General Discussion

General DiscussionMagnus offlane?

Magnus offlane? in General Discussion

    Noob on magnus, anyone use him in offlane?
    Do you guys build caster stuff or carry? (fresher, shiva, arcane? or buriza/MOM)

    BSJ. LGD

      Magnus offlane is pretty bad, choose another hero. but if you persist, then go arcanes into dagger. Arcanes allow you to farm the jungle by spamming shockwave (try to shockwave 2 camps at once and keep stacking). I like to go shadowblade next so they cant cancel my blink and you can split push easily. If its a farm fest ,go mask of madness, queling blade into shadowblade.

      also try to use skewer to break trees so its harder for supports to gank you, however magnus is a dumbass laner so it doesnt matter if you got vision anyways, all the support have to do is stand infront of you.


        ok nice magnus stats
        never considered shadow blade


          please never go shadow blade on magnus
          edit: holy shit wtf im 9% winrate on magnus what thef ukc wheres the reset stats options to hide this

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            sb mag is fine

            Jorges Sanz

              Magnus offlane is decent if you bottle crow/stack ancients/camp for runes. Shockwave is good for farming, harassing and sniping nc pulls with its long cast range provided you don't get hardcore zoned out. The trade-off having an underleveled/farmed mag against an under-leveled support whose main job is to zone mag is something you need to consider.

              The problem with magnus is that you need to farm that blink dagger for RP to be much more useful. Being able to farm a decently timed blink dagger on offlane is the absolute best case scenario, so don't bank on it happening.

              Prior to the dmg nerf on RP, magnus was still viable for his solo kill potential pre-blink if you stagger the shockwave/skewer slow and rp stun duration(s) right. Nowadays, hes usually put mid for a much more reliable/faster blink dagger time.


                How i played this offlane:
                Boots botle blink forcestaff refresh or shiva, but i was so nab when i played that.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  I never tried mag offlane, but i go bottle, blink, arcanes, drums, refresher, ac