General Discussion

General DiscussionWASD camera vs edge pan

WASD camera vs edge pan in General Discussion

    When I started this game I used to be an MMORPG player
    so ofc WASD camera was way easier than edge panning.
    but now I am considering changing this WASD shit cuz I
    think it is affecting my split second ability/item activation.

    So, is it worth going all the trouble of learning edge pan and has anyone done this?


      I was considering it myself, im just so used to play with wasd camera, im not even sure if it affects my gameplay tbh.


        It's easy to get used to..

        I played CS for 10 years, then dota for 1 year with WASD, and getting used to edge pan took just some games.

        Now I barely use edge pan, but mouse3 drag.


          what is edge pan?

          and isnt it better juts to whip the mouse? why the hell would you need WASD`?


            Scroll drag master race


              I think he meant edge scroll which means you have to move your mouse to the edge of the screen to make the camera move


                @Pure idk it kinda feels like waste of keys. With edge pan your fingers are set so you can use abilities faster but with wasd theres like so fckin many buttons.

                Scroll drag just feels retarded when i've played with it a little.. lol


                  I like to use drag scroll because I don't have to remove my mouse from the center of the camera. Even if its means destroying the middle mouse of a death adder




                      Using WASD, or in my case; ESDF, for camera movement gives you more room for controll of your character.

                      If you don't understand why then you simply don't understand why.

                      harvard graduate

                        ^I dont understand why. OT: just use whatever, edge pan masterrace tho. Allows for the easiest navigation in fast fights tho as you won't accidently hit the wrong button or smth.


                          Muhics - like kittler saids wasd allow me to micro my hero better when chasing someone down like a storm or hasted hero. Ill give it a shot though.


                            I don't understand how people play without WASD camera. They limiting their vision.


                              How does edge pan limit your vision?

                              Make love, not flame

                                I cannot imagine using WASD to move camera, edge pan was just natural and it allows me to move camera precisely. WASD would make me slow at using multiple skills, items and shift them if necessary. Middle button for me either as I feel it takes so long and I can't use other mouseclicks for a second.

                                Edgepan rules the world. Will take you 5 games to get comfortable with, don't think about it too much.

                                btw., is there any pro player who doesn't use the edge?

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  Its either edge or scroll drag or the combination of 2. WASD isnt even a thing.


                                    zoom camera >all

                                    Tiny Airlines

                                      Usually I edge scroll when playing Dota 2.


                                        min 2 xd

                                        ahh and i use edge pan, always have

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          Wasd makes ur reaction slower and gives u buttons that u dont have to use , btw what r ur spells and hotkeys with wasd moving ur camera ?
                                          What if ur using wasd to move ur cam and suddenly a invs hero hit u how slow is ur reaction to stun him or blink if ur hands r not yet on the button?

                                          Sup m8

                                            I use WASD to move the screen, as well as QERF for skills. Works fine for me, WASD is just natural for me.


                                              Yea, I don't think it slows my reactions at all... WASD cam, QERF skills GV for additional 2 \ (left of z) is stop F1 is sellect all 1 is select hero and ` is select all other. zxc space, mouse 4 and 5 for items (logitech g700s mouse, used to use the buttons above mouse 4 and 5 for top and bottom rune, but my autoexec doesn't work anymore, also use front trigger button as autocast item in slot z, usually for blinks or rod of atos, abysall etc) .... B for attack move... which sounds like a bad button... but my hands are huge and I've played guitar all my life... so hitting big stretches means practically nothing to me... and it's only used for microing illus to farm/ aggro swaping and denying towers (since i have right click to deny on)...

                                              I used WASD cam in all of the RTS games I played since RA2... and I'm just pretty damn familiar with it... edge pan does my tits in since if you over shoot you gotta put your mouse miles out of where you likely wanted it to be to push it back a bit. whereas a quick a-s tap and you're there, and your mouse was always ready.

                                              All of my issues with dota come from the fact that I've never played MOBAs before, can't farm/lasthit, bad situational awareness, like to run at people whether I can kill them or not... there is nothing more satisfying than a CM runing at 5 people who back up in fear... something I'll likely only experience at 2k lololol.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                I used to play like this when I started dota, because I was mostly playing CS and my sens was very very low, so it was really uncomfortable to move camera with mouse. :D It's worth changing it trust me, WASD camera sucks.


                                                  Maybe WASD camera suits better for supports, because they need to move camera a lot, to be aware of what is going on around. While edge pan works for carry, because they focused more on AFK farming and have need to move camera only couple times per game minute.


                                                    Wait... RA2 didn't have WASD cam, Q/W/E/R were hotkeys for build categories (main/defense/infantry/vehicles). Unless you mean you used the arrows?
                                                    Also, RA2 had right-click scroll which was super comfortable, responsive and could let you scroll as much as you want. Dota 2's scroll just feels way too clunky, you can only scroll the size of your screen and it's set on middle mouse button which is very uncomfortable for me.

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      ^ I dont like you.
                                                      You never use kappa
                                                      Change ur pic and name


                                                        been playing this game for 10 years

                                                        wtf is WASD camera ?


                                                          How do people have enough keys to do wasd

                                                          thought edge pannign was the only way lol


                                                            I don't use any of that, i use the central mouse button for move the camera (allways), its very bad , but autocad works with it so it's hard to play like the normal people.