General Discussion

General DiscussionOK THATS AMAZING

OK THATS AMAZING in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith

    My 13 years old brother is on Very high skill, he just eventually play dota, he allways play io, and i said him that i can play his calibration games to ''boost him'' BUT HE IS ON FUCKING VERY HIGH.

    x1000 smyley faces

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    Mortimer Smith

      How can i kill myself? plox halp


        Watch pro Dota scene.


          why is that so amazing?



            Mortimer Smith

              because he is 13 and he plays like1-2 times per week, and i play too much having 18 years old and i can not get vhs

              casual gamer

                u have to use ur brain noodle


                  I think you have to ask yourself

                  What are you constantly doing to improve yourself? Or do you just keep playing doto games over and over again hoping that one day you will get better?


                    some people just arent meant for games :laugh:

                    Mortimer Smith

                      Pilot, i wan't to know what im doing bad, and i think i know, but when i try to do dis in game i fail.

                      What i think i do bad is:
                      Farm 2 much and allways do shit HD, but when i try to be in teamfights and shit i dont farm that much.

                      Almost every time that i die (70% is my fault for being over extended or not having good rflexes or bad positioned) i have to die less.

                      I have the shittiest Pc in the world i can no longer play with this shit.

                      When i play support i feed nonstop (walking on warded spots getting in the middle of the fight etc)

                      I still failing some lasthits.

                      My aim is so bad.

                      Need to play focused 100% i got lazy and stop looking 24/7 at the map after the 15-20 min

                      I have to never trust my team to jump with me.

                      A large etcetera.

                      After improve all of that i hope to get 4.5k


                        Mechanically, everyone can still improve, but you probably need to work on your farming pattern and decision making as a carry. Having 5cs/min as your team's main carry (while thinking you are farming too much) means that you are not farming efficiently at all.

                        The things you have listed are great things to improve on since that's something almost everyone can improve on. Try and watch some of aui2k's replay analysis. They're pretty good and will help you get a better feel of the game. If you make an active choice to improve yourself rather than being passive and 'just playing' doto, you'll eventually improve.

                        King of Low Prio

                          just ignore this kid like the rest of the world does alrdy

                          Mortimer Smith

                            poor guy, you are ugly and now you are on high skill, are u envy? a 13 y old guy can fucking beat u...

                            Oh.... so sad

                            Dunt cry m8 you will gt b8tr soon ILY sampson

                            Thanks for the tips, i can do much more than 5cs/min :S post with this acc is so sad :CC

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Honestly, if you want to improve you should try to have someone look at your replays. I have a friend who is much higher rating than me and I've started watching 1-2 replays a week to try to improve (2x or even 4x speed) and you can skip around.

                              Just trying to help you. Reaching 4k is not hard at all since that seems to be your goal. Alternatively I can boost you to 4k you can quit ranked and live your life in peace & harmony.



                                Boost me pls I giff rares and love <3


                                  Add me

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    If you cant get into VH on a new account you have downsyndrome the fact that you dont understand that is pretty sad. Valves method to deal with smurf accounts is to push them far away from new players because they know while higher end players get annoyed with shit players in their games they will continue to play. New players getting curb stomped by smurfs hurt their profits a ton


                                      I agree with you Sampson, but actually staying in 4k+ above is not something a 2k-3k player will do let's say. While Valve is totally fine with putting maybe a 3.2k player into a very high skill normal pub through the creation of a smurf, the mmr system will punish him for underperforming (unless of course that players learns and improves), which is of course easier with better teammates. (To see how the game is played I suppose) same as watching stream.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I agree with that but pre calibration the system just pushes you as high as possible(up to the 5k~ cap they implemented) . Once you calibrate and start playing 100+ ranked games you will be able to see a trend (if calibration was correct or if you are higher or lower than you should be based on the winrate).

                                        People have this weird perception that their calibration MM is their true MM which is complete nonsense. MM only becomes reflective when it is maintained constant.


                                          Agree with everything you said.