General Discussion

General DiscussionList 3 heroes that fit you personality in game?

List 3 heroes that fit you personality in game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Veno - I like to harass and deal as much AOE damage in game.

    Spirit Breaker - Well, before the major nerf, I just like to overpower ANY heroes.

    Blood Seeker - I hate getting juked, stay and fight or u TP out.


      Nature's Prophet - I like to splitpush

      Tinker - I like to splitpush

      Drow Ranger - I like Benao AND I like to splitpush


        Meepo - I like to play challenging heroes.

        Meepo - I like to be able to split push when game is hard.

        Meepo - I like to be able to farm really fast.

        Meepo - I like being relevant all game.

        Meepo - I like huge magical dps.


          Terrorblade: I like the idea of being a cool demon and that hero can farm and splitpush like a madmen. Troll warlord: Next to his cool personality iTS a fun hero to play but dont judge me on the amount of games i played with him i havent played the hero for a couple months because i dont like picking mainstream heroes #hipster. Zeus: I have always liked Greeek mythology and its really cool to play the freaking thunder god (he is also the higher god in Greek mythology) then Only problem is that he looks like blue mario.


            Phoenix - high damage, FUCKING HUGE FIRE LASERS AND FIRE AND EXPLOSIONS and a situational bkb piercing stun of course

            Juggernaut - the first carry that I ever played decently well and has been a comfort carry for me ever since (started playing him about 2 years ago)

            Outworld Devourer - big space orb blasts and MIND EXPLOSIONS

            the realm's delight

              lina - i like boobs


                Templar Assassin: I like bursting people, and playing mind games with Refraction.
                Faceless Void: Bashing peoples faces in and amazing late game. Storm Spirit: Zip around continuously and if you do it right no one can land a hit on you while throwing overcharges.