.

                          If you look at his kit, he has 4 spells that all have a high mana cost, his stun is delayed, his ulti is basically a melee aoe radiance, and he has no position spells or durability.

                          Personally i think his ulti and split earth need to be replaced with different spells.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          whiskey waters

                            i think edict shoud be cibled, kinda like razor link :))


                              lesh is to squishy, and if u fall behind early u cant catch up 95% of the games plus dp is much faster and doesnt need to get close to the enemys like lesh have to. leshrac is a crap hero nowadays :(, but he will be my favourite hero forever <3


                                Shootout to Havoc Badger

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  Torment around me. Torment in me.
                                  Torment be with me. And let us
                                  conquer our foes. They do not
                                  understand our pain. Do you? No. Not
                                  a soul can. And for that, We shall make
                                  them feel the torment... The torment
                                  that inhabits my soul.

                                  i love u butt

                                    anyone with a stun can be played as a support

                                    sven, es, lina

                                    its the benefit of lane control which dp doesnt give to a lane partner