General Discussion

General Discussion''not typical'' complaint/tips topic

''not typical'' complaint/tips topic in General Discussion

    Most of the time some 3k people with dunning kruger go and complain about their team or elo hell.. And most of the time they are bad/worst on their team and some people note that. I love these topics.

    But i really feel like having best stats in huge majority of my last games. I see my teammates die and die, and die again for no reason and feed other 3k's slarks and such. It wasnt so bad at 4.5k mmr+; heck, even at 4k. Atm i am in 3.9k mmr and i have to play with other 3k's -_-
    so many idiots its hard to believe what they say.

    im not gonna lie - it's easier for me to play 1v1 vs some 5k dude than to carry someone 0-8 / 0-13 x2-3 in ranked. I admit i am greedy jew that loves stuff like midas but even then i have good stats to compensate. Sometimes i miss 1-2 kills due to lack of early game items but i am aware of that. Dont complain about lategame, tho. I wont say i am very best there is, i want someone to bash data/examples what i did wrong right in my face. Why it was MY fault we lost. Feast your eyes in my latest games. Find something to blame me for as i am blind.

    kinda shamefull to be able calibrate at good mmr's but suck at climbing it :D

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    King of Low Prio

      hate to break it to you but you are the same whiny team blaming manchild as the rest of them


        i may be mistaking, its just theory
        sometimes having good stats/high gpm doesnt reflect well your impact on the game. It can happen if u play bad in terms of tactics or are just selfish. I saw many ppl having exactly same opinion cz they played only afk farming carries, and as a result when they won it looked like they were the ones to carry the game, and when they lost - they blamed their teammates obviously having bad stats and low gpm cz of playing 4v5.



          you can even look what happens in-game. Hero damage should be pretty high in my games as i dont just killsteal, i tend to fight when needed/when i can. One guy tactics shouldnt matter more than whole team tactics and weird desicions..

          @sampson aka Game Hard I Feed (Manchild?)

          lets do 1v1

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          King of Low Prio

            this delusional mongo1oid just proved why his MM is dropping faster than my IQ after reading this shit when he started screaming for 1v1s

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              buy accounts from me woo



                stop insulting others and man up. You are oh so manly - other people are mere kids versus your ego. I dont think you are great yourself. Just a keyboard warrior


                get out -_- i dont need that.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                King of Low Prio

                  You are right you are that one special snowflake in the 3k who just happens to be there because valve hates him. Do you know how stupid you look to everyone?

                  casual gamer

                    be the 3k mmr slark


                      There is always something that you can improve on. Try and watch aui's replay analysis to get a better grasp of how to better look at your and other people's replays.

                      Oh and you do know that 1v1s don't really mean that you are better than the other person? There is much more to dota than mechanical skill (and if you think that winning 1v1s prove that you are better, then I'm just going to default to Sampson's original comment).


                        i just want to beat his ass. nothing else. He resorts to insulting and thinks he can get away with it


                          Then what happens if you don't beat his ass? He can now get away with insulting? Nothing good can come from addressing insults (especially insults on this forum).

                          Just try to take it as constructive criticism and look at it from a different perspective (because, to be honest, your post would still kind of sound like other dunning kruger posts even if you don't intend it to be).


                            Its known that sampson is just asshole. Now he is also a coward.

                            i just want someone to tell me why i am losing games i should be stomping. I agree; i get those stomps like my recent game (asked team to play carefull+my nick). (tried being as super early-aggressive as possible, even skipped midas). People called me amazing and got some commends...but these games are rare as of late

                            But sometimes i can have 6kda and someone ragequits.

                            Or my team dies 43 times before 30mins when i pick some antimage.


                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Your stats being good may actually be a bad thing – for instance, refusing to buy wards/dust etc, or going midas when inappropriate. Good stats may also indicate you are too hesitant to join fights and let your team die while you farm the jungle.

                              It is something I am trying to overcome as well. For instance, last game Centaur offlaner was doing terrible. I saw that he was 1.9k gold, and I was farming ancients as he was near me. I told him to come over and last hit this camp, and got him the blink which he had been trying to get for like 10 minutes. This may have turned him from near-useless into a strong initiator and probably turned the game.



