General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion

    What is the thought process that people go through when they get a fucking diffusal? I mean i really don't understand it. Two games in a row, my Spectre rushes a diffusal, do people not realize that it doesn't really help as much as a radiance does? Lastly, Why do people go 4-0-4 on spectre and not max desolate early on? I am so frustrated with some players sometimes. K i'm done ranting.


      you might aswell go midas not level your ult if you're not getting any pts in desolate :horse:
      edit: he went early diffusial to be able to splitpush w/o dying to clinkz' Orchid (the Spectre in the previous game where oppponent QoP had Orchid must have thought the same).

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        diffusal damage almost equal radiance's one when you ult, but you burn mana in addition...

        Radiance is only a viable choice cause if you achieved to farm it, it just means that enemy sucked in first place.

        It's not radiance that give the win, it's enemy who letted you farm that much. If you'll go for diffu build, you would have diffu yasha or mb even more, thus having actually an ultimate even stronger. If by 15-20 min you have diffu yasha on spectre, you have more or less already won anyway. like you would with .... radiance.

        Most of radiance won game would have been won with diffusal, most of diffusal game would NOT have been won with radiance

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          @ OP

          The spectre ur talking abt, with maxed desolate and radiance rush may be the best case scenario for a spectre, and ur able to achieve it in organized game play in a stack with friends, but in solo queue pubs rushing that radiance is a nightmare. Its frustrating to die each time u reach that +3000 gold mark for the relic, getting close to it but not being able to buy it cuz the fkn drow or TA or other early-mid game snowballing hero whos fed on ur mid and other lanes comes ganking u. Minimal warding by supports (if there are any "supports" at all) means both vulnerability for you while ur farming abandoned lanes/jungle AND the fact that u can't optimally use desolate by haunting to a lone enemy u spot thru ward vision near the rosh pit or the jungle.

          Diffusal is a great item. While radiance is the BEST item u can get at 15-20min, if spectre players feel they can't get it by this mark (or maybe till 25 min if enemy team has a lot of squishies like drow, sniper, cm) then DIFFUSAL IS DEFINITELY THE WAY TO GO. So much agility at so low little cost, its even viable if spectre wasn't an illusion hero. But since she is, the mana burn synergizes well with the illusions.

          Another awesome advantage, in pubs u see a lone straggler escaping a recent small skirmish u didn't deem worthy to haunt into? Haunt, purge to slow, kill steal, escape into woods before others can chase you. Thus the diffusal is a great hero-farming item for spec in pubs; not as great as radiance, but a decent improvisation.

          As for maxing desolate first; I always max dispersion first in solo queue pubs bcuz the lane is just too hard without it. It's the 20 minutes of early game without the radiance that is the nightmare for Spectre in pubs, and u need dispersion to survive that.

          And yh, this guy Matrice nailed it. Exactly, getting the radiance early means ur enemies were noobs to begin with, most of the time, that they let u get it. The match was won from the start.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Pom Pom 🍕

            Won't maxing Spectral dagger first get you kills easier than desolate because of speed advantage? 200 damage is very poor for a nuke, but having 408 movement speed with treads (462 with phasing) while your enemy has 280-ish with boots/treads means you get a lot more hits on them. Stack with orb of venom and most heroes will have less than 250 movement speed.

            Dispersion can probably be left at one point early though, since it's only +4% damage decrease, and the damage dealt from the passive won't matter too much until later.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              actually i like diffusal more. Contrary to what you said it is better and then after diffu i get the radiance +-5 min.

              Dire Wolf

                If free farm radiance otherwise diffusal. Diffusal is one of the most cost effective items to agi in gam and the build up is easy. Diffusal and a health booster makes you pretty scary when you ult into fights.

                "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                  the best item to get with Spectre is scepter


                    go naked radiance no boots no items for maximum farm

                    on our way.

                      What do i do if I am a bad farmer and I can't farm Radiance in time?

                      i love u butt

                        i prefer a diff/yasha spectre to rad spectre for my carry if i support

                        mainly because he usually does more in teamfights and comes online faster

                        only reason for a late rad on spec is if they have alot of blink initiators like sk, cw, es

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          and last but not least, radiance scale worst into late game than the diffu build


                            when i play spec i get diffusal AND radiance but always diffusal first into tank items like manta vangaurd or heart


                              @Santana, you shouldn't max dispersion till last, just get one level. One level of 10% extra hp is good, but it's a waste of level due to the next three levels scaling +4%; that's about 18 extra ehp per level of dispersion in the early game.. I personally get one dispersion for lane then max desolate with the rest going into spectral dagger.