General Discussion

General DiscussionI just got rekt like a little boy

I just got rekt like a little boy in General Discussion

    Any clue how would you lane this better with the picks we had? Offlane Undying and LC vs Void, AA and Lion. I would not ever go trilane vs those 2, maybe solo bristle and we 3 bot. Any advice is good, also what carry should i pick that would have done better in this lane (probably something ranged).


      I mean.. you're right on the spot suggesting bristle against undying lane.
      Void AA synergy is just fine with a strong support like lion.

      Greygrey the Sailor

        Naga siren probably would have been better imho,

        She has the damage and denies all of their heroes the farm that would be great on them. You guys just had bad execution so you needed an easier hero is all I am guessing


          Ya, execution was bad imho. We should just focus this undying early on and kill him few times, if he gets lots of stacks, you're basically done.


            I'm less interested in our game.. let's talk more about your idea of wrecking little boys

            THICC BABY SHUM

              lets talk about anime


                That's more or less same thing as Natsuki said, but without genre restrictions

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  but wow


                    BIP BIP idiots alert -.-


                      *off-scale swing on ritard detector*

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        whats the biggest weaboo picture u can find?

                        waku waku

                          i fucking love anime


                            Normal and high skill trashes get out of my topic and talk about gaynime somewhere else, ty.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              wasnt that the topic?

                              Miku Plays

                                Anime love fckng i

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  anime = lol players