                                why it matters if i buy midas if i have most HD+TD+kda+gpm in most games? Last game i was greedy as i had +100 lh than anyone but i still had 6.2k td, best kda, hd and gpm. I used to play like this at better mmr but i see that it doesnt always works in here


                                  rofl stop whining dud, u need to stop whining about teammates and look at your own play.
                                  ps having 54% overall winrate when you pick troll all the time is not what i call 'good stats'.


                                    That's just one game, probably your Qop's fault considering her skill build – I don't think that player knows how to play Qop. Guess what? This happened to me as well, a Storm picker right after DAC finals that went 0/5/0 and completely wrong skill build.

                                    Looking at your record I'd say you're doing fine. There are just some games you can't win, but as long as you win more games than you lose, you know you're the one making a positive difference in your matches.



                                      ok then tell me what I, THE BAD PLAYER <who makes others lose> am doing wrong?

                                      and my winrate shouldnt matter when it comes to skill. Look at dendi with his ~50% -_-.

                                      you are not even 3.2k mmr yourself, not in a position to speak :/

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        I did not sya that you are a bad player i only said that you need to stop whing about ur team.


                                          you have reading problems then. They feed, but why i cant win 1v5? Why my gamestyle works in better mmr but not here???????

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          King of Low Prio

                                            to be honest, your post would still kind of sound like other dunning kruger posts even if you don't intend it to be


                                              i would love to see how you re-phrase it yourself. In internet someone will always find something to pick on



                                                You may in fact be more reliable than the other people in the bracket, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is winning. There are some games you simply can't win. The key is wining 6 out of 10 games.


                                                  you talk about dunning-kruger but you seem to have it as well
                                                  your stats are nothing impressive, you have played 64 ranked games and have 51% winrate.

                                                  GL climbing.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    How is this best stats in the game?




                                                      not ranked. Was testing out shadow fiend in real game. Dominating lane is easy, post laning is hard for me with sf. Had to build different items as in real games glass cannon build went shit.

                                                      I dont really care about my games tbh there. In 1v1 mode, too.


                                                      i agree that winrate is bad; i only started playing ranked recently after a break. When i was 4.5k+ my 5k's friend told me to learn supports since i was good farmer back then. It should improve me as carry in other places and blah blah. So i lost and lost and lost many games (hence the winrate) until i could support as good as other supports in low 4k's. Now i am trying to regain that mmr. But it isnt so easy to win 80%+ games; despite being more reliable that other 3k apes.

                                                      64games is small sample size. Thanks; i will try!

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        in short: its worst feel in the world when you know your older teams would abuse early game advantage or you lose games where your old teams (from 4-4.75k's) would not.
                                                        I try to play the same but sometimes my team plays too agressive when they should'nt and too passive when they should. And many other things.

                                                        funny how few wins/losses in a row change people so much

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          TLDR I want higher MM players to carry me even if I dont belong there. The 3k trash on your team is the exact same 3k trash you are fighting


                                                            first of all change your nick, if i got a player with a nick like that>>> instant report (well i can report pretty much every game, stable 10+), and if you cant win its your fault too, not only the team, in fact you +4 players are "the team" and there is no separate way, your team either wins or loses, and you do the same with it.
                                                            you might be able to hit creeps, and hit players, but who said that is enough to win??????????? you can lose with most gold on map, you ca lose with 50 kills (singsing lost once with 56 kills kappa), nothing matters until the throne falls try to understand this.
                                                            i would rather win with 1-10 than lose with 10-1.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              All i see is a shitty ass fgt that wants attention because he sucks fucking dick. You are the same as everyone else and this thread is the same bitching pile of dogshit thread everyone else makes.

                                                              I at least make threads and bitch about my mates because i have to carry them and win my games. You bitch about not being able to carry your mates because you are as shit as them.

                                                              Go in your emo corner fucktard and think about what you have done you shitty ass 3k fgt player.


                                                                This thread, good lord.



                                                                  actually with this nick i started winning more. People maybe read it pre-game and are more cautious to make fun out of me incase i feed.

                                                                  Last game won, too - told people to pwn creep skipping axe; jug got super fat i just had to use map space resources to farm :D


                                                                  atleast i carried myself higher than you are :D

                                                                  you cant understand what i am saying because you either can't read or you cant comprenhend. Other mmr = different gameplay. You need to experience this first-hand. Its not same as being carried; i find 4k games easier than some 2k games where riki stomps everyone. People might misunderstand your actions. They need to be told stuff. They dont know things.


