General Discussion


IS THIS GAME WINNABLE in General Discussion

    Hello guys, so ive played a game from a 2 weeks of doto break, and so here's the result,
    My team kept on dying, we got like 6 dead under 10 mins, what should i really done, do i need to stick with team or rat? becuz, i successfully destroy enemy's tower and rax, ... Well this is Low Prio and a Scrub gameplay, if you want to watch, be ready to cry, for the the flame.


      first of all you dont go qb stout 1 tango start when you are fighting as duo off am
      and you buy a pms using courier without even checking pudge's items ( bottle rush start, and he had a bottle in stash)
      same thing with boots i mean you are using am not some squishy killable carry just buy stuff from the side shop its an es blood lane you wont die. treads too
      if theres a carry sitting in your lane and you cant fight and you have sustain why dont you just head over to the jungle
      1 point in shield against this team is most likely the better choice too
      you made a ton of mechanical misplays too how do you justify it as an unwinnable game.
      like u missed a free void kill on tb at 47 min plus a super slow blink tp. because of those 2 misplay you lose a rax.
      51 min u refuse to void a blamemailed axe when you are bkb'd
      60min u fail to finish off a stunned tb with void and instead make the kill super messy. also some pointless tp homes when you have a heart a minute ago somewhat
      61min you blink for an easy throw when it would have been a mid rax kill
      your full slot yet gem obs sentries remain unbought thats 100% on you

      but yea playing anything else other than mid in normal skill is insufferable
      complaining about uncooperative teammates when you yourself flame them in all chat much amaze

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        hahahaha i like to flame, well thanks for pointing things out... and sry for wasting your time watching? also the reason i started to flame was because, in team chat, its hell lol XD...

        also what starting item should i bought when fighting as duo off am? im just following guides..
        but really, i dont really understand what does mana void do.. so i just use it when an enemy is close to dying,
        for ton of mechanical misplays.... lol no comment, me scrub.

        bum farto

          I am still baffled by you completely, you sit at 800 or 1100 MMR and yet you play heroes like meepo pretty well in fact, what's your angle you sneaky jew.... I have my eye on you ;)


            I played with him and all he tried to do entire game was to throw XD


              Im sorry ynit, i madeuse lose, next time ill carry u hahaha,
              And no havoc, im not jews, and my mapo is suck....


                Omgggggg megapenis vol2 confirmed


                  Why do everyone know eachother here

                  (i dont belong here)

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    because we are family


                      Omggg fyyyq who the f is megapenis? Ur brother?

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        xaxaxax, no its our brother, we are family we all brothers, some brothers bame other brothers but love at the end.


                          xaxaxaxa, YNIT, brothers bond is life.


                            its a irl friend and dota mate that fails even at moving his hero

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              wtf how much ping does he get!? my max was 9k.... xaxaxax


                                his brain ping is over 9000 but we still love him

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  i fucking love him too he keeps saying (Dimitri i need to get to 2k mmr) thenn next second i see him playing cs go. Brain dead m8.


                                    Yes, you need to rat. Only TP-join fights when having an advantage: numerical (5 should win 4) or positional (they dive really far).

                                    ❤ Ashley ❤

                                      u r just bad


                                        did i say im good lol no xaxaxaxa

                                        SWAG DRAGON

                                          All are possible, maybe

                                          and my million game losing streak is over. more than 70% of the losses incurred during the streak were self inflicted due to having a fever and not giving up
                                          (i.e. a person with severe mental and physical disabilities effortlessly trying to run up that icy road)


                                            xaxaxaxa not all are possible m8... xaxaxa


                                              Nothing you could do here as antimage, to be honest.

                                              You did well.