~ 1) there is no true supporting role in normal skill
~ 2) because everyone wants kills
~ 3) and yes wards can help u pickoff enemies and win sometimes
~ 4) i dont have any good normal story bro
actually people who picks supports in pubs
are the biggest tryhards ever
not the meepo pickers not the ebola pickers no the the slark pickers but support players
not even joking
thats why in 5.5k+ games there are no supports lol
i should do this more often.
It is amazing how team mates can appear to be complete fucking retards in the first 5 minutes of a game, and then carry you to victory later on.
i wanted to tell u since ur 1st comment ^ stop it
u are bad.
u try to imitate megapenis but ur not that bad
go train some pokemons doto is hard for u Ash
If really, this happens to me a LOT. Idk why, maybe i'm just ultimate support tryhard.
And yeah, wards win games.
About stories:
True support. (No, this wasn't a friend party)
"How to play KotL mid carry" (this was somewhere around 2.4k, idk, was calibrating)
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Solo supporting is not fun.
Why would anyone ever draft 4 agi carries. #outdrafted
I managed a grand total of 7 CS because everywhere that was safe to farm had a carry farming there.
Everyone was really mad all game.
Wards win games.
... How did we win I don't even.
Got any good normal skill stories, fellas?