                                                                  i saw that other people make fun out of your 4k accounts that you are afraid to share. We could try playing some 1v1 games, too ;)

                                                                  you could become clown of the boards.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    According to you, you dropped from 4500 to 3900 MMR. That's a net of 24 losses more than wins, assuming -25mmr per loss. But you show a 52.3% winrate from 65 ranked games..equating to 34 wins 31 losses.

                                                                    How do you explain these numbers?

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      there are 5-6k people in this thread telling you the exact same thing you are just too stupid to realize you are the problem NOT your teammates

                                                                      also to be fair my MM is higher than you now after you dropped :)


                                                                        This guy is so delusional, just look at this game.


                                                                        He afk farms whole game on Troll, get carried so hard with almost 0 impact (same dmg as support SD) and then brag around with descent last hits and kda. But in reality, he just got carried so hard by a descent team. Now imagine when the team doesnt carry his ass and he just afk farms while others try to actually be usefull while diing 4 vs 5 :) And then topics like this appear.



                                                                          i said that jugg was fat already so i just used map space when given chance. Read top

                                                                          if my assistance was needed (i ask my team) then i join. If they are gucci by themselves better be safe than sorry and farm


                                                                            @i love dotas

                                                                            i disable api for long/random times. i can send screenshots of great games that doesnt show up here


                                                                              update : turns out it was just 3k mmr ragequitters/ throwers / intentionall feeders. Once i entered the 4k's (again) im on huge winstreak; trying get back to high 4k's; maybe try getting past calibration mmr to see my limits as i havent really seen where my wins end at. Also added my smurf where i calibrated at 4.5k mmr to toplist alonside this one, where i fell with supporting (also calibrated at ~4.5k mmr). Will try to climb >:D

                                                                              People now are more cooperative and in some games i am not even needed to carry (although i get those games with feeders <like my 1 death vs my teams 35-50deaths> where i put in most of the work)


                                                                              Winstreak is good so far....


                                                                              you cant play the same in different class mmr. People might not understand you and you will not understand them yourself even more than what you see in your average games. I had to skip few good midas games (4-6min midas) just so that i could be online as early as possible - guys often misplay and if enemies aqquire advantage they are more likelly to snowball. In 4k's i am way more safer farming/getting farm items than in 3k's. Had to adjust itembuilds and mindset for that, it worked. Once back in old tier you can expect people to trilane and pick better, they often end games at around 30min mark to push their advanatages; therefore its' easier to win where people WANT to win. But people still have terrible positioning, they die a lot, can't farm or mid effectivelly, pick bad fights and feed bad heroes like legion/axe/sniper and need to be told things, but they listen to you when you taunt people ''it's in the bag'' with 12 win streak in the row XD

                                                                              Also noticed people don't say ''sftu end pley'' anymore and continue feeding. I had lots of funny games with up to 3people/team using voice comm.

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                u serious? u spamm troll the broken pick and u are happy that u got better stats than ur supports :)

                                                                                i still imagine if they pick troll 1st!! then u have like 10% chance to win ( get carried) at this low bracket... this means ur 10% good


                                                                                  ^if you only say so :)

                                                                                  love dem internets XD

                                                                                  3-4months ago pick troll @4.5k's everyone cries ''omg troll shit hero gg we lost i afk''.

                                                                                  Now HE IS SO OMFG OPEEEEE... stop acting like sheep. All he got is bugfix and indirect buff to max atack speed.

                                                                                  I have other carries i play it's just troll is fun hero for me, haz synergy with all current popular rightclickers like SF/SNIPARS/ ursa/ jugg and i dont have to make excuses for you for picking hero i would play year ago when he was ''bad''. A win is a win. It doesnt look like you are super skilled, either

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    pay attention or w/e stay low


                                                                                      i'm 2.4K and proud of it. Why? because i'm ready to accept that i suck. make smurfs, get high MMR, stop enjoying the bloody game?sorry mate, but the game is more precious to me.

                                                                                      The only condition where smurfing is justified where a person who was 5K had an unjust losing streak (bad internet, bad servers, drunk doto,yada yada) and wants to get back to his original mmr.

                                                                                      Smurfing is like whoring yourself out for fake internet points *looks at reddit.*you don't deserve it and nobody cares anyways.