General Discussion

General Discussionsomewhere in a dota universe

somewhere in a dota universe in General Discussion
waku waku

    lifestealer:DAD NO
    pudge:you'll look good with an apple in your mouth


      whats with you and pudge :D


        I dont think I ever lost to pudge mid as tiny, it feels like its impossible, even if he hooks you, you cambo him, and if he has ult ur stun will cancel hes ult if you cast it before pudge ults, which is easy as it has no cast time))


          Pudge is one of the worst midlane heroes (when it comes to laning phase) in the entire game, he is melee without any wave clearing nuke. This does not however mean he can't benefit from fast levels; just that bragging about winning mid vs Pudge is not something you should do. Pudge is typically the hero that will leech xp and fuck your team after he goes missing on the map and hooks people out of position, buying time and creating space for his carry to farm.

          He is awful in lane sadly. The only thing going for him is that if you hook enemy under your tower, you get yourself a dead enemy.