General Discussion

General DiscussionSee how w33 is as bad as i told you guys like a year ago?

See how w33 is as bad as i told you guys like a year ago? in General Discussion

    i wouldve beaten era's sf with drow.
    he on the other hand fed and the game went out of control. (imo they wouldve won if drow at least got a draw mid)


      ofc u wouldve beaten eras sf


        "i wouldve beaten era's sf with drow."


          Unlike most here, I normally consider you a pretty normal guy and can understand both your opinions and arguments.

          But when you feel like you still need to prove your point almost a fucking year after you first mentioned it to a bunch of random people on the internet you most likely don't even know in person...dude, really, just forget it, this is just going to severely stress you out.


            what is that chick saying?
            gud job?
            or blow job?


              you're right :)
              i just felt like crying because i don't enjoy seeing drow's feeding... i mean i like her like the favorite character of a book :), and i totally would've enjoyed seeing drow played properly wrecking sf's with euls ^^


                lmfao w33 is bad, coming from you its really offensive.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  he is bad..


                    idk i dont see how anyone on this forum could even imagine for one second he's bad :)
                    if he is bad, then you are nothing.


                      i guess im nothing

                      but he is still bad


                        like u must be actually genuinely so fuckin disgusting at this game to think he's bad :) he's litterally one of the best players in the world. anything with a brain would tell you the same.

                        he has a bad game thats it.


                          ebola spirit picker talking about being disgusting at this game


                          oh the irony now go and die in a fire u fucking trash


                            he's certainly a very good player
                            one of the best in the world? nah


                              disgusting slark picker


                                I played with benao once, amazing player! 10/10 so good! He might know nothing about dota but he sure knows his drow!


                                  lmfao. says the guy with 1.9 KDA on drow with 400 games? Shame.

                                  whiskey waters

                                    rofl nova gettin flamed by 3k trashes ;DD



                                      pinned plz


                                        for reference

                                        18:56Doom Doom: smash es mi apstor.
                                        20:27Doom Doom: you guys done?.
                                        20:30Queen of Pain Queen of Pain: y.
                                        20:42Doom Doom: just wanted to telly ou it was the easiest game in my entire life.

                                        the realm's delight

                                          girl says oh yeah
                                          ( i think)

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            She says: O kay

                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                              i think the funniest part of this thread is everyone flaming each other has ebola spirit/slark/some other shit in their top 3


                                                i only got hard to play heroes in my top 3

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                  yea ur legit :)

                                                  everyone else though...

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    where is the Kappa, Benao?


                                                      i didnt say complicated like invoker/maapo, i said hard to play heroes!


                                                        I can agree Shadow Fiend is hard to play, especially consider how bad I am on him, however Drow Ranger?

                                                        Can you enlighten me on how that hero is hard to play?

                                                        I mean, yes. The hero is very fragile and rely a lot on team-mates forcestaffing you when you are out of position, but having poor position is something that every hero rely on, however some obviously rely on that more than others like:


                                                        but positioning doesn't make a hero necessarily hard to play?


                                                          its too ez to lose with drow/mirana/sf ->hard to play properly in order to win.
                                                          I personally found sniper hard to play before the change in his shrpnel... now i just don't play him anymore , too good/op.
                                                          Same with furion, i didn't play him the patch he was imba. I play him now, every now and then and going woods with smth other than axe/jugger/bs is hard to win too! GPM and XPM suck on him so you rly have to excel to win.


                                                            Can you teach me how to play these ''hard'' heroes?

                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                              it is pretty hard to play drow properly, you've got one of the squishiest agi carries in the game, and whose dps is lower than sniper without MoM if someone can easily get within 400 aoe of u (which is like what? 1/2 of the hero pool?)

                                                              he is correct in that drow is hard to play (and win with), i would never touch that hero in solo queue until that ulti gets buffed (revert to 50% penalty instead of 100% penalty, otherwise rekt every game against slark/pa/etc.)

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                Benao have learned the way of Drow Ranger. AKA ending the game early.

