General Discussion

General DiscussionConvince your Teammates in joining Teamfight?

Convince your Teammates in joining Teamfight? in General Discussion

    Hi there,

    I just wondered what is the best way to convince teammates to engage in teamfights/pushing.
    I see myself often in the situation that we have a good chance getting rax if whole team pushes together but there is 1 Single guy who doesn't want to join at all.

    OFC. it is mostly one of the best damage dealers...

    Any recommendations are appreciated.

    PS: Calling them f*gs doesn't help - i tried that ;)

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Tell them you got a box of Scooby Snacks and that if they don't jump in you won't let them have any.


        The more politely you behave, the greater the chances that they gonna join you are.
        Or either u should be a girl with micro, it works well just the same.


          Trying out a mic effect - good idea :D

          Howard Donald

            Personally I try to establish some sort of team organization over voice during the mid game, organising ganks etc. Be liberal with congratulating people on good plays, and generally try to keep a positive atmosphere, even if other people mostly keep quiet or use pings/chatwheel whatever.

            Start early in getting people to think your directions are good, and they are more likely to follow you into battle at crunch time. Its all you can really do.

            the realm's delight

              flame the fuck out of them and spam pings on them


                wrong approach you stupid shit! You either join him or you stop fucking pushing and feeding with 1 less player. Focus on defense and farm instead.


                  Doesn't help -
                  Ursa kept farming jungle when 1 player abandonment <.<

                  I Talk about situations where we have clearly a BIG advantage. For example after sololane triple killed bot 2 times... While mid was stomped and enemies offlane almost full time out of xp range...


                    Still doesn't change the fact that you Should do what i said If you want to Win.


                      jesus benao.

                      Can't you just say the same thing without "you stupid shit" in there?

                      You actually have good advice but people wont listen to it because you curse at them

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        i would never push if someone told me to

                        afaik i know when to do what so .. id rather see 4 retards in my team go feed and die than do retarded shit

                        waku waku

                          ^ isn't that the same thing?

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Well Benao: when my team got a big gold/xp advantage you tell me instead of push u should give both teams space to farm? Because thats what happens if you keep farming - they do the same...

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              well if u have advantage and alrdy got t2s destroyed, u can just farm all the 3 lanes and enemy's jungle in the meanwhile not letting the enemy team leave hg. it works nice particularly if u r waiting for roshan.


                                buy a divine rapier and watch your team freakout and become na'vi

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                  just have a good score and they will all be ur puppets