General Discussion

General Discussionitem order on void

item order on void in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    What's standard item order on void? I figure treads, mom always come first, after that I wasn't sure whether to get maelstrom for farming or if crystalis is better for fighting and farming. Bkb when I need it but do I rush bkb or grab maelstrom/crystalis first? Or rush straight to daedulus?

    If mkb is needed would you go treads, mom, maelstrom/crystalis, mkb or treads, mom, daedulus, mkb?

    When would you finish mjollnir, only when slotted? I think finishing daedulus or getting mkb would almost always be better. And if mkb is not needed for dodgers what's better, double daedulus or daedulus + mkb?

    For skills, what do you max first? I kinda just dabble in all of them, usually finishing time lock, then time walk then backtrack.

    Stats or level 2 and 3 chrono? The mana increases seem to really hurt me more than an extra half second helps. Last game I didn't max chrono til level 20 and it made a huge difference mana wise. Dunno if it was the right call.


      Personally, I go threads, maelstrom, then mom.

      Once you finish those two, it doesn't really matter what you build, If you need more teamfight just push for aghanim and bkb, if you need damage finish mjollnir and start working on crits...

      But I don't play void as I used to after nerfs, so meh.

      Skills wise, you should feel what you need.


        Threads - mom - maelstrom. Then i decide what i need to fulfill my destiny!

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          There isn't such thing as standard item build. DotA is a game of situations and yours reactions to those situations.

          For Void only core is MoM, and you should get it before PT most of the time cause easy jungling and pickoffs.
          Consider Midas, you want levels cause you need all spells maxed out especially Chrono. Extra gold and attack speed is also what you need.
          If they can disable you in chrono go BKB, if you need DPS go Mjolnir, Buriza, MKB or Butterfly. If your team needs control, and has damage, go Aghs.

          Always take Chrono at 6, 11, 16 because cooldown decreases.
          Max Bash 1st and Time Walk 2nd, Backtrack last. You need long range of Time Walk to properly initiate, it's a horrible mistake to take only one level of it. You can get 1 point in Backtrack early if you need it, either on level 2, 3 or 4.


            yeah you need mom early, and daedalus>mjollnir damage wise.
            get pt>mom>maelsrom>crit/bkb>daedalus>mjollnir. standard build will work most of the time (mkb for pa, butterfly situational etc).
            you can also get aquilla i guess, but treads switch is enough to use mom for farm.
            skills = max bash and time walk, you can get 1 value point in backtrack early also.
            and btw dont say T H R E A D S, because it is incorrect.

            i also remember a 6kish void used to go pt>mom>battlefury>bkb>daedalus/mjollnir.
            worked well for him.

            Miku Plays

              for some reason i rush maelstorm first then PT to MoM


                treads + mom -> maelstrom. Don't upgrade to mjol unless you need it (illusions or lots of summons/manta), items like BKB or crit are much better at this point. You might need to go for treads + mom straight into BKB depending on what you are up against.

                I highly recommend Shadow Blade too (usually a later pick up).


                  Aghs is extremely good right now, after nerfs to chrono. I personally think u should get it in 80% of games.

                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                    what do you guys think of aquila on void?


                      ^ I think his Q costs too much mana for it to be a viable pick up. Aquilla is great on heroes, who has cheap skills but mana problems (SF, Troll, Slark etc.). Also u don't want to fight into their face, so bonus armor & early stats are not that good on him as on others. I personally think it slows ur Maelstorm too much.


                        Battle fury may be viable option once again, after manacost increasements on chrono. Maybe.


                          Butterfly is better than second crit.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Hmm what? If his spells cost too much mana, then he needs the ring. You don't need it if you don't have mana problems wtf. It's good on offlane, useless on safelane. You could as well get a bottle, but you have to get runes or it will be waste of money. Sometimes you need straight BKB after MoM, sometimes you get it aftere Maelstrom and sometimes you can delay it even after Mjollnir. It at all depends on the enemy team.

                            Dire Wolf

                              what about putting some points in stats over maxxing chrono until you have a larger mana pool?

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                Lower cooldown, longer duration. Always get Chrono on 6, 11, 16. Learn how to manage mana, you have 2 fucking spells + MoM that costs 25 mana. Don't mindlessly time walk in or use it for traveling. Tread switch, even for MoM while you farming the jungle.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Also mom before maelstrom seems to net me a ton more farm just fyi. Mask is such an amazing farm item.

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