General Discussion

General DiscussionMid Lane question

Mid Lane question in General Discussion

    If you get a good rune like Haste or Double Damage should you gank the enemy mid laner or the enemy side lanes? Also should you gank whenever you get a good opportunity or not?

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      This honestly depends on what mmr bracket the game is in and what hero you play.

      I feel if you're playing sub5k honestly pick qop and go gank every rune that is not bounty rune cause enemy won't realize you're coming even if they have vision. (Keep tps so you don't lose out on creeps, push the lane blink rune gank blabangalbalbla)

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        No answer to this. Sometimes it's better to gank side lanes, other times it's better to rape mid. Who's easier to kill? Who's more dangerous? What's your job, to win your lane or to win other people's lanes? (it ain't the latter) I tend to gank only when kills are guaranteed or when I'm in an unfavorable mid matchup.

        And what happened to those TA questions?

        Hiяo ♠

          I would say ganking key heroes is very important, for example if u get invis rune and you can kill mid OR sidelane it depends on who are you going to kill, terrorblade safelane? or puck mid?... Of course terrorblade because its harder for him to make a comeback if he gets shutdown... but it all depends you have to think alot and try to make the rights decisions, thts what dota is all about!

          U wot m8?

            prob offlane unless you get some one to help you gank mid


              if mid hero has no escape mechanisms then definetly go for mid hero

              if it does and theres gankable lane in safelane/offlane go for kill there