General Discussion

General Discussionsupport morphling

support morphling in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I've seen this only in one game but is it a popular trend now? It's it actually good?

    I see potentail- max strike first go for max stun that's a huge stun. Wave can be a pretty good gank opener or escape. I think the big drawbacks though are his attack range so he's not going to be as useful as a lane support at harassing enemys out of lane. And he needs a few levels to get decent, though I guess most supports do, but he needs his toggle, and a few points in strike and wave right?

    I just see other supports doing his job better like roaming ganker, mirana seems better. Lane support if you want to go all stuns and dmg go lion or something. If you want to go more tanky cus morph can be tanky go ogre or something.

    Thoughts? And how would you build him?


      Tried this a long time ago, and it didn't work at all for me. On paper it sounds good, but to be honest, it doesn't seem that practical. His auto with max strength is terrible, so the only way to get farm is thru towers or kills which is not really that reliable when he only brings a stun early game. Not to mention, he isn't getting quick levels either.


        OK so he got buffed and i did this in 7/13, but i seriously doubt it will be a thing. Who knows, maybe I'll be wrong.


          He would have too many mana problems, and ogre is there so...