I guess this proves
Game Quality
Ranked >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Unranked
Try shadow fiend next time. It's your most played + highest winrate hero.
who knows? losing spree might end.
Also you should change your account name.
It demoralize your team and make your team to give up faster in a losing situation.
Who knows? your team could have carried you but they just gave up after seeing your nickname
your tiny build is like the worst shit ever :D:D
i mean seriously how can u be above 2k :D
try playing on one server, with the lowest ping?...
Region Matches Win Rate
Europe West 43
Australia 39
SE Asia 29
US East 13
Europe East 7
Well I lost 14 in a row before. Try taking a break then trying again. It's demoralizing, but you have to just try and keep a positive attitude.
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i am 15 lose in a row..