                                                                You get some small efficient items like Yasha and MoM, you kill roshan and you go highground.
                                                                If you fuck up the one push, that's somewhat bad, but the games not over. If you fuck up the second, you've lost the game.

                                                                Benao understanding the hero doesn't make the hero hard. It's just that the hero doesn't have many opportunities to win cause of all it's weaknesses. Thus why he almost always end his games within 20minutes, and loses those that goes past 30.

                                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                  and ending the game by pushing high ground is pretty difficult in solo queue (now that towers are buffed and comeback gold is stronger than it was 4 months ago)

                                                                  you will get retards farming jungle every second of the match with low impact, a solo mid who may/may not feed the enemy solo mid, and drow has no escape until u farm blink/shadow blade so you're easy food if someone clicks a stun on you

                                                                  i can't imagine it being easy to win with drow in solo queue past something like 4800 mmr

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    its not that i can't win past 30 min.
                                                                    The ideal is just before 30.

                                                                    just now i lost a +30 game minutes but thats cause game went to shit cause players don't know how to play. i went from 0-0 almost 1v2 mid to 0-4 in like 2-3 minutes because alche decided to go midas (he failed every stun idk how he's even 5k) and wr kept stealing farm/xp and feeding around the map alone and not fighting delaying the game as OFFLANE. Hence we were 3v5 from that point. They 5 man'd and we got rect. All my fucking deaths were to 3 or 4 enemies behind tower but since they were trash (i already tp'd to fight, save carry dusa) they decided that farming and not dying/tanking for the team was worth it (especially drow early on -min 11).

                                                                    so game went to shit but i still managed to take it over 30+ min. Still lost though...
                                                                    my point is game was lost not cause of the time, it was shitty players cause my performance was good

                                                                    Mortimer Smith

                                                                      mirana and drow kda=2 yeah it seems like team carried you


                                                                        your mmr reflects your understanding of the game mister 2k soon 5k


                                                                          "The hero doesn't have many opportunities to win cause of all it's weaknesses."

                                                                          That sounds like a hard hero to me...

                                                                          Mortimer Smith

                                                                            mr 3.8 dude :D and it was a joke


                                                                              Yo but seriously can u teach me how to auto attack with drow ranger? Like i have alot of problems doing good with her :D



                                                                                so butthurt bringing the mmr argument on the table. You're kinda like our lightknight69 but euro version


                                                                                  yeah i can :) but srsly its just practice. What more important than that is to know how to orb attack with her! Its not like with viper and you should NEVER ever use constant ice arrow (unless you have like tons of attack speed items..>like a ton with butterfly included). Also the timing for using items while spamming and moving using ice arrows because drow is special.... she won't listen to orders unless you click correctly (timing)

                                                                                  Sup m8

                                                                                    How come you like drow? Seems boring to me.


                                                                                      I find last hitting hard and fun! (drow at least). She has a very good att speed after level 6 too so as long as you play smart, (lucky, etc) the high risks you take with a weak hero pays off.

                                                                                      To a certain point at least. And she's so versatile that she can in theory deal with anyone as long as you play well and go for the right build. This is true for my all my top picks sf/drow/mirana/furion/sand king.

                                                                                      I like her because i have options! Lots of viable ways to play her.

                                                                                      Sup m8

                                                                                        I agree that she is pretty good vs everyone! At the same time, bad vs almost everyone haha.


                                                                                          high risk high reward, thats how i like it.


                                                                                            Drow is boring and I hate her attack animation =(


                                                                                              Drow herself is neither high risk nor high reward.

                                                                                              But a Drow, Visage + 3 more range heroes draft is INDEED a high risk high reward draft.

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                dravic the draft master

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  I don't like w33 either but thread is just plain dumb. Any decent SF player will beat the fucking crap out of a similarly skilled Drow. There is not even a contest. And Era is way better so.


                                                                                                    lol era is garbage w33 is deffiently better than him

                                                                                                    but sf is king of the mid for a reason he beats majority of heroes without even trying theres only few that can contest him in mid and barely any who can beat (?)


                                                                                                      ^ SF King is YajirobefromPD


                                                                                                        sam the whole point is that drow beats sf mid, srsly.