General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Zeus support viable on 5k+?

Is Zeus support viable on 5k+? in General Discussion

    Just asking. Probably gonna try. Don't really want to play mid to get 5.4k back.

    Build: q-w-q-e-q-r-q.

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      i believe as bad as lvl1 bolt is, its similar dmg/mana and u can deward with it plus u want static to stack camps i think
      havent c9 run aui in support zeus

      level 15 invoker

        check demon's stream, he's running it now.




            noob question(s): why would you max Q as a support Zeus? Can't you get more harass (plus dewarding) from maxing W-E with a single point in Q for triggering your passive in any early fight? Won't harass with Q push your lane unnecessarily?

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                yes, i have a friend who loves to run it and i must say it generally has pretty high impact

                soul ring also makes you a pretty good dewarder

                second highest hero damage as a support zeus, not too shabby



                  Pom Pom 🍕

                    Do you actually need arc lightning before level 4?


                      i would never skill arc lightning above level 1 until all other stuff is maxed

                      unless u really got infinite mana and need some serious wave clearing power


                        zeus support is trash especially against aggressive off lanes, going off lane zeus on the other hand is so much better.

                        Only go zeus support if the enemy offlane cant do shit i guess


                          so prettymuch 90^^ % of the solo que pubs in 5+k games ?


                            @Pomi, no not really. I only put q there as a theoretical maybe you need it. I usually always go W-E-W-Q-W-R


                              q is always a good choice for splash damage and last hitting when your lanemate cannot. I'd never skip w, even as a support. It's too powerful to be ignored by the player.


                                I think I played very good as a support Zeus at 4,4k MMR. I can advise this skill build and item build:


                                P.S. Epic comeback game.
                                P.P.S. Only 5 deaths on Zeus vs this lineup is a pure win, IMO. =)

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                                  hard to say. Support or not he needs farm.


                                    ^Zeus is a threat if he has level 7 and brown boots.

                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                      I could understand saying "needs levels", but what items does he really need to farm?


                                        Veil of Discord for starters.

                                        Now that I think about it...whether he goes mid or support or wherever, he'll probably aim for the same items and similar skillbuild anyway, so it's a matter of playstyle.


                                          It's a matter of playstyle but as a support Zeus you should be aiming to grab a pair of arcane boots as quickly as you can. Second item is up to you, I preferably grab a eul's/force staff/blink/midas. My usual game would be Stick > Arcanes > Eul's > Force staff > Veil > Anything you'd like. If you're not dying as support Zeus you're set to have a great game. Feel free to grab kills over the map with your ulti, if you last hit any enemy you will grab the XP which is more distributional and better for your team.

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                                            "Feel free to grab kills over the map with your ulti"
                                            Unacceptable. Support Zeus must use ult to help teammate get the kill, but not to steal it.


                                              no such thing as kill stealing. Use the ulti earlier rather than later if you think your team will kill with it obviously.


                                                after "some" few games of zeus imo best teammate for zeus is cw.. its just like double of surprise madafaka :D.. even beast reflexes guy can't dodge that shit if perfectly executed


                                                  It's not kill stealing, it's grabbing xp from the other side of the map. As a position four and as a support Zeus that's about the best way he'll be played. Whether or not pros do it in tournaments (whereas about less than 1% of players will care) doesn't really matter to me. You can think of it as trying to time sunstrikes in ganks to grab global XP.

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